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SDA church doesn't believe in equality?

rudywoofs (Pam)

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from the latest Adventist Today  "An Apology for Partisanship," by Lindsey Painter (https://atoday.org/an-apology-for-partisanship/ )


Many pieces have been written about the negative effects this women’s ordination debate is having on the church, and people’s personal lives. And I am here to add my voice. That day in 2015 when the church of my childhood, the church that is a part of my identity, the church I have loved and fought for and defended and criticized, the church that was a function of who I am as a person, the day my church decided officially that my authority and humanity isn’t equal with a man’s was the day I broke inside. I remember exactly where I was sitting. What I was doing. I remember the feel of the grass under my feet. The heat of the sun. The disbelief I felt as I watched the livestream and followed the Twitter feed. It was a personal blow. As if a part of myself was rejecting me. And every year after that as my equality and humanity is annually denied, it’s like ripping open a barely healing wound. Try to tell me there’s a moderate position to be taken here. I dare you. It’s been said before, and I’ll say it again: Every day the church continues to deny the equality of women, is a day the church is doing damage to itself and the world.

Oh, c'mon.......I'm all for WO, but the above comes across to me as a whiney, poor-me, in-your-face type of attitude, and bespeaks of individuals who can't cope with real-life situations — which really does nothing to compel someone who is anti-WO (or undecided) to come over to the pro-WO side of the hornets' nest.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Wonder where the author of the article lives.  Where in the NAD are women actually being kept from being a pastor of a church?  Anywhere?  Maybe Michigan? 

The article sounds like she thinks that anti-WO people don't think women are equal to men?  I didn't know equality had anything to do with it.

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