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On Racial Issues

Gregory Matthews

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4 hours ago, bonnie said:

It will be interesting to see where they go next  now that Dr. Suess and Pepe Lepew are properly taken care of. I did hear Peter Pan was next. We shall see.

Could someone update me on what is offensive today. It is getting hard to keep up!

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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18 minutes ago, B/W Photodude said:

Could someone update me on what is offensive today. It is getting hard to keep up!

I think Peter Pan. Only caught part of the statement so not sure. As long as this pathetic nonsense is beneficial to the left they will hammer it into the ground. Then find something else as equally ridiculous and repeat 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Oh boy! That racist Trump is at it again! - 

CNN is panicking now that they don't have Trump to kick around! - 

Things white people say that let you know they are a low key racist - 

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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"No government of the left has done as much for the poor as capitalism has. Even when it comes to the redistribution of income, the left talks the talk but the free market walks the walk. What do the poor most need? They need to stop being poor. And how can that be done, on a mass scale, except by an economy that creates vastly more wealth? Yet the political left has long had a remarkable lack of interest in how wealth is created. As far as they are concerned, wealth exists somehow and the only interesting question is how to redistribute it." ~ Thomas Sowell

The left goes on ad nauseam with complaints of how Trump was racist. Yet they put a person with a history of racist practices into the Whitehouse, and this person immediately sets out to destroy one of the best economies this nation ever had. Record low unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics, & women. The one thing that would end poverty would be economic success. So, how will markedly higher gasoline prices help the poor? How will tens of thousands of people suddenly unemployed be a help for the people? There may not be much of this country left by the time Trump is back in office. Oh! Make no mistake. He will be running in 2024.


Alabama GOP To Give Trump Rare Honor, Will Present Him With Resolution Declaring Trump “One of the greatest presidents in the 245-year history of Republic”


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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President Trump was frequently trashed in the media and even here on Adventistan for "children in cages". However, this was quite disingenuous as the program was started under the Obama administration, Trump reduced it , but the new administration has resumed it quite markedly. But we won't talk about how the Dems are "separating children" and "putting children in cages". Truth lies dead in the mainstream press and even in forums.

Child Migrant Camps Have Increased Under Biden

Much of the mainstream media viscously attacked President Trump for “putting kids in cages,” but many of these same reporters have been silent in response to President Biden’s immigration policy.

According to a Los Angeles Times report, the number of children in these border facilities is up as much as 150% over the last administration.


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Who gets the credit/blame for opening the doors to so many positive for covid 19.

Until all US citizens are protected how can they now waive the "rules" 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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On 3/7/2021 at 11:41 AM, Stan said:

My experience is often those who want a multi-cultural Church actually want to have a multi-coloured Church.

Case in point the North Eastern Conference is primarily a West Indian Church, very few African Americans end up joining or staying.

The leadership needs, in my opinion, an outreach to African Americans, and it will not be done successfully by West Indian Culture.  this is an example of it is not colour that is the issue it is the Culture.

Stan: There are a lot of Afrikan American in the Northeastern Conferences and all over the east coast. I used to be a part of the Northeastern conference. I went to Humphrey St Church School. I  also attended Mount Zion SDA Church in New Haven it was the only Black church at that time. My mother gave a store front of people Bible studies; she was a great Bible Worker. She Worked with Henry Wright, the brother of the Blendwright singers and they were from Ohio. Those people became the Hill Street Church. Then the Walker's family started another Church and it has a large members of Afrikan Americans.

Yes, a lot West Indies have grew all over North Eastern and in the Cumberland conference here in Georgia. West Indians culture is great and I have met and became friends with many of them. What clashes is their attitude thinking they are better than us because they got their freedom first. Their food is great  and is loved by Afrikan American People. They have a problem among themselves. The Barbadoes feel like the Jamaican are ghetto and they are better than them. In New York they form different churches based on this as well. City Tabernacle had Barbados and Hanson Place had Jamaicans or vice or versus. I have forgot which was which now. They like to fuss and act awful if they cannot get their way. They also want to run everything and I mean everything. Afrikan American have problems with their attitude, simple. That is not culture that is attitude, stubbornness and more.

When I used to eat meat I love their oxtails, Plantain, bread, greens and so much more. When I attended Georgia State, my best restaurant was on Trinity St downtown and their small one on Edgewood near the University. The owner and I was best friends. My son introduced them to me. They were best friends first. I miss then because we use to keep up with other when I moved here. You make me want to contact them now! It appears that just the ones that are Adventist that act so ridiculous and I just don't get it because I have a lot friends and we get along fine.


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Stinsonmarri:  Are you aware that in your post above you have posted statements that are racist?

As I have stated before, making racist statements does not make a person a racist.  They may simply be ignorant.  They may not understand.

