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False Witnesses


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When you stand for the truth, there is bound to be fiery opposition. Take for instance the life of Christ. His was filled with such beauty and love, yet still it ignited hate in the hearts of some.  Because He unashamedly stood for the truth, a group of men resented Him for it and even plotted His death. (John 11:49-57, Luke 23:20-25, Matthew 27: 20-35) In the final scenes of His life, as Jesus stood before Pilate there were many false witnesses who rose to speak lies against Him.  (Mark 14:55-59) The funny thing is, they had to resort to making up stories in order to build a case against Him. This was because Jesus’ life was so pure and spotless that the Pharisees could find nothing else to be used against Him. Even the heathen ruler Pilate becomes convicted of His innocence and tried to persuade the multitude to change their minds. (Luke 23:4, 14) Yet, the people had set in their hearts to commit such an injustice. Likewise, for those in history that were sincerely following Christ, they too encountered their fair share of haters. This was especially true for honourable men such as Daniel. When Daniel was exalted [...]

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