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On Female Vulnerability!

Gregory Matthews

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i suspect because of the stigma of homosexuality, males who have been offended sexually by males are far less likely to acknowledge it to anyone, or to anyone that would bring the information to any statistics.  i think it occurs much more often than anyone imagines. 

There is vulnerability across the board.


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Let God be true and every man a liar.

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                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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4 hours ago, debbym said:

i suspect because of the stigma of homosexuality, males who have been offended sexually by males are far less likely to acknowledge it to anyone, or to anyone that would bring the information to any statistics. 

It is true that there are a shocking high number of male victims of sexual violence, and much of it is socially approved. Just consider the commonly expressed hope that a sexual offender will be violated in prison. (Bubba will take care of them!)

However, if you have been paying any attention to the news lately, you will note an epidemic of illegal sex between female teachers and male students. I suspect it is not new and has been going on for a long time, but was just winked at. And largely they are getting away with it and with frequently not much more being done about it than losing their teachers certification.


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Here at Fulcrum7 we believe that all people are created equal.  


For many years there’s been one group in America that has consistently under-performed in terms of productivity, intelligence and moral behavior. 

Despite every effort to lift them above their degraded state, these people continue to wallow in lawlessness, substance abuse, and out of wedlock birth rates—certain to lead to generational social catastrophe.  I am speaking—of course—about Hollywood celebrities. 

Indeed, stripped of their physical attractiveness and wealth, and judged solely on their behavior, celebrities can clearly be seen to be among the most vulgar and barbaric classes of American society.

Some say the problem is genetic, and point to studies showing that celebrities consistently score lower on IQ tests than other challenged groups, such as buffoons, hedgehogs and the Kardashians.  Some cite celebrities’ historical disadvantages, including their virtual slavery in the Hollywood studio system.

The above quotes come from a blog suggested above. Another member caled the site Full Crumb...and considering the rhetoric and language used along with innuendo and slanderous like language, I would suggest it is not in any way linked with christianity...or is it???


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In our neck of the woods, teacher interaction with students in an illicit manner has not been ignored. Both female and male teachers have been prosecuted. Males still dominate the issue.

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13 hours ago, B/W Photodude said:

However, if you have been paying any attention to the news lately, you will note an epidemic of illegal sex between female teachers and male students. I suspect it is not new and has been going on for a long time, but was just winked at. And largely they are getting away with it and with frequently not much more being done about it than losing their teachers certification.


I believe it is only an epidemic of it being reported and being presented in the media.

It is said, 90% of all rapes go unreported, of the 10% reported only 1 in ten result in conviction.

These were statistics from research over 10 years ago, and I do not suspect it has improved significantly since then.

The sin problem from every angle,  in every area, in all aspects of living... is heartbreaking... not just sexual boundary violations.  We need God.  We are all vulnerable.

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Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Fulcrum 7 is a website with a  founding Father who was once a member of Club Adventist and who regularly posted here.  He is a gracious person when he visits personally with you.  He is known for telling people something to the effect that you and he could be good friends under other circumstances.

He is a lay person who has dedicated his life to an independent ministry and yet he maintains a close relationship with SDA leadership both in his local Conference and all the way up to President Ted.

He attended the recent Annual Council but not in any position to either vote or to speak.

His website, Fulcurm 7, has a distinctive flavor which he maintains.  For more of that flavor of dialogue, I suggest that you visit that website.




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1 hour ago, The Wanderer said:

I wonder how these statistics would change if we were talking about men? (thats not directed at you, debbym!!) :)

i recently read how serious the denial of male  on male rape is throughout the world.  wives will leave their husbands over it, and they can be so physically injured by it, they lose their health and continually bleed.

it broke my heart to just learn about it.  the UN does not acknowledge it as a social problem, and it is seriously under reported, i believe it could be 99.8% of male on male rape is not reported.  and of  those reported zero convictions.



Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Sometimes what gets called rape is not even rape. It has been called rape in some places when it is really "regret sex." This has been epidemic on college campuses lately where kids get drunk, have sex, and the female gets angry and cries rape. The male gets held accountable even when intoxicated for what happened. A lot of young men have had their college careers interrupted by these accusations and colleges in the violation of their rights have been sued big time and the colleges have lost big time.


