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Rice says Iran in 'open defiance' on nuclear program

Neil D

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[:"blue"] Ok, so, what happens next? Sanctions to be sure, but I suspect that there will be some bombings or some military action.....The question is by whom.... [/]

(Turkish Daily News Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)By resuming uranium enrichment for nuclear fuel, Iran is in "open defiance" of the international community, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday.

Rice told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Bush administration has been examining the "full range of sanctions on Iran" and is also considering additional sanctions the United States could impose on its own, although international action would be more effective.

"They have now crossed a point where they are in open defiance" of the international community, she said.

Appearing before lawmakers, Rice gave no details. The United States has had broad sanctions on Iran since that country's 1979 Islamic revolution.

Are you ready for some neuclear WAR????

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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It's probably tasteless, but I did briefly consider starting a pool on the date of (a) the first bombing and (B) the invasion. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Truth is important

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It really doesn't matter, because whether or not Iran gets attacked today, in twenty years time the technology needed to build WMD and their delivery systems will be so widespread and so cheap that the West can't possibly constrain them.

GWB's strategy is too increase anti-American sentiment world-wide while pretending to have his finger stuck firmly in the hole in the dike - and hope it doesn't overflow the whole levy on his watch.

What a moronic administration. No foresight what so ever.

Bush is in charge - the looting is continuing as planned.


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olger said:

Dear Bevin: Why are you so upset with George?


Umm.....You don't see that "No foresight what so ever.

Bush is in charge - the looting is continuing as planned." is reason enough for being upset with Bush???

Ok, I don't understand.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Some people have idealogical glasses on. They are like blinders that keep them from seeing the big picture. Some of these people are called Republicans, others Democrats, still others Libertarians, Socialists, Nazis, etc. Some decide they don't like President Bush and have prejudged everything he has done or ever will do. They are wearing idealogical blinders.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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GWB has selected and is responsible for an administration that has made a set of huge blunders that are costing both the USA tax payer, the USA citizen, and the world in general a great deal of money.

They have run up the national debt to huge new heights

The Dept of Homeland Security has ignored most of the major threats to the USA, and instead focused its efforts on stupid PR stunts, such as taking shoes off getting onto airplanes and smallpox vaccines.

They have consistently screwed up the response to the global warming issue

They have actively supported torture as national policy

They have actively built secret prisons all over the world

They have alienated most of the rest of the world

They totally messed up the Katrina response, because of rampant cronyism

They have actively tried to cheat on elections - see, for example, the PROVEN IN COURT phone-jamming in NH by Republicans.

In short, the only thing GWB has done well is transfer $$$ into the pockets of Halliburton and oil magnates.

And I, until this bunch of clowns, strongly prefered Republicans over Democrats.


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But Shane, what is the alternative - because others characterise as 'Bush-haters' or 'wearers of ideological glasses' (as you have) anyone who criticises Bush on any point! You have a good balanced perspective yourself - you don't like everything he has done, but approve of a number of

things. You're willing to agree that he has done some bad things, or handled things badly.

There definitely exists a 'cult of Bush', wherein he is seen as infallible, and anyone who dares to suggest he has done anything wrong is branded a heretic.

Truth is important

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Hehehe - and I swear I didn't go looking for this - I just stumbled over it about 5 minutes after reading the above discussion: http://www.salon.com/comics/tomo/2006/02/27/tomo/story.jpg

Seems to me checkng out each other's glasses ain't that different from checking out each other's motes...

Truth is important

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No one is all good or all bad. If a person doesn't have idealogical glasses on they will at times comment about good things a politician does and at other times about bad things he or she does.

When President Clinton was in office I would purposely look for good things that he did and I found it wasn't that hard. I disagreed with him on a number of issues but did not let his good deeds go unoticed.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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There definitely exists a 'cult of Bush'

I can't say I have ever met someone that would be in a "cult of Bush" and I associate in conservative circles in Texas. Maybe this is like Hilary Clinton's vast right wing conspiracy. crazy.gif

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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smile.gif @ Shane.

I would like to state that there are no human solutions to the problems that we face as a nation.

It is a good time to renew our membership in the kingdom of heaven.

While I (and multiplied others) chafed under the immoralities of the previous administration, I do not place my hope in this one either.



"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Nor should anyone. I happen to see government as a necesary evil and the work of reform as a continual process. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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