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"Russia, please explain"

Neil D

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Hamas invitation prompts US questions

The United States has asked Russia to "please explain" President Vladimir Putin's announcement he wants to invite leaders of the militant group, Hamas, to Moscow.

A US State Department spokesman says Washington expects Russia to demand Hamas give up armed resistance after its win in Palestinian elections last month.

On a visit to Spain, Mr Putin said Russia, unlike Israel and the West, does not consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation.

He is attaching no conditions to contact with the group.

"It has to be recognised that Hamas came to power through a democratic and legitimate election and one should respect the choice of the Palestinian people," he said.

"We must seek steps that would be acceptable for the Palestinians, for the international community and for Israel."

The Russian leader's invitation was the surprise announcement at the end of an official visit to Spain.

And Hamas has already responded positively.

A senior Hamas official has said that its leaders would visit Russia if President Putin issued a formal invitation.

Hamas is expected to soon form the new Palestinian government after defeating the mainstream Fatah movement in last month's elections.

Hamas is considered to be a terrorist organisation by the United States, which is calling on the group to renounce violence and recognise Israel.

[:"blue"] This may be a shot in the dark, but maybe Russia is willing to work with Hamas...? Maybe they are going to start talks with them....and influence Hamas...? Maybe Russia could sell them oil, so that they can create and economic viable society that eventually takes over Isreal? Maybe, Russia looks like a leader working with Hamas instead of against it....Yathink? [/]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Maybe they could sell them weapons, guns, bombs and nuclear techonology. We know what they were selling Saddam. Maybe we have reason for alarm.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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OH MY GOODNESS, they are making.....F R I E N D S !!!!!!!!!

And Putin is OUR (?) friend????

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Since when does ANY country need to explain to the USA why it is having exchanges with a democratically elected government.

Bush really is an idiot.


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Bush really is an idiot.

No! Really? Ya reckon?




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Since when does ANY country need to explain to the USA why it is having exchanges with a democratically elected government.

I think there is to be a question mark there?

Please review the events of 9/11/01 and the state of the union address given in January 2002 and rephrase the question.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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No rephrasing required: just add the question mark and the question is good to go.

It's breath-takingly arrogant of the US to call the government of any other sovereign country on the carpet for its foreign policy decisions.

Truth is important

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Please review the events of 9/11/01 and the state of the union address given in January 2002 and rephrase the question

George W Bush has consistently and repeatedly lied to the USA to dupe its citizen's into supporting his party's grab for power and its looting of the American tax payer's money.

9/11, for people like Shane who apparently are very gullible, was done a bunch of Saudi Arabian's. Not by Iraqi's and not by Palestinians.

The Palestian's have thrown out a bunch of American-backed ineffective looters and replaced them with an organization that actually has a reputation for helping the poor. They did so in a fair and free election.

If GWB has any intellectual honesty (unlikely, I know) he will be trying to work WITH the new Palestinian government. Instead he is trying to bring it down.

"They've got to be protected, all their rights respected, at least until somebody we like can be elected".

If GWB ever opened a history book, he would learn of a whole series of corrupt governments around the world the the USA has propped up - and he would learn of the extreme anti-American sentiment that follows when these governments finally get overthrown.

The Bush administration is the worst US government in my adult life - by a huge margin - and I have always tended to prefer Republican to Democrat policies, so don't accuse me of being a Democrat.


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On 9/11/01 Americans discovered they had an enemy that wanted to kill as many of them as it could. They learned this enemy was a terror network that was harbored by various nations. In the state of the union address in January of 2002, President Bush stated the the United States would make no distinction between the terrorists and the nations that harbor them. That has become known as the Bush Doctrine.

BUSH DONCTRINE: America will not distinguish between terrorists and nations that harbor them.

Now fast forward to 2006. The Palestinian people elect a terrorist organization to lead them. Apply the Bush Doctrine. It become very easy to see why the White House is concerned with Moscow's actions. No mistery.


The Palestian's have [elected] an organization that actually has a reputation for helping the poor.

Not all organizations are what they seem. Hamas has won the hearts of the Palestian people much like the KKK won the hearts of American southerners. >>> Click here for the KKK prespective <<<


The Ku Klux Klan is a US Supreme Court recognized and protected Christian Organization in multiple Supreme Court decisions, and has received a Charter from US Congress.


We are against terrorists, the immoral, and oppose all criminal behavior and activity. The Klan promotes, upholds and protects all the laws in whatever state, country, or city you live in...


In the past the KKK received a Charter from US Congress because of our great moral and good Christian behavior. We will continue to love one another of our own race, culture and future no matter what the devil and his world says about us...

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Hamas has won the hearts of the Palestian people much like the KKK won the hearts of American southerners

The KKK was not seen as a provider of social services to the under-privileged, nor as an alternative to a severely corrupt and inefficient regime.

Hamas was.



The results announced Thursday, however, showed Hamas winning three more seats from the national list than Fatah and nearly three times as many in district races. In addition to its sweep here in Ramallah, [:"red"]Hamas won all seats except those reserved for Christian candidates in such traditional Fatah territory as Bethlehem and Jerusalem, where the Israeli cabinet had prohibited Hamas candidates from campaigning. [/]


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Americans discovered they had an enemy that wanted to kill as many of them as it could

and that enemy was NOT Hamas, nor have I heard any strong evidence of a strong tie between Al Queda and Hamas.

Doesn't matter - there was no strong tie between Al Queda and Iraq or Iran or North Korea either, and the Bush neo-con war-hawks went after them.

The Bush administration treats American's like stupid sheep to be fleeced by lies. However the country is beginning to realize that Bush's buddies are taking billions from the tax payer's pockets...

Exactly how many $Hundreds-of-Millions of Iraq reconstruction aid can the Administration not account for?


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Exactly how many $Hundreds-of-Millions of Iraq reconstruction aid can the Administration not account for?

Ahem....[looking this way and that and whispering]-

All of it!




Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The Bush Doctrine needs to be applied to more nations. That is not to saw military action needs to be taken, but action needs to be taken against those nations that continue to harbor terrorists.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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