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Freedom to post.

Gregory Matthews

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Some have complained that this forum does not allow people to freely post here.   Well, every website has to have some boundaries.  Here are t hose established by the Australian Record:

Adventist Record encourages quality conversation and welcomes your thoughtful comments.

Comments are not subject to approval, but will be monitored by website administrators. Comments will be removed if they contain any of the following:

  • Advertisements or websites
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  • Comments not relating to the topic
  • Comments in all capital letters

Individuals may not make statements on behalf of any organisation.

You may not represent that you are another person, real or fictitious, or imply a connection with an organisation with which you are not affiliated.

While you may challenge opinions, you may not write personal attacks about another commenter.

Comment threads will automatically close after seven days. Comments made during this period will remain visible on the website.

Adventist Record reserves the right to remove any comments at any time.

The opinions expressed in Adventist Record comments are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Adventist Media and/or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.



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It means that after 7 days a subject is considered out of date and it is closed.  Comments remain open for reading, but after 7 days no one else can post a comment.



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The thing that bothers me the most is the "correcting" and "rebuking" and "approving" that goes on here. If I say something, I'd rather not have someone following my post with an "explanation" of what they thought I was saying; or a post where someone says I didn't provide enough sources for my ideas or opinions. That aggravates the @#$% out of me and prevents me from posting more than I do. Before I post, I often think,  "Well, if I do say such and such, someone's bound to come by and tell me that I really meant to say this or that." And it's not just those comments about MY posts. It's when I see the rebuking that goes on when others post. They say that things would be different in real life conversations and that online is so hard to read tone and motive...but honestly, I have a really strong feeling that there are certain people I would NEVER engage in conversation in "real life" because I know I'd have to hold my tongue--having nothing nice to say.


(Holding my breath...)

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3 hours ago, Gregory Matthews said:

It means that after 7 days a subject is considered out of date and it is closed.  Comments remain open for reading, but after 7 days no one else can post a comment.



Could you just imagine this happening in our homes and churches? LOL "I'm sorry, but no one brought that topic up since last Saturday. If there was anything important you needed to say, you should have said it 6 days ago."


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Aubrey, whither or not I post anything important, I will leave to the individual members to decide.  :)


But, we   here in this forum do not generally restrict people   to posting  in any specific time period.  Some here post weeks and months afterwards.




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for the Adventist Record, and similar publications, I think it behooves them to have a time limit on whatever comments are made regarding specific topics.  Otherwise, new articles of interest could get buried in ongoing (and probably repetitious) beatings of a dead horse...

On the "correcting" / "rebuking" .... I guess if I write something that's not factual and I'm representing it to be factual, I'd want someone to tap me on the shoulder and say, "waittaminnut" ... what I don't particularly like is to be attacked for my opinion of whatever.  If someone doesn't like my opinion, I don't mind.  But it's pretty rude to denigrate or ridicule someone simply because their opinion differs from your own.  That said, opinions can be informed or uninformed... best to make "informed" opinions, and not make assumptions.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I agree with both Aubrey and Pam. If there is something to be corrected/improved/informed/rebuked, there is a way to add TO the discussion rather than take from.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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              Here's a well known adage:             

              "It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."


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Well, all of us look quite foolish at times.  Sometimes it is good to simply enjoy life and to take it as it comes.




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In my experience, no matter what I post, if it's the least bit controversial, there are people who will agree with me, people who don't, and people who don't care what I'm talking about.  I am sarcastic and try to be "clever" sometimes.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  On the whole, I am more blessed by this site than discouraged.

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