But, you have been free in calling people racist simply because they posted a racist statement.

Well, you have done the same.  You have made racist statements.  Are you racist because of them?  Only you can demonstrate whether or not you are racist.  

I suggest that in the future you be a little kinder and a bit less judgmental to others in this forum.


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On 3/14/2021 at 1:44 PM, bonnie said:

I think Peter Pan. Only caught part of the statement so not sure. As long as this pathetic nonsense is beneficial to the left they will hammer it into the ground. Then find something else as equally ridiculous and repeat 

Are 'Peter Pan' and 'Dumbo' racist? Disney+ pulls 7 films from kids section, Internet says 'insanity never ends' | MEAWW


Are 'Peter Pan' and 'Dumbo' racist? Disney+ pulls 7 films from kids section, Internet says 'insanity never ends'

It is also possible that 'Aladdin' and 'Pocahontas' could be labeled or removed entirely for alleged negative stereotypes

By Srivats Lakshman
Updated On : 18:07 PST, Mar 9, 2021    

                            Are 'Peter Pan' and 'Dumbo' racist? Disney+ pulls 7 films from kids section, Internet says 'insanity never ends'

Disney+ has removed 'Peter Pan' and 'Dumbo' from children's profiles (Disney's Stories matter website)

Disney Plus has blocked several classical films for children below seven, citing "racist stereotypes". Adults can still watch the films but will be greeted with a warning prior, while the films will not be available on kids' profiles at all. 'Dumbo', 'Fantasia' 'The Aristocats', 'Peter Pan' and 'Swiss Family Robinson' are the films being pulled currently.

The term racism has been so used and abused by some it has lost it's meaning for a lot of people. Unfortunately it has been an effective weapon to hammer any and all that disagree with those that use it there are those that are going to keep using it as a weapon

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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2 hours ago, bonnie said:


Tore down statutes
Burned books
Banned certain movies, art, and music
Censored speech
Prevented freedom of thought
Punished dissenting voices

Does this sound familiar? How many of these things have been a part of cancel culture, BLM, and Antifa? While "black lives matter" may sound like a valid belief, people continue to forget the Marxists who are behind this organization. As far as the Disney flics go, research the relationship of Disney to China. Don't forget to consider the leftists who seem to be hell bent on destroying this nation from within the halls of government in Washington.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it!

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Out with Dr. Seuss, in with Grammy porn

If you're a parent and aren't outspoken on the total and complete debasement of America, you are officially part of the problem.


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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53 minutes ago, B/W Photodude said:

Out with Dr. Seuss, in with Grammy porn

If you're a parent and aren't outspoken on the total and complete debasement of America, you are officially part of the problem.


It is insidious . In the beginning of the craziness I assumed those behind this would get their 15 minutes of fame ,ruffle a few feathers and move on. When they went after Mr Potato head I figured that would be so ridiculed they would back off. Not so, that insanity was actually taken as a true concern. I don't think we have seen anything yet. Those responsible will keep pushing until they get to the really serious stuff. I wonder about those I know personally that think this kind of sweep is a good thing,SDA's included. Will they jump this ship or stay with this supposed cleaning our "culture of   racism". My dad always said end time events would begin in the most unexpected and seemingly rational way that it would at first be missed by many of us. I wonder what he would have to say about this?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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It has been alleged here that Q Anon was behind the Capital riots by the never Trumpers. Unfortunately, as I always say, don't listen to CNN and their ilk as once more they are wrong!

Debunked: ‘Q Anon,’ Right-Wing Militia Did Not Play Major Role in Capitol Riot, Study Shows

Despite the news media’s frantic insistence that an obscure, fringe group of conspiracy theorists known as Q Anon played a major role in the Capitol riots, a new academic study is proving that the claims are yet more media ‘misinformation.’

There are a number of reasons why so many journalists were quick to conclude that Q Anon was a factor in the Capitol riots: The appearance of Q Anon banners, and of course, the bizarre figure of the Q Anon Shaman Jake Angeli, who is also proven to be an environmental extremist.

Another important linkage in the new study is that the majority of the rioters came from blue counties — ones that voted for Joe Biden.

“The study also found that more than half of the arrested Capitol rioters came from counties President Joe Biden carried in the 2020 presidential election,” the report said.


                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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On 3/14/2021 at 9:35 AM, bonnie said:

PLease you need to lighten up a bit.  It is humorous while at the same time pointing out a obvious fact. The left is running out of objects, words and people to hate the past year. The game of I Spy Racism is humorous while at the same time pathetic.  It will be interesting to see where they go next  now that Dr. Suess and Pepe Lepew are properly taken care of. I did hear Peter Pan was next. We shall see.


As for this......All I can do is pray for you!

I hope you have placed yourself first on the list before moving onto others


Why dont you explain this.....Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two letter used for cussing.