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Sometimes what gets called rape is not even rape. It has been called rape in some places when it is really "regret sex." This has been epidemic on college campuses lately where kids get drunk, have sex, and the female gets angry and cries rape.

A long time mantra by men. I read the above referenced article and links with in.....where are the statistics? 

A lot of accusations are made in the above comment with no support! 


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if someone gets drunk and hits you with their car, do you call it regret car accident?

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Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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Rape is a legal term.  Like it or not, one must live by the legal standard or face the consequences.

If you have sex with one who is drunk, in some places you may be convicted of rape.



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1 hour ago, debbym said:

if someone gets drunk and hits you with their car, do you call it regret car accident?

No. But if someone gets drunk with a companion,also getting drunk. Said companion encourages behavior up to a point and then steps in front of the car,what do you call it? The bartender can and often is held accountable in those situations  WHY?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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50 minutes ago, The Wanderer said:

so as long as the guy is drunk, then he is covered?? wow. Double coverage if you are stoned instead, eh?

I doubt that is what Photodude was saying or implying. Women want to be seen as capable,intelligent and as strong as men,as they should be.  Yet when it comes to this issue suddenly they don't have a clue as to the positions they deliberately place themselves in?

No man has a right under any circumstances to rape a woman, no one has a right to force unwanted sex acts on anyone male or female.

Young women seem so caught up in "It is my right" that the consequences of exercising those rights are neglected to be mentioned.

Before I was married I dated a young man a couple of times. We went are separate ways and remained friends.  Not long after he was arrested,tried, and convicted of statutory rape. Spent five years in the reformatory.  He dated a girl that had her sights set on him, lied about her age. .He broke it off with her and began seriously dating another girl.  Imagine his surprise when the young woman he had broken up with realized she had been raped. She told her father he had forced her and she was scared to come forward until she thought she was pregnant( which she wasn't). He freely admitted to the sex but vehemently denied force or any type of intimidation.

Knowing both I believe him . With her behavior and bragging rights well known it is tough to see "rape".

OTOH if you are going to engage in that behavior,male or female be adult enough to understand the position you are placing yourself in.


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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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What Bonnie mentioned is called Statutory Rape.  Under the law such does not require force.  A conviction can be obtained when voluntary.    

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I recently had this discussion with a young woman that constantly bemoaned the fact she didn't feel safe no matter where she went. Men were always hitting on her and some scaring her. Knowing her it was tough to know whether to laugh or cry.

The choice of establishments she frequents, behavior ,language and dress advertises to the men near her she speaks and understands and agrees with their language. Which she explains is "My right".

That much is true.No man has a right because of that to drag her behind the bar and rape her.

But it would not surprise me as drunk as she gets to be agreeable to sex with someone just as drunk  and at times possibly the aggressor.

Is she vindictive enough if she feels justified to yell rape? Without a doubt.

Maybe along with "It Is My Right as A Woman"  common sense and self preservation should be preached as loud.

If you speak the same language, act as if you are on the same page you are placing yourself in a "vulnerable" position

I told her point blank her suggestive behavior,completely foul sexual talk and excessive drunkenness was a deliberate bid for the attention she claimed upset her so. 

She of course denied that

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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25 minutes ago, Gregory Matthews said:

What Bonnie mentioned is called Statutory Rape.  Under the law such does not require force.  A conviction can be obtained when voluntary.    

Yes,I understand what statutory rape is. That wasn't the point. Had the young man not engaged in that behavior he would not have landed in the reformatory.

The lie by this "poor vulnerable young woman" for revenge and excuse a possible pregnancy was the point. 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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My point was:  Her lie was pointless and legally had little effect on the outcome.  If she had told the truth, he would still have gone to prison.



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18 minutes ago, Gregory Matthews said:

My point was:  Her lie was pointless and legally had little effect on the outcome.  If she had told the truth, he would still have gone to prison.


