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What's your reason?

rudywoofs (Pam)

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I'm very enthusiastic about the miracle which is Sister White. Maybe I don't seem like it given my different (!) approach to her published works, but I am.

For me, she is what Adventism is really all about. No more, no less. Even if she didn't think so herself.

I'm in a conversation, so far mainly with myself, about her. I'm here to develop this further. Maybe others can share. I don't like being alone.

I've never been welcome in any Adventist gathering. I have been called names, terrible things, too many times. Treated violently. Received death threats.

Online and offline.

This place seems mostly different in that respect. (Maybe I'm just learning to get along better with people.) So, I'm here still.

Adventism has a purpose. A now much thwarted purpose in my opinion. It has not succeeded, I think. Perhaps it never will, but I hope for more.





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2 Samuel 24:1-- The LORD moved David to number Israel.

1 Chronicles 21:1-- SATAN moved David to number Israel.


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I hope we being to discuss the errors in the church and be open minded about it.

That would be the subject of another thread...not this one....


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17 minutes ago, CoAspen said:

That would be the subject of another thread...not this one....


I totally agree. Let's get :backtopic:

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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6 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

LifeHiscost: I went to the site but some is wrong with it. It is stuck and there is request for browser?????? I am using Google!

Be bless!

Hi Marri, and a :happysabbath: 

I tried this tiny URL and it worked for me. Maybe it will for you. http://tinyurl.com/zpjj65h  

If not, here is the web page for the group that carries that selection and maybe you can isolate it by your own choosing. The speaker's name is Allan Lindsay, and the title to the sermon is

"The King is Coming, Soon" .   I use FireFox, don't know if that will makes any difference. 

Oops didn't mean to begin to yell but that happens to me lots when I cut and paste. LoL


God is Love!~Jesus saves!  :D




Lift Jesus up!!

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On 3/18/2016 at 5:00 PM, rudywoofs (Pam) said:

C/A means different things to different people.  What's your reason for becoming a member of ClubAdventist?



Guess I'd have to have that one as mine and to put it into words of explanation, to do as much as possible to make it clear to reveal from the Word why Jesus is my best Friend. largely a result of innumerable incidents that made it clear I wouldn't be alive today if He hadn't stepped in numerous times to preserve my life, when my own choices led in a different direction.

14"You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15"No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.… John 15

God is Love!~Jesus saves!   :D



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Lift Jesus up!!

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I stumbled upon CA and then didn't come back for a long time... i have no idea why at the time.   I finally stepped in  venturing to experience community... i found incredible diversity which i am very at home with...  I have been enjoying participating in and reading if not posting.  It really has helped my communication of my faith everywhere i go.  God is wherever you find Him.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Club Adventist is as it's descriptive emblematic picture of being alone with an empty seat glowing with accompaniment from above. It's the last link to human spiritual communities for many. The new practice or regulation of non-qouting has improved Club Adventist a lot from diehard endless circling exchanges.

I hope many more are blessed by Club Adventist.

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Test me with thy might but grant me safe passage. Now, who said that?

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I was on the original Adventist Forum on Compuserve under Sysop Ralph Blodgett, though I didn't say much while on there. I migrated to Club Adventist when the Adventist Forum faded away, and have been on and off here ever since. I came because I needed adult conversation with people of similar culture and thought processes, after having been teaching kids all week in large schools where I was the only SDA. I try to be a gentle witness when I can, and to help when I can, but I am mainly here for social interaction and to spout my knowledge and opinions! (laughing at myself)

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I consider certain people here in CA to be friends.   But, my primary reason for being here is not for socialization.

My primary reason is ministry.  I  consider CA to be ministry.  I am here because I believe that I am doing ministry by being here.

If I ever come to think that I cannot do ministry here I will leave.  I once did and for three (3) years.  I do not blame anyone.  I do not point the finger.   But, I came to the place where I recognized that internal stuff going on within me resulted in potential spiritual harm to me and on that  basis I could not continue to do ministry here.  So, I left, and I take full, 100%, responsibility for that.  No other person was at fault.

I have come back, because in part I have gotten myself back in order in a manner that I do not presently consider CA to be of potential spiritual harm to me.

So, that is me and where I am at this point in time.

Presently I have left another forum due to the fact that I came to believe that I could no longer do ministry there.  I do not fault people there.  I have a high deal of respect for the person who owns that forum.  I have welcomed here to CA an individual from that forum who played a part in my leaving.  I do not hold any antagonism against that person.  I wish the owner of that forum well in his efforts, which I respect.



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My primary reason is ministry. 

It worked for me. I think being here has helped smooth down a few rough edges on my personality, and, helped me reach a better understanding of who I am. Not to mention the resulting benefits of many, many hours of scripture study which has helped me form some of my ideas about the Kingdom.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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