What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

I know that those that believe they can read hearts and minds cannot grasp that they don't have the ability, that belongs only to God

YAHWEH  sees what they are thinking and the actual word are thought up first. HE is the JUDGE, all we can do is pray for them. 

What God saw was much different than you are claiming. He is the judge ,however you only remember that when convenient. 

When I used that it was exactly as I explained. UTTER NONSENSE, NOT TRUE. Sure is easy to see where your mind went, shame on you.


WE do know what actual word  you thought of first, yup I agree God saw that. Until you come almost a week later and accuse me of something I had not said or thought. And yes you are right Prayer is needed!

I do not read people mind but you can tell by what they write. I do not judge, but I state on the things that you have said. That is what I stand on. You all can make judgments of others and its alright but if you are wrong and I state very clearly that YAHWEH IS THE JUDGE and I also said that we both have to stand before HIM. Then we will know who is right and who is wrong. I did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite. You and others have judge me because of the things I said about Trump. Some have said that I hate Trump and I told all that I do not hate him, but I do hate his character. That is base on what he has done in the past and now. You can judge me and make it appear that I am at faulk but I say again, YAHWEH knows my heart. Do, I need a closer walk with Him, yes and I am striving to do so. That is why I will stand on principles but not to continue with you about judgment of The Black Lives Matter or Biden. It is not doing any good because you mind is made up and so is mine. My concern is to speak on things in the Bible.

If I said something that you did not say; please show it to me. If I did do that; I have no problem apologizing and ask for your forgiveness. If I am wrong about anything please let me know, I am not ashamed of admitting it and showing my remorse. I will stand up to the forum for making a false statement. Just like I will stand up when others said false statements about me.

Be at Peace!

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On 3/17/2021 at 6:25 AM, B/W Photodude said:

It has been alleged here that Q Anon was behind the Capital riots by the never Trumpers. Unfortunately, as I always say, don't listen to CNN and their ilk as once more they are wrong!

Debunked: ‘Q Anon,’ Right-Wing Militia Did Not Play Major Role in Capitol Riot, Study Shows

Despite the news media’s frantic insistence that an obscure, fringe group of conspiracy theorists known as Q Anon played a major role in the Capitol riots, a new academic study is proving that the claims are yet more media ‘misinformation.’

There are a number of reasons why so many journalists were quick to conclude that Q Anon was a factor in the Capitol riots: The appearance of Q Anon banners, and of course, the bizarre figure of the Q Anon Shaman Jake Angeli, who is also proven to be an environmental extremist.

Another important linkage in the new study is that the majority of the rioters came from blue counties — ones that voted for Joe Biden.

“The study also found that more than half of the arrested Capitol rioters came from counties President Joe Biden carried in the 2020 presidential election,” the report said.


You act like nobody saw the moosehead man say he was a QAnon priest. Everybody saw what happen. Give it a rest, you will never change you belief, nor we change ours. I have moved on and you need to the same thing. It is time to speak on THE WORD of THE MOST HIGH! HE IS THE ONLY ONE that will JUDGE and save us, through HIS SON! Racism is Biblical and Peter was taught that in Acts Chapter 11. Also, Mirriam learned as well when she talked against Moses wife! YAHWEH IS no respect of any color and if anyone speaks against them, HE will bring them down!

Happy Sabbath!


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50 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

I do not read people mind but you can tell by what they write. I do not judge, but I state on the things that you have said. That is what I stand on. You all can make judgments of others and its alright but if you are wrong and I state very clearly that YAHWEH IS THE JUDGE and I also said that we both have to stand before HIM. Then we will know who is right and who is wrong. I did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite. You and others have judge me because of the things I said about Trump. Some have said that I hate Trump and I told all that I do not hate him, but I do hate his character. That is base on what he has done in the past and now. You can judge me and make it appear that I am at faulk but I say again, YAHWEH knows my heart. Do, I need a closer walk with Him, yes and I am striving to do so. That is why I will stand on principles but not to continue with you about judgment of The Black Lives Matter or Biden. It is not doing any good because you mind is made up and so is mine. My concern is to speak on things in the Bible.

If I said something that you did not say; please show it to me. If I did do that; I have no problem apologizing and ask for your forgiveness. If I am wrong about anything please let me know, I am not ashamed of admitting it and showing my remorse. I will stand up to the forum for making a false statement. Just like I will stand up when others said false statements about me.

Be at Peace!

It really is difficult trying to follow your line of reasoning.  You said previously ......

Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two letter used for cussing. What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

Dont have  a clue what delusional lie I believe and what that possibly has to do  with your accusation that I was cussing. It is pretty obvious where your mind went as you determined what I was really saying.  This is just plain silly and petty on your part. Hard to believe I am sure for someone who thinks like this but no I did not mean as you accuse. Utter nonsense is what I meant, I suggest you change your thinking away from cussing.