Not true. Her father took it to the authorities because "his little girl had been forceably raped".

If it were not for fear of a pregnancy and her desire for revenge for being dumped daddy would never have known.

The young man paid a stiff price for engaging in that behavior ,she in turn for a short time enjoyed sympathy.

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Yet when it comes to this issue suddenly they don't have a clue as to the positions they deliberately place themselves in?


The choice of establishments she frequents, behavior ,language and dress advertises to the men near her she speaks and understands and agrees with their language.


If you speak the same language, act as if you are on the same page you are placing yourself in a "vulnerable" position


.No man has a right because of that to drag her behind the bar and rape her.

Wheather or not it is intended, quite often the idea is a subtle one, men who will do these things hang out in bars, drink or talk in foul language. Hmmmm...do we have any data to support that? Are more women raped under those situations than any other? As an SDA which is a conservative religious view point, in general, I was always told that women bring these situations on themselves by the way the dress, act and talk. The conservative view point has not changed over time. Inherent in all of this, is the idea that men simply can't control themselves in those situations, so beware. I find that whole line of thought simpley to be part of the male mantra starting with Adam. Men should be in control and when women step out of line, well, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, no matter what venue of life we are talking about. 

Yes,  a female should be aware of those around her and that not all men are honorable. Don't let your guard down. But that is still a condemnation of men, not women. Are men such weak creatures that they can control their own desires, thoughts or what ever? If so, then they should not be control of anything! Ridicules, yes, but so is the idea that women should have an expectation of being assaulted based on what  they say, wear or go!!


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Sex crimes, of all types, are not about sex, but about control. 

Those sites, blogs, etc that complain about the way the males are being treated, are most often run by individuals who concern is about the role of men and women and who should be on top! 

I laugh when I hear all the hue and cry about poor men!

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I was responding to the comment by  Photodude and replies to him.

If it were a question of dress,speech,behavior elderly women,small children etc would not be at risk.

"Wheather or not it is intended, quite often the idea is a subtle one, men who will do these things hang out in bars, drink or talk in foul language. Hmmmm...do we have any data to support that? Are more women raped under those situations than any other"?

Data,I know there are places I will not go and never have because of the type of individuals that frequent those establishments. All I have to do is walk past a local bar in our small town in the summer and a education in foul,obscene language is provided.

I know men and women hang out in places as described,you can deny all you wish. I have no idea how many women are raped or claim rape under those situations, but there are frequent news reports on that topic. Especially when it gets into the situations of "she was willing".When as has happened the truth comes out,the woman lying should be held to the same standard and harsh punishment as the man accused of rape.

I was not putting forth the idea,subtle or otherwise that men will do these things and that it is just men being men.. I do question sometimes how the term vulnerable is used in defense of women. I don't care what the woman's behavior is as far as the responsibility of men.  If she objects at anytime,says no,I was just kidding, or I wanted to see how far you would go,or when I was talking about sex in graphic personal terms with you it was not a come on,or I just plain changed my mind. For the young man,tough,that should settle it and stop it right there. However that is not a vulnerable young woman. That is a young woman that has placed herself quite deliberately in a  questionable situation.If she is to drunk to effectively say no,maybe he is to drunk to take her seriously. He needs to be held accountable but no favors are being given to the young woman by defending her actions she willingly and deliberately engaged in and claiming she was vulnerable.  

Women are not paragons of virtue anymore than men are. They are as capable of instigating circumstances and lying as much as men are capable of rotten behavior

I had a manager fired for sexual harassment,some called it sexual assault. He was guilty as could be for inappropriate behavior. Absolutely deserved to be fired. However the woman involved should also have been fired. The manager could have stopped her inappropriate behavior towards him but chose not to for obvious reasons. He was the manager and had the authority. All was fine and fun and games until the manager had to fire a friend of hers. She then claimed the manager had been sexually harassing her for a long time

Many went to management and explained the coworker was as guilty as anyone for instigating much of it and thought she should be fired as well. And no it was not because she was intimidated or feared for her job in anyway.

Management claimed "she was vulnerable". She was about as vulnerable as a python.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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