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Mom's car accident


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Please keep my mom in your prayers. I got home this afternoon to find an email from my dad. She was t-boned by a guy who ran a red light--spun her car around 180 degrees. Her air bag deployed, but because it was from the side and no side air bags, most of her ribs are broken as is her sternum. The doctor's biggest concern is keeping the pain under control so that she can breathe properly. Please pray for her.

Also for my dad, who is diabetic and doesn't realize how much mom monitors him. He's had some low sugar episodes at night, and it scares me to think of him alone. Pray that he keeps a very close eye on his eating, especially supper.

Thank-you! I'll call tonight (morning for Dad) and see what else there is to know. I'm still shaky and a little bit hyperventilating. And I feel very, very far from home!


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Michelle, I feel so much for you and your Mom and Dad and you will certainly all be in my prayers. One of the down sides of working in far flung areas is the distance from loved ones when things are not going well, you feel so very helpless. God bless you all.

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Dear Lord, please be with Michelle's parents who are in need right now of a present help in trouble, which Your Word declares You to be

We lift them up before You, asking Your mercy to help them over this time of need. Lord we ask it in the precious name of Your Son Jesus and thank you for it

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Dear Lord, I agree in prayer with Gail, and ask for Your gracious mercy in attending to Michelle's beloved Mother. Please guide the doctors attending her with wisdom and insight, and bring ease to her pain so that she may heal. Please touch her and heal her as only You can do. And please be with her father as well, Lord. Help him to keep a close watch on his blood sugar and to have the focus necessary to take care of himself. Draw him to You and let him know he can find peace by trusting in You. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Abba Father, I enter into prayer in agreement and faith with Nico and Gail. We ask Your special care on Michelle's mama, and the healing she needs. Bless her papa as well.

You know each need, each problem we try to carry on our own. We kneel at the cross a beggar at Your feet, praying that You will breathe on us. You lift us up, You breathe on us, the precious breathe of life You breathed on Adam. We are battered, bruised and torn, and just like a child who fell down and skinned their knee, we ask, that You will breathe on each of us.

Thank You Abba.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Oh God....

To You we lift our voices in prayer for Michelle's mother and father. You know our concerns in that little word, "oh". You know the emotion and the turmoil and the heartache and the powerlessness that we feel. But You are the God of Heaven, the great Physcian who heals and maintains and gives good gifts to us. You are the Healer of broken bones as well as broken hearts. You are the Healer that cares for the sick as well as restores the health of your children. Please comfort all involved and give this family hope and reasurrance. This is our prayer.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Dear Father Above,

I add my prayers to those aleady given. You alone are our hope and salvation. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers and groans, and for comforting our sorrow. Especially be with Michelle and her family. Give them the strength and resolve to go forward and the wisdom to know how to do this effectively. Please give her daddy the wisdom to care for himself now that his wife can't do for him. Please allow her mom to be able to breath deeply enough so that she doesn't contract pneumonia on top of the fractures. Only you can heal, and I petition your throne for her healing. Thank you for preserving her life during this awful accident and for laying your healing hand of mercy on her.

Thank you for being our God,

Morning Glory

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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Hi Michelle,

I hope this turns out good for both your parents, I'm sorry to hear about you mother's accident. I will be praying.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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Briefly--I talked to my mom late last night/early yesterday morning for her. She was in good spirits. The epidural is keeping the pain at bay, though in an email from my dad, apparently there were some problems with it Tuesday--the medicine stopped, and the pain was back with a vengeance. however, they did get it started again.

The admitting doctor is a good friend of my mom's (she's a home care nurse affiliated with that hospital). In fact, I love that hospital. It is very good with good caring nurses and doctors--Lutheran medical systems (used to be). (McKee Medical Center, for those of you in Colorado)

Dad seems to be doing all right. he is quite aware of his issues, it seems, and is on top of them.

Mom was up walking in the halls 3 or 4 times today, per doctor's orders. Someone told her there was another patient who was going to outdo her. Mom said, oh, I didn't know it was a competition, I'll have to do better. She's very competitive in a way that is very funny because she's so reserved and shy.

Still saying that she'll be there through this week. I don't know about longer. A lot depends on the pain. She didn't know details yet about the ribs (she was in too much pain when they did the original ct scan to ask, like she usually does), but she does know there are more broken than not. She said she could put her hand on her sternum and feel the bones grating as she breathed.

There does not appear to be any internal organ injury, but they're keeping a very close eye on that.

Thanks for your prayers. I told her that I had emailed and posted prayer requests and she was thankful.


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That is a good report. It is such a comfort to know the medical professionals who hold your health in their hands.

Will pray that the situation for each of your parents will improve rapidly.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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There was an email from Dad this morning (Sabbath for me) that Mom went home around 2:30 yesterday afternoon (Friday for her). Fortunately for them, their pharmacy knows them well, because workman's comp wouldn't okay the pain drugs until Monday (oh, isn't that just perfect--our government money hard at work!), but since the pharmacy knows them well, they gave them the drugs anyway and can run them through mom's insurance if workman's comp won't approve them. Amazing.

My aunt and uncle took her home in their Vue, as she thought the little car (Saturn) would not be very comfortable.

The insurance person for the other guy needs to talk to mom before he can determine that the other guy is 100% at fault, but as Dad says, that should be a formality, as there were witnesses who said the other guy ran a red.

I called her Friday morning/Thursday evening so the boys could talk to her. She was so happy to hear from them. They just chattered on and on. She said she was somewhat bored, as she wasn't strong enough to hold a book to read, and couldn't sit up too much, and she doesn't watch that much TV (except DVDs of MASH, LOL). So I guess Dad was getting her some books on tape from the library.

I'm sure the dog was happy to see her home, but they didn't mention that. smile.gif Though he won't know what to think with her home all the time for the next however long.

Again, thanks for your prayers.


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Thanks for the update...

It' interesting how we can feel so much pain for someone whom we have never met, and lives on the 'other' side of the world for some of us.

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Thank you for the updates, Michelle. I pray that your mom will continue to improve and that there will be no complications

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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PTL <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Re: "McKee Medical Center"

It is in Loveland Colorado, a city known round the world for it postmark during the Valentine season, and the red hearts, with personal messages of love, posted round the city at this time of the year.

A hospital located outside of the large Denver hospitals, but with an excellent reputation for excellance in care.

I do not know your mother's name, but I might know her (?). I lived in Loveland for several years once. She probably attends either the Loveland chruch, or the Campion Church?


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Thanks Toni! She's doing a lot better. She's taking a twice-daily pain pill and sleeping most of the time. X-rays are showing that the sternum is healing straight. The workman's comp doctor is trying to find a nursing job where she can work 4 hours a day, not lifting more than 5 pounds with two hands, and no twisting or bending. I wrote back and told her that after she picks herself up off the floor from laughing, she can rejoin the real world and "enjoy" some more time off. She is playing Mah Jongg on the computer and reading more, but still not getting out much. They're going to look at a new car on Monday (another Saturn Vue). Dad sent me the pictures--her car was pretty fractured--however it was interesting to see that it had side-impact air bags (which had deployed). I wonder how much worse she would have been without those. She has constant low-level pain, but it's managable with the meds she's on.

Thanks for the prayers!


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