Yes you have judged...... Here we go againI did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite.  I don't believe you can find anywhere that someone has disagreed with that 

Yes, I agree I do believe you hate Trump. Like so many you are obsessed with what he has done or you believe he has done. It is almost constant.  I do not believe it is character only that you hate. That is something you have to deal with. That is an opinion. That is not my problem. What I really do have a problem with is your obsession with skin color/racism Most topics you are involved in on the forum have led to a history lesson in race . As important as that seems to be to you it might be hard for you to understand that most of us simply don't care. Even mentioning that I was privileged to work with women in Haiti was a racist statement to you. So far from it, I have more respect and admiration for those I work with in Haiti than anyone in the US that constantly whines about poverty or race.  The group I work with are absolutely remarkable human beings.

There is a lot more important issues in this world than the color of someone's skin.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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1 hour ago, Theophilus said:

The FBI does not have the best reputation or track record for honesty of late. As neither of us were there we do have to rely on others and a bit of common sense. Not necessarily what the FBI says. Not once that I recall any rally on behalf of Trump, with the hundred's of thousands attending has there been violence by Trump supporters. So yes, I have a hard time believing white supremacists have suddenly gone nuts. I am sure it is possible someone that claims affiliation with that group was at the capital. But by the hundreds? To cause the kind of damage/injury that was done?

Testifying before congress has not proven the integrity of the FBI, why  should it this time


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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3 hours ago, Theophilus said:

FBI said it's white supremacists.

Yes that's exactly who was behind what happen at the Capital!!

Yes the FBI had a good reputation up until 4/5 years ago, when the cult leader tried to make it sound as if they were the worst people on the face of the earth. There were some years were they had a person running the department that were questionable for sure!! And had there people do questionable things. No group has ever been without there problems!!


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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18 minutes ago, phkrause said:

Yes that's exactly who was behind what happen at the Capital!!

Yes the FBI had a good reputation up until 4/5 years ago, when the cult leader tried to make it sound as if they were the worst people on the face of the earth. There were some years were they had a person running the department that were questionable for sure!! And had there people do questionable things. No group has ever been without there problems!!

You state that so emphatically I assume you have personal  knowledge or were there. All I can go by is some things that have been reported that says otherwise and past behavior of those attending a Trump rally.

The previous reputation of the FBI doesn't have anything to do with recent  behavior under Comey.  No one was claiming a perfect group existed.  What another group may or may not be guilty of doesn't have any bearing on those in the anti Trump group and what they were willing to do. You may find the behavior of the FBI acceptable the last 4-5 years but many of us don't. What has come out about the Russian Collusion, Hilary Clintons illegal gymnastics etc, then onto something more ominous to a lot of us is Biden, Hunter and what sounds like some very questionable business practices with China. To you, it may not be anything you question , not so for many americans. It will be a longtime before a lot of us accept what the government or FBI says at face value

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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And it comes full circle (like the press secretary who will "circle back"!). President Trump was savagely criticized by the mainstream media and liberals for "children kept in cages". Never mind that these cages were started during the Obama-Biden administration and seems to have been revived again during the Harris-Biden regime. I will be watching for the apologies given for the trashing of President Trump here on Adventistan for the mistreatment of "children".



                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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17 minutes ago, B/W Photodude said:

And it comes full circle (like the press secretary who will "circle back"!). President Trump was savagely criticized by the mainstream media and liberals for "children kept in cages". Never mind that these cages were started during the Obama-Biden administration and seems to have been revived again during the Harris-Biden regime. I will be watching for the apologies given for the trashing of President Trump here on Adventistan for the mistreatment of "children".



I am afraid you will be a very old man before you see any type of apology concerning Trump.

After watching the Biden press conference I am just hoping they can prop Biden up long enough to get to the end of his first term. Doesn't seem likely but the thought of a President Harris and Nancy Pelosi ,second in line unrestrained is frightening.

Many think he is in early stages of dementia, supporters deny it. It is gets harder to believe the left actually think this behavior is normal. This man frequently stumbles to complete a consistent thought. We can all speculate but I live every day with the behavior that Biden exhibits in almost every public appearance. I also took care of my mother 24/7 after her stroke. Identical behavior.  This was seen and noted prior to the election, but the hatred for Trump was/is so intense that it appears that many of those voting Biden would rather have a cognitively impaired president than someone that they hate so completely. I do think it is the way we will get a woman president


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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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On 3/20/2021 at 8:13 PM, bonnie said:

It really is difficult trying to follow your line of reasoning.  You said previously ......

Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two letter used for cussing. 

