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What Excuse Do You Use?


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Do you ever use the excuse, "I can't help you [fill in some noble, good deed], because I have to do this other [lesss noble, non-relationship building] thing "for church"?

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There are more valid opportunities for service, to include financial help, than any one person can respond to.

God expects people to make choices. Those decisions limit the servcie given. Those limitations do not challenge the validity of the needs not addressed. They do not paint the one who limits in a negative light.


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That's very true Gregory.

There are more needs than any one person can fill. And boundaries are not a BAD thing although they have been painted as such for a while now.

But I don't think that what the original poster had in mind... was the usual sort of need where boundaries come into play. I think she meant the extra-ordinary, Kingdom demonstrating need... and have we ever used a "church-related" committment as an excuse not to get involved.

OP? Am I understanding you right?


A heart where He alone has first place.

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I have been asked by someone in the forum for help. That I am willing to do. The question is to what extent should one do this while there are hundreds of other worthy causes, so many needy relatives, so many other needy people clamoring also for help?


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I am probably totally misunderstanding this thread. But for what it's worth.

I don't understand why we should feel the need to make an excuse for not doing something if it does not fit with our resources (time, money, ability, etc) An honest response is usually the best response. Followed by adding the person and their needs to your prayer list.

Prayer is power. It can do more than all of our efforts.

We each have different talents and responsibilities. Often the time spent "making a living" and caring for our homes and families leaves little time for doing other "good" things. Charity begins at home. I have known people who spend so much time "doing good" that they fail to take care of their personal responsibilities.

We also need relaxation time. A time to laugh, mingle, to be with people who believe as we do. We are all vines and need the connection to the branch for our sanity and personal spiritual growth.

As we study our SS lessons this quarter we realize how much importance was put on the family.

We can not care for others if we neglect ourselves; time, health, money, etc.

As for putting the church first in a social situation. There are many functions within a church, board meetings, various ministries, etc. all are important and serve a purpose. If you have a steering committee for outreach and you also know a family who has an immediate need the same time as your outreach meeting, what do you do?

First, it depends on the urgency of the need and your ability to solve their crisis.

If you go and assist the family you have only your talents to offer. If you postpone it for a couple of hours there may be others who could share the burden and the needy family could benefit even more.

There are no two situations which are exactly alike.

Back to pray, pray, pray for direction. <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/163860-EmoticonPrayer.gif" alt="" />

As members of the Family Of God we all have different talents but no one knows what our special abilities are if they don't know us. Soooooooooo, some social interaction is necessary.

Just my :2cents:


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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