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Abuse: SDA/Catholic

Gregory Matthews

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The following article and the comments that follow, suggest that commonalities exist between the Roman Catholic Church and the SDA denomination as to abuse.   Probably both Catholics and Adventist will not like something that is said in the article.

I can say that from my professional background, I have had to deal with women who have been abused by SDA clergy.  It exists and has existed.

However, I can personally state that the S DA church is making progress in this area.  It may not have reached perfection.  But,  it is making progress.  Today abuse   is less often swept under the rug.  Both victims and those who committed the crime are more often appropriately dwelt with.  Yes, we have more to do.

We are not as different from the Roman Catholic Church as we might like to think.



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1 hour ago, Gregory Matthews said:

WE are not as different from the Roman Catholic Church as we might like to think.

No truer statement about the church has ever been made, anywhere.

Sometime, they out-Catholic the Catholics.

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Great article!!


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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What a coincidence! Our sermon at church today was exactly along these lines.  It was like "female appreciation day"; with the sermon given by the associate pastor ( a female).  To me, it was a thinly veiled attempt to support female pastors (there are several in our Conference), and encourage people to call out sexism and abuse from inside the church rather than outside the church.

I feel strongly both ways on this sermon and article.  On one hand, the issue needs to be addressed, because it is a stumbling block in our church.  I for one support WO; but it's not a soap-box issue for me.  On the other hand, IMHO the issue of WO is a distraction to the mission of the church - which is to spread the Good News about Jesus.

For me, the most influential poster on this forum is a woman.  This woman doesn't fret about wanting to be a leader and teacher, she just IS one because that is what the Lord called her to do.  Up until now, the female pastors I know in the SDA church didn't fret about not being ordained (until recently - now that their jobs are in jeopardy) , they saw a spiritual need in a church, received a calling from the Lord, and they filled it.  

The only thing that formally identifies me as an SDA is that I am "on the books".  When others ask me what denomination I am, I initially just say Christian; and leave it at that. Maybe later I would tell them I attend an SDA church.  That being said, I would continue going to an SDA church whether or not I was "on the books".  I am blessed by public worship and Christian fellowship.  I have tried other denominations' churches, but grass-roots "normal" (whatever that is) SDAs meet my doctrinal and social needs best.  I wouldn't have hung around here as long as I have if that wasn't so.  I'm grateful the Lord led me to this forum through a gracious female Moderator.  This is a place where I can discuss freely some of my thoughts with other people who like free discussions.

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