What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

Dont have  a clue what delusional lie I believe and what that possibly has to do  with your accusation that I was cussing. It is pretty obvious where your mind went as you determined what I was really saying.  This is just plain silly and petty on your part. Hard to believe I am sure for someone who thinks like this but no I did not mean as you accuse. Utter nonsense is what I meant, I suggest you change your thinking away from cussing.

Yes you have judged...... Here we go againI did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite.  I don't believe you can find anywhere that someone has disagreed with that 

Yes, I agree I do believe you hate Trump. Like so many you are obsessed with what he has done or you believe he has done. It is almost constant.  I do not believe it is character only that you hate. That is something you have to deal with. That is an opinion. That is not my problem. What I really do have a problem with is your obsession with skin color/racism Most topics you are involved in on the forum have led to a history lesson in race . As important as that seems to be to you it might be hard for you to understand that most of us simply don't care. Even mentioning that I was privileged to work with women in Haiti was a racist statement to you. So far from it, I have more respect and admiration for those I work with in Haiti than anyone in the US that constantly whines about poverty or race.  The group I work with are absolutely remarkable human beings.

There is a lot more important issues in this world than the color of someone's skin.


It really is difficult trying to follow your line of reasoning.  You said previously ......

It certainly appears that you are following it pretty well with all of you writing below!

Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two-letter used for cussing. What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

Simple, Bonnie is what you believe and how you act. You are full of rage making up false claims. You become so raged that now you will resort to using words that a person who says she is for the SAVIOR would not use. You can make your point across without using that word!

Dont have  a clue what delusional lie I believe and what that possibly has to do  with your accusation that I was cussing. It is pretty obvious where your mind went as you determined what I was really saying.  This is just plain silly and petty on your part. Hard to believe I am sure for someone who thinks like this but no I did not mean as you accuse. Utter nonsense is what I meant, I suggest you change your thinking away from cussing.

So, why didn’t you say the words instead of the symbols? It is amazing to me that all of sudden this two letters together were the symbol used for cussing, but you say it meant something else. Hmmm, I show would like to know what it is, maybe you can help us here on the forum? I will not change my way of thinking. Like you said it utter nonsense and I will leave it at that!

Yes you have judged...... Here we go again, I did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite.  I don't believe you can find anywhere that someone has disagreed with that

I judge but you haven’t, there is a double standard here. What have I said that is the opposite. Please tell me? Here is what I said and I will repeat it again! But you can judge me saying: “me and others have said is the opposite.” You want to make me out a villain because I stated truthfully, and I was not lying the things I said Trump have done.

Yes, I agree I do believe you hate Trump. Like so many you are obsessed with what he has done or you believe he has done. It is almost constant.  I do not believe it is character only that you hate. That is something you have to deal with. That is an opinion. That is not my problem.

Boy, if that’s not judging I do not know what is! So, you can read my mind? You, are wrong I do not have an obsession with Trump. To be honest, you really do because you do not want to accept the truth! He lies that’s has been proven, he cheated on his wives that has been proven. He have had sex a lot with playboy bunnies and Porno queens and that’s what became a problem over his head! He is dishonest about his taxes. He has lost millions of dollar and his casinos. He took his own brother’s money from his children. His niece is suing him now. He was the one who told his followers a lie that the election was stolen. They believed him, but all the court wouldn’t. His own attorney general refuse to accept that lie and they departed. He wanted his Vice President not to accept the votes and he wouldn’t do it and the crowd wanted to hang him. Finally,the worst thing he did was call up the Secretary of the State and threaten him and his attorney if they wouldn’t give him the votes he needed they would be in criminal trouble.  Now, there is a criminal investigation going on here in Georgia against him. So, I am making this all up? All of this was shown on national TV!

What I really do have a problem with is your obsession with skin color/racism Most topics you are involved in on the forum have led to a history lesson in race . As important as that seems to be to you it might be hard for you to understand that most of us simply don't care. Even mentioning that I was privileged to work with women in Haiti was a racist statement to you. So far from it, I have more respect and admiration for those I work with in Haiti than anyone in the US that constantly whines about poverty or race.  The group I work with are absolutely remarkable human beings.

The history lesson is the truth. Maybe you do not like it and don’t want to believe it that’s fine. That’s a good thing you did for the Hattian People and it is not hard for me to understand. Those people just like my ancestors were shipped from Afrika. They too were chattel slaves and Joyce Reed on MSBN is Hattian. She speaks a lot about her homeland. And I love all of the Islanders most are nice people. It just that some Jamaicans and Barbados who are hard to get along with. But the ones who are not Adventist are great and wonderful. The Adventist from the other Island are wonderful and they are greatly loved.

There is a lot more important issues in this world than the color of someone's skin.

