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Embracing God: Study 5 - Second Coming: Eager Living

David Edgren

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Study 5 - Second Coming: Eager Living

As we learned in the study about the sanctuary, the blood of the sacrificed animals prepared people to understand the sacrifice of Jesus. The Sanctuary on Earth was also a great illustration of what would one day take place through the Cross. Just as the Sabbath is tied to this great day of atonement, so is the second coming of Jesus.

Read Hebrews 9:23-28

Where did the plan/model for the tabernacle on Earth come from? (Heb 9:23)

What was accomplished by the sacrifice (blood) of animals? (Heb 9:23)

What ‘far better sacrifice’ was made to cleanse the Heavenly Sanctuary? (Heb 9:23)

Where is Jesus, now? What is He doing? (Heb 9:24)

How powerful was the death of Jesus? What did it accomplish? (Heb 9:25-26)

After death, there are two possible outcomes: Judgement or Salvation. It is our choice which we receive. How do we demonstrate our belief that Jesus took the Judgement we deserve and that we await ultimate Salvation? (Heb 9:27-28)

Those who eagerly wait for the return of Jesus live with assurance of Salvation because of their faith in His atoning sacrifice on the Cross. They live in the belief that the same God who would offer His son as a perfect sacrifice in their place will also send Him to claim them as His own.

The lifestyle of one living in the hope of the Second Coming is one of eager anticipation. Knowing they are soon to receive the ultimate reward of eternal life with their Creator and Redeemer, they tirelessly spend their time telling others of the soon coming King and the eternal reward He brings with Him. And, unwaveringly, they invite and implore their friends and family to be ready.

Read Acts 1:6-11

When the Holy Spirit enters God’s people, they receive power to do what?

Why is it important to be telling the story of Jesus to the world as we wait?

How will Jesus return? What will it look like?

Read Matthew 24:26-31

The first time Jesus came as a baby quietly born in a stable. How is this time different?

What do you think Matt 24:30-31 will sound like? Look like? Feel like? Describe the scene…

What is the goal of this second visit to Earth?

Where will he take these ‘chosen ones’?

Read John 14:1-3

Why might our hearts be troubled before Jesus returns? (death of loved ones, suffering, sin)

What is Jesus’ advice for those of us who worry about life?

What promise did He make to those who have chosen Him?

When will Jesus return to get us?

When Jesus is ready, when all is prepared for us, He will return to Earth in glorious splendour. This time not as a baby in a manger surrounded by animals but as a King on a throne surrounded by angels. The Second Coming of Jesus will show his true nature to the entire world.

And it will change everything!

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

What promises are in this passage?

What happened to Jesus after the Cross? (resurrection)

How does this give us hope for the Second Coming? (Eternal life is secure – even for dead believers)

What story of the future are we to encourage each other with until we see Jesus return?

Conclusion and Call

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

This is the story we are to repeat to our friends, family and ourselves as we eagerly wait. What part of this ‘end time mission statement’ stands out for you? (take an answer from each person in the circle)

Do you want to live in the light of knowing Jesus is returning to claim His people?

Do you want to live like someone living in the dark or the light? What will you do? (1 Thes 5:8)

God chose not to pour His anger on you but to save you through Jesus. What do you say?

Christ’s death and resurrection guarantee that eternal life is possible! What do you say?

The last two verses in the Bible speak to and for all those who believe Jesus is coming back for them.

Read Revelation 22:20-21
What do you say?


Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

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