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SDA Hymnal for iPad

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(Seen on another SDA site and it is working great on my iPad)

For two weeks only (from September 27 to October 11), Dr. Enoch Hwang,
creator of the best selling SDA Hymnal app for the iPad on the Apple App
Store, is offering a free copy of the app to everyone. Get your free copy
today by clicking on the link below (best if you do it directly from an


Enoch Hwang, the app author, is a faculty member at La Sierra.

Alternatively, you can search for "Hymnal SDA-PD" from the app store.

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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The internet is not required for the app to work. It works on my iPad with wifi off. Many of the songs do have a music file that requires a net connection, but will synthesize the music without a connection. (It does sound better with a connection.) So, if concerned about internet use on Sabbath, download it today (or anytime it is not Sabbath)!

Now, do people still use the internet on Sabbath? It seems that many of the Adventist sites do manage traffic even on Sabbath. And if streaming Sabbath sermons from other churches, it is used. I use it with my AppleTV for sermon watching on Friday evening. I have one whole Youtube account just for Sabbath videos. However, it is so easy to stray as you are just a mouse click away from all sorts of trouble on the internet, so my desire is to be internet free on the Sabbath, except for Youtube on my Apple TV. This does get hard to do in the winter months when Friday sundown occurs so early and it is cold and you just want to wrap up in a blanket and stay warm with some sort of screen activity in front of you!

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Well, this website does not close down on the Sabbath and  it has a lot of traffic.

We watch SDA TV Channels on the Sabbath.

People with Smart TVs stream SDA services from the Internet on the Sabbath.  That is why some SDA congregations are spending large sums of money to stream their services in a quality manner.  Yes, I am aware that such can be streamed for a small sum.  But, some congregations who have large numbers of people watching are spending large sums to stream quality programs.

As I have stated before, I am aware of a SDA congregation, that streams its Sabbath services, that takes questions from the audience (from wherever it is located), during the actual service, that come to the pastor preaching from the Internet.  That pastor responds to the questions during the sermon.

I use the Internet on the Sabbath to reach out to people, for Christ.

Many people use the Internet on the Sabbath to read  the Bible and to study the SS Lesson.

There are probably thousands of religious books, to include SDA books that are read on the Sabbath that require the Internet to be read.

I have a tablet that stores books on the Internet, to include the Bible.  When I take it to church, I have to be able to access the Internet in order to read that version of the Bible.




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otoh, many people use the internet (or other technology) to play games on the Sabbath;  I know of pastors and their families who goes out geocaching nearly every Sabbath afternoon.

I actually don't see anything wrong with it. What's the difference in playing "Bible games" vs. other games, including geocaching?  Not a heck of a lot... the motive is still to "win"...



Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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... I know we don't really need the Internet on Sabbath.

An interesting statement, is this a we, meaning me or my house, or does it include everyone else. 

If it means 'everyone' reading this, that could get into a wide range of what we need on the sabbath. If there is a list of needs or don't need, we might just need a book on that!!!

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Honestly, it makes me sad because NO ONE needs the Internet on Sabbath. And yet, because people do use the Internet on Sabbath, someone has to work to keep it up and running. Don't we care about that guy? (I say guy, because 80 % of people employed in the IT field are men.)

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Lets see.....a person could fill their tubs with water for the wknd, store gas in cans, eat cold food....etc...etc. But, their could be a shut in/s that rely on the internet for a wknd communication  with their church. But all of that is beside the point. What does that say( NO ONE )to others, christian or nonchristian when we make such statements about what other people need. We do not have a utopia, what ever that is, where no 'work' is unneeded for normal life to go on. Is it being suggested that the rest of the world stop doing everything needed for life as we know it? Would it not be rather arrogant for me to tell my neighbor 'you don't need......' because I don't need it? I don't know everyone or the needs of everyone, the world is rather large, so I can't use or see the logic in such a statement.

Back to iPad for what ever your use is!


PS (we use the internet to watch church when we don't go, the pastor uses it for his sermons, feed back from audience.......)

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...it really, really, really *is* okay that my husband works at his place of employment on Sabbath then? What you're saying is...it's okay to work on the Sabbath. Goes against everything I was ever taught (even in the Lutheran church!), but...okay. No more wife-nagging from me!

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Aubrey said the following, which I have quoted below:

The  SDA church has never taught that it was sinful to do any work on the Sabbath  It has never taught that it was sinful to accept money (salary) for doing work on the Sabbath.

The SDA denomination has always taught that there was necessary work that needed to be done on the Sabbath. Such could include the work that SDA clergy do on the Sabbath which is typically more than the work done on Sunday; and it has included work done in caring for the sick.

The SDA Church teaches the it is between the individual and God as to how it is determined what work is necessary to be done on the Sabbath.  It has never attempted to determine it for others.  E.G.  I know of police who have been SDA and worked on the Sabbath.  I know of SDAs who are Correctional Officers in prisons and work on the Sabbath. 

Aubrey, God has not given me the authority to determine whether or not your husband should work on the Sabbath and neither has God given you that authority.  But, you may be on to something.  It just may be that this thread has helped you to grow in spirituality and the knowledge of what God wants.  In spite of what comes across to me as sarcasm, you may be correct that it is O.K. for your husband to work at his place of employment on the Sabbath.   But, that is between him and God.

If this goes against everything that you have been taught, so be it.  Be thankful to God for what you have learned here and the spiritual growth that has occurred for you.

By the way, one does not typically grow spiritually by being married to a nagging wife. 


So......it really, really, really *is* okay that my husband works at his place of employment on Sabbath then? What you're saying is...it's okay to work on the Sabbath. Goes against everything I was ever taught (even in the Lutheran church!), but...okay. No more wife-nagging from me!


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