We differ on this point and I have explained why and I have moved on. The Asians are attack as well. The language they have is from Afrika! It is called Afroasiatic and why is that? The Asians people speak today a type of Hieroglyphics and they came from the Canaanites and the Bible in Gen Chapter 10 said they spread abroad.

 Chapter 14-on April 29, 2010  Where Do The Chinese Come From?

Answer: Surely these shall come from afar; Look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim.” (ISAIAH 49:12)

Bible: GENESIS 11:9; ACTS 17:26; JOHN 3:16

All people today came out of Babel (GENESIS 10:32), including the Chinese people. The Chinese came from the line of Noah’s son Ham and grandson Canaan. Some of these descendants were called Canaanites. One group of Canaanites was called the Sinites (GENESIS 10:15–17). Like the Sinai Peninsula, the names in the area reflect the names of Sineus or the Sinites, such as Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments (EXODUS 34:29) when leaving Egypt.

The Chinese are descendants of these original Sinites and most call themselves “Han,” from Ham, one of Noah’s three sons. China in ancient times was called the land of the Sinites. This name is still used and the Bible even calls this distant land the land of Sinim (ISAIAH 49:12). Not all people in China are Sinites though. There are several people groups that made it to China. One group, the Maio people, have their ancestry through Noah’s son Japheth and his son Gomer. But let’s remember that all people in the world are descendants of Adam—which is why all people are sinners in need of salvation through Christ. Welcome to Kids Answers!

Out of which of Noah’s three sons did the Chinese race come from?

Below are comments from The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. He writes regarding Gen. 9:24:

Descendants of Ham included the Egyptians and Sumerians, who founded the first two great empires of antiquity, as well as other great nations such as the Phoenicians, Hittites, and Canaanites. The modern African tribes and the Mongol tribes (including today the Chinese and Japanese), as well as the American Indians and the South Sea Islanders, are probably dominantly Hamitic in origin.

Regarding Gen. 10:16-18 Morris writes:

The Biblical mention of a people in the Far East named “Sinim” (Isaiah 49:12), together with references in ancient secular histories to people in the Far East called “Sinae,” at least suggests the possibility that some of Sin’s descendants migrated eastward, while others went south into the land of Canaan. It is significant that the Chinese people have always been identified by the prefix “Sino-” (e.g., Sino-Japanese War; Sinology, the study of Chinese history). The name “Sin” is frequently encountered in Chinese names in the form “Siang” or its equivalent.

The evidence is tenuous but, of all the names in the Table of Nations, it does seem that two sons of Canaan, Heth (Hittites = Khittae = Cathay) and Sin (Sinites = Sinim = China), are the most likely to have become ancestors of the Oriental peoples. Since it seems reasonable that divine inspiration would include in such a table information concerning the ancestry of all the major streams of human development, it is reasonable to conclude that the Mongoloid peoples (and therefore also the American Indians) have come mostly from the Hamitic line. Bible.org

Ham.  Also, Kham.  Literal meanings are hot, burnt, or dark (father of the Mongoloid and Negroid races - Hamites).  He was the progenitor of: (1) Canaan "down low" (sons were Zidon1, Heth, Amori, Gergashi, Hivi, Arkee, Seni, Arodi, Zimodi and Chamothi) - also Canaanites, Cana, Chna, Chanani, Chanana, Canaana, Kana, Kenaanah, Kena'ani, Kena'an, Kn'nw, Kyn'nw, Kinnahu, Kinachi, Kinahan, Kinahan, Kinahan (Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Asians, Malayasians, AmerIndians2, Eskimos, Polynesians, Pacific Islanders, related groups3);

(2) Cush "black" (sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabta, Raama and Satecha) - also Chus, Kush, Kosh (Nubians, Ethiopians, Sudanese, Ghanaians, Africans4, Bushmen, Pygmies, Australian Aborigines, New Guineans, other related groups);

(3) Mizraim "double straits" (sons were Lud, Anom, Pathros, Chasloth and Chaphtor) - also Misraim, Mitzraim, Mizraite, Mitsrayim (Egyptians, Copts);

(4) Phut "a bow" (sons were Gebul, Hadan, Benah and Adan) - also Putaya, Putiya, Punt, Puta, Put, Libya, Libya (Libyans, Cyrenacians (The Philistines), Tunisians, Berbers, Somalians, North Africans, other related groups).

Tribes in other parts of Africa, Arabia and Asia, aboriginal groups in Australia, native Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Eskimos were birthed from descendants of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim, and Phut.

