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Racism in Adventism

Gregory Matthews

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One of the issues that Adventism faces at this time is that of racism and the extent to which it may, or may not, exist in Adventism today.  Case in point, the discussion that is going on today at Andrews University. Sam Geli, writing in another forum which was dedicated to the discussion at Andrews has provided a list of resource materials which I believe may be of value to us.  Here is his list:


Here is a partial list of books dealing with racism and diversity in institutions that you can start with:

Barndt, Joseph. Understanding and Dismantling Racism: The Twenty-First Century Challenge to White America. Fortress Press: 2007.

Traces the history of racism, revealing its personal, institutional, and cultural forms and offering specific ways in which people in all walks, including churches, can work to bring racism to an end. Includes analytical charts, definitions, bibliography, and exercises for readers.

Butler, Lee H. Black Church, Black Theology, and the Politics of Religion in America: A Reflection on the Theology-Race Controversy. The Center for the Study of Black Faith & Life, Chicago Theological Seminary: 2008.

Dr. Butler examines the mis-perceptions and misinformation that informed and influenced the controversy surrounding Dr. Jeremiah Wright and his ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago during Senator Barack Obama's campaign for President. Dr. Butler invites the readers to move beyond sound bites to explore the historical and theological context of Dr. Wright's 36 years of ministry at Trinity.

Harvey Jennifer et al, eds. Disrupting White Supremacy From Within: White People on What We Need To Do. Pilgrim Press, 2004.

The contributors to this anthology are white theologians, ethicists, teachers, ministers, and activists. They examine the nature of race, racism, and white supremacy, acknowledging its devastating effects on people of color and exploring ways to disrupt and dismantle it.

Kivel, Paul. Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice. New Society Publishers, 2002.

A book written to help white people understand the dynamics of racism in society, institutions, and daily life. It shares stories, suggestions, advice, exercises, and approaches for working with people of color and other white allies to confront racism.

Law, Eric C. F. Inclusion: Making Room for Grace. Chalice Press: 2000.

In this resource for ministers and lay leaders, Law provides models, theories, and strategies that are both practical and theologically sound for moving faith communities toward greater inclusion.

Law, Eric C. F. Sacred Acts, Holy Change: Faithful Diversity and Practical Transformation.. Chalice Press: 2002.

Eric Law offers practical guidelines for change and transformation. Sacred Acts applies the techniques and theories from his previous books to spell out the processes for achieving genuine transformation.

Living the Faith: A Guide for Strengthening Multicultural Relationships. Augsberg Fortress, 2000.

A compilation of stories, advice, and reflections for individuals and congregations who seek to create and nurture multicultural relationships. Presented in five sections, it is particularly well suited for adult forums or other groups that meet regularly. Includes exercises that sheds light on the ways our faith in Christ can be the foundation for developing and strengthening relationships across cultural differences.

Tatum, Beverly Daniel. "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" Basic Books, 1997.

Explores why it remains so difficult for Americans, this applies to many SDA's worldwide) to talk about race. Tatum, who is President of Spellman College, is nationally known for her groundbreaking work in racial identity development and helping educators find ways to break the silence surrounding race and racism.




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