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David Koot

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For the past three years, I have been renting a room in the home of a family here in Petaluma, while doing community evangelism. Last month, the wife told me that they need the room in which I have been staying, for their older son. They would like me to relocate by the end of this month. I have been checking around, and have put the word out, but so far, nothing affordable has materialized. I ask for prayer for God to guide, to supply my needs and the needs of His work, and to open doors according to His will.

Thanks much.

David Koot

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I will pray with you that God will open the doors according to His will.



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I'll be praying David.

I like the verse where He says not to worry about what we'll eat, drink or wear. I've always known He also means, not to worry about where we'll sleep as well, since that is as essential as eating and drinking.

Hang in there, it will work out!

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Dave maybe there's a nice SDA family nearby with a room or basement apartment to rent? Maybe put the word out at your church or something ... 1_prayer001.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Maybe the local Adventist church pastor (or church secretary) would post a notice either on the bulletin board or in the church bulletin, asking for a room available for a male renter. They don't need to name your name in the ad. It should work to the benefit of the owners, too, bringing them a little income.

And, just as a landlord would perhaps ask for your references before renting to you, so should you be very careful and ask for some references before moving into any stranger's house. [Of course, having the offer coming through the church should itself be a good reference.]

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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... Or maybe the Lord is calling you out of Marin County into a different location altogether! Hey, anything is possible ...

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Thank-you each one, for the prayer support! The prayers have been answered! Last night, as I was waiting for a couple with whom I had been studying, I felt an urgent need to pray. When I got back, the landlady announced quite firmly, that I needed to be out by the end of this month, because of her son's need for the room. I didn't know what to do, but did feel a sense of peace as I prayed.

Housing in this area is not cheap, but this family had, for three years, made a room in their home available at a greatly reduced rate. That was how I have been able to continue here. Last night, I wondered if my work for God here had come to an end. The landlady didn't help my morale. She told me that I needed to go back into the secular workplace, and just do ministry evenings and weekends, so I could afford a place. Satan was working to discourage me--albeit through someone who meant well. But, God had called me to full-time ministry here, and had providentially opened doors so that I could continue. Last night, I put my life, and my need for housing, in God's hands. I waited to see if my work for God here would cease, or be greatly reduced, or if some door would open elsewhere.

Well, this morning, I went to visit a new contact who lives on his sailboat at a nearby marina. As I was walking onto the dock, I saw an ad posted for a used sailboat. For years, I have wanted to live on a sailboat. This boat was being sold for a song--an unbelievably low price. It has a cabin which sleeps four. It comes with a slip in the marina, and registered through next year. It also comes with the sails, navigation equipment, and other accessories. I went to talk to the owner, we worked out a deal which was even lower than his asking price, and now I get to experience my dream, and live aboard a sailboat. The monthly cost is less than I was paying for the room. I am thrilled! This was a very fast answer to prayer, and I am thanking God! Now, I can go forward to seek souls in this community. And, no longer do I have to cope with teenagers in the next room playing raunchy music and satanic video games! Thanks again!

David Koot

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Praise the Lord, David.

Please keep us posted on how you enjoy living on a boat.

<img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Thanks, Jeannie! I am looking forward to it. The boat is a good design (Sparkman @ Stephens) with a fin keel, and well built. Should be okay for the Hawaii run, but I doubt that I will do it. Higher priorities now. I feel blessed!


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By the way, I want to give a little testimony of thankfulness for God's interest in little personal wishes. I love the ocean, I love boats, but I never expected, at this stage in my life, to have a cruising sailboat, much less to be able to live on it. God has been gracious and kind to grant me this wish. The other surprise was a car. For years, I was attracted to the Mercedes 240-D (diesel) as an economical, well-made transporation car. My favorite color was silver. I never got one, though. Three years ago, I needed a car, and God led me to a silver 240-D with low miles, dirt-cheap! A couple of months ago, I was rear-ended and the car was totaled. God led me to a 300-D for much less than what I paid for the 240, and it runs like a Swiss watch. How thoughtful of God, to be interested in someone's little personal desires!

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That's ... wow. I don't tend to think of God as interested in our individual little personal desires, the desires of our hearts, our wishes. The implications of that for someone like me ... could be staggering .... shocked.gif

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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I really do believe that, Nico. I picture God as a loving parent Who wants to give us the desires of our hearts, and Who will do so, if it is in our best interests. I also recognize that there are limitations, because there may be some things I really want, but other people are involved, and they have their own choices to make. I was blessed to have a dad who loved me and believed in me, and that helped shape my picture of God.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Nicodema said:

That's ... wow. I don't tend to think of God as interested in our individual little personal desires, the desires of our hearts, our wishes. The implications of that for someone like me ... could be staggering .... <img src="/ubbtreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Let me quote one example. 31 years ago tomorrow (March 28) in Pakistan, my daughter was still born (a lethal abnormality). It was Good Friday, I was away from my family, and I was devastated. The legacy of that date has always been one of sadness. Over the years my mother has prayed that something good would come to change my feelings about the day. Three years ago on March 28 I met Sammy for the first time. And the rest as they say is history.

God does listen to our prayers - including the ones that appear inconsequential.

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