Looking at history, whichever region is considered, Africa, Europe, Australia, or America, the major migrations have always been from Asia.  In every area of the world where Japhethites have subsequently settled, they have always been preceded by Hamites. This pattern applies in every continent.  In early historic times the circumstance seems always to be true, the earliest fossil remains of man being Mongoloid or Negroid in character and in head shape, whereas those that came last belong to the family of Japheth (Caucasoid).  If you study ancient history and technological achievements, which were in many ways the equal of, or superior of, much that we have today, were founded and carried to a high technological proficiency by Hamitic people, showing an amazing adaptability to the world in which they live. Their achievements were exploited by the Japhetic people, who became great scientific discoverers.  The Hamitic migrations indicate they sought a way of life, not an understanding or a control of nature beyond what was immediately useful.

11. Zidon (or Sidon) and his descendants settled on the Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon, then known as the land of Canaan.  The Sidonians called themselves Kena'ani, or Canaanites.  Interestingly, the Canaanites spoke a *Semitic language, probably adopted from a large migration of Semites who came from land and sea, and introduced their language and a sophisticated maritime technology about 1800 B.C.  Historians suggest the first Canaanites succumbed to racial and linguistic intermixture with the invading Semites, which led to the loss of their own ethnic predominance, as evidenced by modern excavations.  They eventually moved westward and occupied a very narrow coastal strip of the east Mediterranean, building new cities, and establishing significant trade with neighboring nations.  In fact, the Israelite name for "Canaan" came to mean "traders", though some suggest the name Canaan is from the Hebrew name Hurrian, meaning "belonging to the land of red purple."

The Canaanites were known for their red and purple cloth (a purple dye was extracted from murex snails found near the shores of Palestine, a method now lost).  The Greeks called the land of Canaan "Phoenicia", which meant "purple".  The Phoenicians became a nation of great trade, language, and culture.  Phoenician, Hebrew, and Moabite were a group of west Semitic languages, all dialects from Canaan, as referred to in Isaiah 19:18.  The writing system of the Phoenicians is the source of the writing systems of nearly all of Europe, including Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, and the Roman alphabet.  The Phoenician empire fell under Hellenistic rule after being conquered by Alexander the Great about 332 B.C.  In 64 B.C. the name of Phoenicia disappeared entirely, becoming a part of the Roman province of Syria.  At the beginning of the Christian era, remaining Phoenicians were the first to accept the Christian faith after the Jews.  Zidon's name is still perpetuated in the modern-day city of Sidon (Saidoon is the Phoenician name, Saida in Arabic) in southern Lebanon.

2. Evidence for diverse migrations into the Americas comes from research on living American Indian populations, which includes data from Mitochondrial DNA.  These studies have consistently shown similarities between American Indians and recent populations in Asia, Siberia and northern Scandinavia.  These groups include the Lapps in northern Europe/Scandinavia, the Yukaghir in Siberia, plus Indians and Eskimos/Aleuts throughout Canada and America.  Ancient skeletal remains show a range of physical attributes (round-headed) suggesting separate migrations of different populations from Asia and the South Pacific, representing 95 percent of all modern American Indian populations.  One unique exception are the Sioux Indians, the popular, red-skinned tribe having a long-head shape similar to that of early Italic peoples in Europe.  They are thought to be descendants of Canaanites who intermarried with Indo-Europeans while migrating across Europe, and subsequently sailing to America.  Studies of the native languages of the Americas have shown them to be extremely diverse, representing nearly two hundred distinct families, some consisting of a single isolated language.

3. The vast aggregate of peoples who are generally classified as Mongoloid, who settled the Far East, have been a question as to where they fall into the Table of Nations.  The evidence shows they are Hamitic, even though some have incorrectly reasoned that the Chinese were of Japhetic stock, and the Japanese were either Japhetic or Semitic.  There are two names which provide clues.  Two of Canaan's sons, Heth (Hittites) and Sin (Sinites), are presumed to be the progenitors of Chinese and Mongoloid stock.  The Hittites were known as the Hatti or Chatti.  In Egyptian monuments the Hittite peoples were depicted with prominent noses, full lips, high check-bones, hairless faces, varying skin color from brown to yellowish and reddish, straight black hair and dark brown eyes.

The term Hittite in Cuneiform (the earliest form of writing invented by the Sumerians) appears as Khittae* representing a once powerful nation from the Far East known as the Khitai, and has been preserved through the centuries in the more familiar term, Cathay.  The Cathay were Mongoloids, considered a part of early Chinese stock.  There are links between the known Hittites and Cathay, for example, their modes of dress, their shoes with turned-up toes, their manner of doing their hair in a pigtail, and so forth.  Representations show them to have possessed high cheekbones, and craniologists have observed that they had common characteristics of Mongoloids.

*Khittae has, at times, been incorrectly associated with Kittim or Chittim (Greek Kition, Roman Citium, Jewish Cethimus), son of Javan, son of Japheth.  Interestingly enough, Javan has been incorrectly interpreted to mean Japan.  History distinctly shows Javan to be the ancestor of the Greeks and other related Mediterranean people groups.

