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what in Daniel connects to Obama's term as America's final president?


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17 hours ago, CoAspen said:

Okay, you had your say. What was EGW's instructions for people believing they had new light? If it was rejected after doing the above? Did she say to keep pushing the agenda or to be quiet and keep to ones self?

If only the brethren would follow Ellen's instructions as I have. But when they fail to do their duty to give new light a fair and honest hearing, the LORD does not bind us to their failings. EGW had that experience and set a worthy example.

     "For nearly two years the book containing warnings and instruction from the Lord, given especially for this time, has been lying in our publishing houses, and no one feels the necessity or importance of bringing it before the people. Brethren, how long am I to wait for you to get the burden? Now Vol. I, or "Patriarchs and Prophets," is ready for circulation; but even for this book I will not allow Vol. IV to remain longer as a light under a bushel. I am in sore distress of mind, but who of my brethren cares for this?  {1888 654.2} 
    "Has the Lord moved upon my mind to prepare this work to be sent everywhere, and is he moving upon my brethren to devise plans which shall bar the way, so that the light which he has given me shall be hid in our publishing houses instead of shining forth to enlighten all who will receive it?"  {1888 654.3}

     "I know that God has moved upon me to write, and now if it is left for me to take up the burden of bringing these books to the attention of the people, I can do this, though I know that the work ought to rest upon others. Now I ask my brethren, are matters to continue as they have been for the last two years? I wish to know now, because I shall feel it my duty at once to take up the book you manifest no interest in. If I had only understood, at the outset, the turn that was to be given to Bible Readings, I could have taken my work into my own hands, and thus have saved this long delay. My children have counseled me to wait a while longer before speaking out, but I dare not do so. I have looked and waited for some one to place Vol. IV in the position it should be, until hope has died out of my heart.  {1888 662.2}
     "After carrying the burden of writing the book, and getting it through the press, I trusted that I could then lay it in the hands of my brethren,--that they would understand and appreciate its importance, and would take up their part of the work without any urging from me. But if I alone have been made to feel the sacred, solemn importance of scattering the rays of light for this time of peril, may the Lord strengthen me for the work. I will delay no longer, but will look to the Captain of my salvation and promptly obey.  {1888 662.3}
    "I ask the presidents of the several conferences if they will have some interest to correct the wrong tendencies manifest in our canvassing work. Show the canvassers that they should not carry things to extremes; that they should not drop the very books that the people are in suffering need of, and push a new work, which can fill only a limited sphere, thus shutting away from the people the special warnings which God has sent to them for this time.  {1888 662.4} 
    "I have evidence that the Lord impresses the hearts of those who read what is written in Vol. IV concerning those scenes of thrilling interest, --the things that are, and that shall be. And if those who claim to believe the third angel's message would carefully and prayerfully read the important, solemn truths that relate to this time, as presented in Vol. IV and would give heed to them, they would be led to search the Scriptures more earnestly and prayerfully, and would better comprehend the word of God, and the trying scenes just before us."
                             (Signed) Ellen G. White. {1888 663.1} 

His child Henry 

Bible student/Author https://www.loudcry101.com

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Comparing your self to EGW?

You obviously missed the point of her instructions. You tried at several levels, it was found wanting so you come back as say you weren't given a chance. You then castigate them for not agreeing with you. No, you have not followed the process EGW laid out but try to compare your self to her.


But if he acts as did the Jews when their opinions and ideas were crossed, then we certainly cannot receive such testimony, for it does not produce the fruits of righteousness. (Your words-But when they fail to do their duty to give new light a fair and honest hearing, the LORD does not bind us to their failings.)

The most convincing testimony that we can bear to others that we have the truth is the spirit which attends our advocacy of that truth.

I could go on with more info from EGW about pushing 'new light' where she was more strong about the individuals not accepting  the advice given them. But, based on your comments I don't see that as accomplishing anything.

Good day

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What in Daniel connects to Obama's term as America's final president?

My answer: NOTHING.


But what in Daniel according to Christ Himself connects to the imminence of His 2nd Coming?

My answer: the abomination of desolation. See Matt 24:14-31.


After the gospel He wanted preached to the world had been preached, Christ told His disciples that the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel shall be set up. That setting up will trigger the start of the great tribulation = the time of trouble of Dan 12:1, 2. God will shorten the period of occurrence of the great tribulation or no flesh remains alive when He comes.


IMMEDIATELY AFTER the great tribulation, unusual celestial phenomena will occur (e.g., solar eclipse by day coupled with lunar eclipse by night, etc.), and then our long awaited Savior comes again. As per Daniel 12:1, 2, God’s people will be delivered, all whose names are found written in the book (of life?).


But what is the abomination of desolation? It is the image of the beast of Rev 13. How so?


In Daniel, the word “abomination” is from the Hebrew #Quvi “shiqquts” which elsewhere in the OT refers to graven images or idols which pagans worship as their deities. See 1 Kings 11:5, 7; 2 Kings 23:13. The abomination that Jesus spoke about is one that will cause the desolation of God’s people just before He comes again.


In Scriptures, there is only one image in the last days that will cause the desolation of God’s people: the image of the beast. See Rev 13:15.


It is the false prophet of the beast who will cause the setting up of the abomination of desolation. The false prophet and the beast will be together against Christ and His armies in the final battle, the battle of Armageddon.

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7 hours ago, CoAspen said:

Comparing your self to EGW?

You obviously missed the point of her instructions. You tried at several levels, it was found wanting so you come back as say you weren't given a chance. You then castigate them for not agreeing with you. No, you have not followed the process EGW laid out but try to compare your self to her.

I could go on with more info from EGW about pushing 'new light' where she was more strong about the individuals not accepting  the advice given them. But, based on your comments I don't see that as accomplishing anything.

Good day


You must have realized that you are preaching to the choir.

When New Light is discovered, it is the responsibility of those who are grounded in the three angels' messages to examine it carefully to see if there is any merit in it. Unless the Lord's shepherds have fulfilled their obligation to prayerfully examine the material, they have no authority to speak good or ill of it. And an honest investigation is more than politely hearing a random sound byte. To dismiss something because they don't understand it is not an honest examination. 


     Point after point of truth should be investigated; for there is no limitation to the truth of God, and in its study a most lively interest should be felt by both teachers and pupils, that they may know what God hath said. For years the voice of God has been saying to us, “Agitate, agitate, agitate.” Study every point of truth, that you may know for yourselves what is truth in distinction from error. Let students search for themselves, that they may know the deep things of God. Let this work be done in the Spirit of Christ. Put no restriction upon the students.  {TSS 55.2}
     In searching the Scriptures there is need of great humility of mind and contrition of heart, of seeking earnestly unto God. Those who come in a lowly spirit, seeking for truth, will be aided in their search by the angels of God.  {TSS 56.1}
     The Lord will raise up men to bear the message of truth to the world and to His people. If those in responsible positions do not move onward in the opening providences of God, bearing an appropriate message for this time, the words of warning will be given to others who will be faithful to their trust. Even youthful Christians will be chosen to “cry aloud and spare not.”  {TSS 56.2}


His child Henry 

Bible student/Author https://www.loudcry101.com

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