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A Personal Anouncemenet

Gregory Matthews

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I come before you today realizing that the time has come for me to make a definitive announcement of my plans as to whether or not I will enter the race for President of the United States.  I acknowledge that this forum, Adventistan is the ideal venue in which to state my plans.    With some 9,000 plus members it has clearly demonstrated that it has the ability to grow in size.  Further, as I analyze its population, I sense that its members include both those followers of the current President, whom I will not name as well as those who are  looking for someone new, which I am.

As I consider my decision, I believe that I have the following qualification that would suggest that I run for President:

·        The President needs to be decisive person who can make decision.  I fit that mold.  Less than 30 minutes has occurred between the time that I first considered it and the time at which I made my decision.

·        *  My years of service in the military, to include service as an enlisted person who reached the rank of Specialist  4 and as a Commissioned Officer who achieved the rank of Major, and served in combat, demonstrates that I have better qualifications to deploy our military internationally than have other Presidents.

·       *   My 20 years of employment with the VA gives me the background needed to understand how the government operates, how it should be reformed and to reform it.

·       * My formal training in Mediation qualified me to preside over a fractious government system.

·       *   My years of service in representing employees of the Federal government in negotiations with management demonstrates that I can understand and provide for the needs of the common working person.

·       *   Due to issues that I have with sleep, I consider that my ability to sleep during boring meetings as well as to rise early and get to work specially qualifies me for the positon over and above some who have served before me.

·       *   I do not micromanage.  I chose competent people and allow them to do their job.

·        *  I will select persons to fill government positons from both Republications and Democrats that are representative of the U.S. population




While the above are only a few of my qualification to run for President, I must say that I am lacking in some respects:

·        *   With my advanced age, I am not longer head and shoulders above all of the others who have announced that they are running for President.  I have shrunk in height from what I once was.

·        *  I do not have the financial resources  needed to purchase the office as some have had.

·        *  I do not own a jet aircraft capable of flying me around the country in luxury.

·        *  While I have represented people before a  Federal Administrative Law Judge  I have never been to law school.

·        *  I do not want to spend the next  two years traveling the country.   I have visited all 50 of the States in the past and I do not need to repeat that.

Well here you have it--my qualifications for and  my lack of qualifications.  The time has come to make a decision. 

I have made a decision and chosen to announce in on this preeminent forum:  I will not run for President of the United States during the next election.  This decision of firm.

NOTE:  I have announced my decisions based upon my belief that the multitude of Democrats who are expected to run for President (Presently 14, with more expected to join the race.) requires that I make a statement.




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1 hour ago, Gregory Matthews said:

I have made a decision and chosen to announce in on this preeminent forum:  I will not run for President of the United States during the next election.  This decision of firm.

Rats!  And I just sent a $100,000 check to seed your campaign!  Can you just tear it up when you get it?  I hope I sent it to the right address in Boulder. :scared:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dear Mr. Matthews,

It's a great tragedy for America that you have declined to run for POTUS as a either a Republicator or Democritator.

With your extensive experience in non-politics you would have been far more qualified than any community organizer or reality TV star.

We believe it was the intent of the Founding Fathers of America that the presidency should not be bought by the wealthy, nor should it require riding horse back for thousands of miles just to make people think you care about them and their problems.

Those of us dwelling in Adventistan sincerely hope that you reconsider running for POTUS, and if you do, know that we foresee you riding into glory and history on horseback as a great pioneer of non-campaigning and use of zero energy in order to save the world and America. 

Every single patriot and Green New Dealer has your back and a cartload of horse poop that can be used instead of fossil fuels to power America's future indefinitely.


the Tater family, including Dick, Common, Frozen, Stuffed, Mashed, and Instant

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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Thank you.  I do appreciate your support even though I do not plan to change my mind.


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On 4/7/2019 at 6:23 AM, Gregory Matthews said:

Thank you.  I do appreciate your support even though I do not plan to change my mind.

Much to the loss of our country; but a blessing to us on Adventistan.

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