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Cartoons of Mohammed

Jerry Rogers

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Strange that hardly a peep was heard from those that study the koran and know that sawing of the head of an innocent man is forbidden by Islam. We have quite a large group of muslims in MN and the silence on the screams of this young man was almost deafening. Maybe they don't know this is forbidden by Islam.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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they dont like us(Westerners and Euro)


thats the issue.

They dont like us.

They are bellyaching about us. And their bellyaches have a savage thing going on in there.

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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Gay4JESUS said:

they dont like us(Westerners and Euro)


thats the issue.

They dont like us.

They are bellyaching about us. And their bellyaches have a savage thing going on in there.

I tend to agree with you. Nor do I get all teary eyed at the thought of those rioting being so offended spiritually they can do nothing but riot. Poppycock. If they do not get offended at the atorcities committed in the name of Allah, or "what they think of as "Allah" then what is a cartoon or two. Makes as much sense as a group of SDA's sawing off someone's head and the rest of us doing nothing but offering a big yawn and then rioting and killing because the muslims mock our Sabbath.

As long as they don't like us or the Europeans maybe a muslim could explain why they go to both countries in droves. Seems to me they would stay where they know Mohammed or Allah would not be desecrated. I certainly would not go to a country where my religious beliefs were treated with scorn.

Nor do I quite understand the sympathy expressed over this as posting cartoons mocking religious beliefs are quite common and thought of as quite humorous. A determination is made that the character in the cartoon is a hypocrite an is therefore rightly mocked. I fail to see the halo here that hangs overhead that says "Special Consideration for the God of Muslims and their prophet Mohammed"

How many here by the way have mocked and ridiculed Ellen White on the unOFFICIAL SDA forum ? One that has been recognized by the official SDA denomination as a messenger of God. Maybe those that have been offended by that should make themselves heard in the same way the muslims are. Would you all be so sensitive to their feelings?


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Strange that hardly a peep was heard from those that study the koran and know that sawing of the head of an innocent man is forbidden by Islam. We have quite a large group of muslims in MN and the silence on the screams of this young man was almost deafening. Maybe they don't know this is forbidden by Islam.

From professors of Islam at universities they tell us that Islam forbids the taking of innocent life but on the other hand we are told by the laity of Islam that killing infidels or non Muslims is incouraged by Islam. There was an Egyptisn girl in my daughters academy who after 911 told the students that Islam commands that Muslims kill all infidels and that what was done at 911 was a good thing. This enraged the students and there was a movement to get that girl kicked out. I do not think it happened though. I do think the principle talked to the parents and the girl did stop talking about that. Still it was obvious that the girl was getting this from her home discussions.

The gulf between Islam and Christianity is to great. We will never accept each other.

Out pastor tried to get different religions to come to explain the similarities between our church and themselves. A group of Islamics came and it turned into a political speech. This was before Setember 11 2001. They were saying that the US was framing Bin Ladin for the Kenya Bombings and that Bin Ladin was innocent of all that the US was accusing him of. I was so angry I got up and walked out towards the end of that speech. I wrote the pastor and complained about it and explained that the US had intercepted Cell phone transmissions linking Bin Ladin to the Kenya Embassy bombings and that this was no frame up.

The pastor had gotten a lot of complaints about this and said he was sorry about that. He did not intend for these people to be turning the pulpit into a political statement against the USA.

Because of that no more non SDA pastors or religious leaders have ever spoken at our church since that time.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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I, for one do not get the warm fuzzies over this kind, gentle, welcoming religion. I am sure there are decent people that are muslims, however, I also believe they are convinced that all who are not muslim are infidels.

When there is such acceptance of such barbaric behavior it has to have it's roots somewhere. Those roots won't be found in the equivlant of our ten commandments reading "Thou Shalt Not Kill" "Thou Shalt Not torture" If that were in the Koran and they were to abide by that, events like beheading innocent people would not be met with a big yawn.

Those that believed their religion taught differently and tried to live according to it's words would have been appalled and incensed to have such acts done in their name.

It is pretty easy and convenient to say we don't believe in taking innocent life and only kill the infidel's, when you throw in the kicker, If you are not muslim, you are an infidel


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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This is a general post with regards to Muslims.

One cannot say that Muslims dont like Westerners. Of course many Arabic nations are dubious of Western lifestyles but there are Muslims in all countries of the world, in both the West and the East who do not create as many of the extremists do.

The Muslim associates I have distance themselves from the violence of the Koran, as much as you and I would distance ourselves from the violence of the Old Testament.

Maybe the experiences are different but for those of us who have dialogue with Muslims, they abhor extremism in all its forms. They respect the common heritage we have in Abraham and with Jesus, even if they do see Mohammed as their last prophet. They join in street protests in the UK against the violence in Iraq and a number of members of the Muslim Council in the UK have personally flown out to Iraq to negotiate on behalf of UK hostages and to be part of the groups negotiating for other dignataries from Europe, Australia, Japan and the US.

Many are still confused as to why countries like Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded by Allied forces, and the resulting instability. They are hurt by the divisions in Sudan and Nigeria between Christians and Muslims. Sometimes it pays to actually talk to those who are level headed, we never know it could be a more pwoerful form of witness than we realise.

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