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The Truth about ISIS


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It’s “the first of the storm”, says Islamic State. And little wonder. For the chaotic scenes on the streets of Paris and the fearful reaction those attacks provoked are precisely what Isis planned and prayed for. The greater the reaction against Muslims in Europe and the deeper the west becomes involved in military action in the Middle East, the happier Isis leaders will be. Because this is about the organisation’s key strategy: finding, creating and managing chaos.


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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OOppps, sorry about that.

Until humankind finds their best interests outside of their own wisdom to lift themselves up, that answer is the greatest bit of wisdom there is to answer the pain and sufferrng perpetrated on each other.

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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2 hours ago, LifeHiscost said:


OOppps, sorry about that.

Until humankind finds their best interests outside of their own wisdom to lift themselves up, that answer is the greatest bit of wisdom there is to answer the pain and sufferrng perpetrated on each other.

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Not sure what you are saying

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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46 minutes ago, lazarus said:

Not sure what you are saying

The headline describes the general direction of one of the most religious organizations in the world, claiming God (Allah) to be their best guide. 


ISIS says soda can bomb detonated on Russian plane got the wrong target

Chris Smith
November 19, 2015

The end results obviously show either the perpetrator followed the wrong direction or they got confused over what he asked, perhaps both. Maybe the God Who created all that there is, with intent it should last forever, would be more trustworthy as well as no necessity for apologizing for mistakes that cost so much pain to so many others.

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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On Wednesday, November 18, 2015 8:23:29, lazarus said:

It’s “the first of the storm”, says Islamic State. And little wonder. For the chaotic scenes on the streets of Paris and the fearful reaction those attacks provoked are precisely what Isis planned and prayed for. The greater the reaction against Muslims in Europe and the deeper the west becomes involved in military action in the Middle East, the happier Isis leaders will be. Because this is about the organisation’s key strategy: finding, creating and managing chaos.



From my perspective we may be in a "lose-lose" situation with ISIS and other jihadi groups.  If we ignore them, they continue to grow out of control until they can eventually overwhelm much of the world.  If we react against them out of fear and desperation, they win because they have exceeded in terrorizing us, causing us to give up our liberties and live in a police state.  Not to mention the fact that jihadis don't have to "invade" us to make war.  They are already here just waiting for the word to "go".

Just for discussion, let's say there are 3 million Muslims in this country.  Let's say that 10% (300,000) are radicalized to the point that they are militantly against Christians and western culture.  Let's say that 10% (30,000) of them are actually trained in combat (either through legitimate military training or jihad training); and ready to fight, if given the chance. Let's say 10% of those (3,000 men) organize in a central place (NYC?  Washington?  LA?) and start a fight.  How much damage could a "special forces" unit of 3,000 operatives supported by 297,000 others do here?

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Jo, your question is written in a conventional war context.  For conventional war, our planners know the answer to your question to include what the opposing force would need to be.

But, ISIS and others are not fighting a conventional war.  All of our equations and conventional war knowledge goes out the window.  By the way they do not need 297,000 supporting them.




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On 11/20/2015, 5:23:36, JoeMo said:


From my perspective we may be in a "lose-lose" situation with ISIS and other jihadi groups.  If we ignore them, they continue to grow out of control until they can eventually overwhelm much of the world.  If we react against them out of fear and desperation, they win because they have exceeded in terrorizing us, causing us to give up our liberties and live in a police state.  Not to mention the fact that jihadis don't have to "invade" us to make war.  They are already here just waiting for the word to "go".

IMHO, there is much about the rise of ISIS that does not add up. They are not some rag tag band of terrorists. At least one US army general has admitted that ISIS is funded by some of our allies in the Middle East. There is strong evidence to suggest that the US government supported ISIS initially. There are many who stand to make a lot of money from confronting ISIS, just like there was a lot of people who made money from confronting Saddam and the Taliban.

I seriously doubt that they can overwhelm much of the world. I suspect that tackling the ISIS problem will lead to people in the west giving up their most cherished freedoms.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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The Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant is mostly funded through criminal activity, such as the theft of a potential $425 million from a central bank in Mosul. But the group is also receiving private donations from wealthy Sunnis in American-allied Gulf nations such as Kuwait, Qatar, and, possibly, Saudi Arabia.


What is the subject matter of the 28 classified pages of the 911 report?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Great perspective, Laz.  I believe you are correct in saying that the U.S, has inadvertently supported and funded many terrorist organizations, including the Taliban, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.  Then they come back and bite us.

For example, the U.S did not "end the war" in Iraq.  We simply took our troops out and left billions of dollars worth of advanced military weaponry for ISIS to confiscate and use in their jihadi mission to establish a worldwide caliphate and destroy Israel and America.

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Check this out, its only 4 mins.


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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JoeMo, my fear is that the west is being drawn into another Middle East quagmire. The drums of war are beating. Syria and then next stop Iran.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I think what is interesting is how this fits in actual Biblical prophecy. In Revelation 13 and 17 it talks about a sequence of Heads or Empires, traditionally seen as (1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Babylon, (4) Persia, (5) Greece, (6) Roman, (7) Papal followed by Papal "Mortal Wound," and (8) Papal Resurgence. But there is a massive problem with this sequence if you look at history: the Papacy never succeeded the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was divided into two parts East and West, and whilst the Western part fell, the Eastern part continued for another thousand years. It only fell in 1453 at the Siege of Constantinople and the one to destroy the final remnants of the Roman Empire was the Islamic Empire under the Ottoman dynasty.

And the Papacy never received an alleged "mortal wound" in 1798. A mortal wound is actually a wound that leads to death. The Papacy did not die in 1798. Obviously, or else why is it still here. We have had Papal succession all the way. However, if you take the Islamic Caliphate as Empire (7) the Caliph and thus the Caliphate did die - in 1924 it was officially abolished. Much more fitting to the prophetic succession. And is it returning? Oh yes. With a vengeance. Just last year, after almost a century of its annulment, there was a New Caliphate - The Islamic State. This is the powerful significance of ISIS. I believe it is time to wake up to the actual reality that is playing out in front of us. 

Yes, this challenges the traditional Adventist interpretation. But If that is what reality is speaking, so be it. 

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  • 3 months later...

ISIS is not the problem - fundamentalist radical Islam is. ISIS is a symptom.   Even if ISIS is totally destroyed, there are other radical Islamic movements who will eagerly move in to fill the void.  As long as a significant number of radicals (like 5% or more of almost 1.8 billion people) are hell-bent on destroying everything that doesn't fit their myopic vision of the world according to Allah.  IMHO the Muslim Brotherhood is as large (if not a larger) a threat as ISIS.  ISIS operates above ground where we can find them.  The MB works underground where we can't find them.  ISIS is trying to eliminate their foes through war.  The MB is trying to take over though birthrate and leveraging freedom of religion laws against all non-Muslim causes and in favor of all Muslim causes.  Our political correctness is blinding us to the threat in front of us.

Let's say only 5% of the U.S. population becomes sufficiently radicalized to take up arms.  That's over15 million people. Do you think that a 15 million member militia could disrupt this country?  Let's say that only 5% if Islam (a conservative estimate) becomes sufficiently radicalized to take up arms.  That's 90 million people already scattered ("deployed") all over the world.  Do you think an army of 90 million people already in place all over the world could disrupt the planet? 

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