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Oceanic It Is Written Director Dismissed

Gregory Matthews

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The naked fact of external action makes the link boring for those of us wanting to know "Why" of this matter.

Sexually impure trespasses are pretty much common place that goes on in SDA circles. Much is being tolerated for the sake of keeping up with leadership filling postings of needed qualified workers. 

Was embezzlement, fraud or some type of thievery going on?

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Any of the above is pure speculation, which is likely to occur due to the fact that so little is stated.  Perhaps, it is none of the above?  Sometimes it is better for all to simply stated the actual facts.

It could be something quite simple.  That does not mean that nothing wrong was done.  I have seen management attempt to discipline employees, to include firing them, for all of the following, and more:

*  conducting personal business while on the clock.

*  Accessing the Internet for reasons not related to the job.  NOTE:  I did not say accessing porn.

*  Posting something on Facebook.

*  Using the telephone for a personal conversation.

*  Arriving at work late.

*  Sleeping while on the clock.

NOTE:  I was been able to work with management to identify the justifiable reason  for which the above was happening and to develop a plan of action that resolved the issue and caused the employee to not only become a valued employee but to serve until the employee was eligible to retire.   Folks sometimes things are simply  not what they seem to be.


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I will give an example of an employee who was sleeping on the job:

*  Upon examination of his clinical file, I requested further clinical evaluation.  It was determined that he was sleeping due to a clinical condition and needed treatment.

*  Management decided that he could not continue to be employed due to his clinical  condition, even if treated.

*  He was ruled to be eligible for disability retirement under the rules of two different Federal agencies.  Management kept him on the payroll until his disability retirement went into effect.

*  Following his disability retirement and treatment, he returned to his former position, as a volunteer, working for no pay!

NOTE:  I discussed this with management officials and we just shook our heads over how it worked out in the long  run.




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How grateful I am not to have the worst moral lapses of my life broadcast on the worldwide web gossip column.

God is love!~Jesus saves!  Hope you all have had a :happysabbath:

Lift Jesus up!!

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How do you know that they have not either been broadcast, or will not be broadcast in the  future?

There is probably much more available on the Internet than most of us know about.



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The article states that the adverse employment action stems from "a breach of his fiduciary duties". This is a well defined legal term - however given the organization's beliefs - the breach could be financial in nature OR something like Mr. Kent going on record in claiming Ellen White was incorrect in her theological affirmations that God the Father has a body of flesh complete with a rectum. Without more information it's difficult to narrow down just what the reasons given by the organization were for the termination.

What if the reasons given for termination are PRETEXT and it's in fact age discrimination?


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