Sin (or Seni), a brother of Heth, has many occurrences in variant forms in the Far East.  There is one significant feature concerning the likely mode of origin of Chinese civilization.  The place most closely associated by the Chinese themselves with the origin of their civilization is the capital of Shensi, namely, Siang-fu (Father Sin).  Siang-fu appears in Assyrian records as Sianu.  Today, Siang-fu can be loosely translated, "Peace to the Western Capital of China".  The Chinese have a tradition that their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah), made his appearance on the Mountains of Chin, was surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water, and sacrificed animals to God (corresponding to the Genesis record).  Sin himself was the third generation from Noah, a circumstance which would provide the right time interval for the formation of early Chinese culture.

Furthermore, those who came from the Far East to trade were called Sinæ (Sin) by the Scythians.  Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, referred to China as the land of Sinim or Sinæ.  Reference to the Sinim in Isaiah 49:12 notes they came "from afar," specifically not from the north and not from the west.  Arabs called China Sin, Chin, Mahachin, Machin.  The Sinæ were spoken of as a people in the remotest parts of Asia.  For the Sinæ, the most important town was Thinæ, a great trading emporium in western China.  The city Thinæ is now known as Thsin or simply Tin, and it lies in the province of Shensi.  Much of China was ruled by the Sino-Khitan Empire (960-1126 A.D.), which Beijing became the southern capital.  The Sinæ became independent in western China, their princes reigning there for some 650 years before they finally gained dominion over the whole land.

In the third century B.C., the dynasty of Tsin became supreme.  The word Tsin itself came to have the meaning of purebred.  This word was assumed as a title by the Manchu Emperors and is believed to have been changed into the form Tchina.  From there the term was brought into Europe as China, probably from the Ch'in or Qin dynasty (255-206 B.C.).  The Greek word for China is Kina (Latin is Sina).  As well, Chinese, and surrounding languages are part of the Sino-Tibetan language family.  Years ago, American newspapers regularly carried headlines with reference to the conflict between the Chinese and Japanese in which the ancient name reappeared in its original form, the Sino-Japanese war.  Sinology refers to the study of Chinese history.

With respect to the Cathay people of historical reference, it would make sense to suppose that the remnants of the Hittites, after the destruction of their empire, travelled towards the east and settled among the Sinites who were relatives, contributing to their civilization, and thus becoming the ancestors of the Asian people groups.  Still others migrated throughout the region and beyond, making up present-day Mongoloid races in Asia and the Americas.  The evidence strongly suggests that Ham's grandsons, Heth (Hittites/Cathay) and Sin (Sinites/China), are the ancestors of the Mongoloid peoples.

4There are many native African tribes which trace themselves back traditionally to Ham.  The Yoruba, who are black skinned, for example, claim to be descendants of Nimrod, son of Cush, whereas the Libyans, who are much lighter skinned, are traced back to Phut.  The Egyptians were direct descendants of Mizraim.  Ancient Egyptians have been considered the greatest technicians in all human history.  Other African groups trace their roots back to Ham or one of his descendants.  It is therefore suggested that all of Africa, despite the different shades of color of its native populations, was initially settled by various members of this one Hamitic family.

The evidence appears to point consistently in the same direction, supporting that not only Africa with its black races, but the Far East, the Americas, and other Island nations with their colored races were all descendants of Ham.  The Hamitic people were the first to reach the far and distant lands of the world, preparing the way for the future.  Their inventions and discoveries made a significant impact on the world and provided inspiration for the Japhethites. THE TABLE OF NATIONS by Tim Osterholm

Wow, I guess a lot of people are more obsessed than me, right!


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It really is difficult trying to follow your line of reasoning.  You said previously ......

It certainly appears that you are following it pretty well with all of you writing below!

Paul also talk about being delusional that you believe a lie. I know this is true cause two people here has used the two-letter used for cussing. What am I delusional about and what lie am I believing? and what has bs have to do with being delusional?

Simple, Bonnie is what you believe and how you act. You are full of rage making up false claims. You become so raged that now you will resort to using words that a person who says she is for the SAVIOR would not use. You can make your point across without using that word!

Dont have  a clue what delusional lie I believe and what that possibly has to do  with your accusation that I was cussing. It is pretty obvious where your mind went as you determined what I was really saying.  This is just plain silly and petty on your part. Hard to believe I am sure for someone who thinks like this but no I did not mean as you accuse. Utter nonsense is what I meant, I suggest you change your thinking away from cussing.

So, why didn’t you say the words instead of the symbols? It is amazing to me that all of sudden this two letters together were the symbol used for cussing, but you say it meant something else. Hmmm, I show would like to know what it is, maybe you can help us here on the forum? I will not change my way of thinking. Like you said it utter nonsense and I will leave it at that!

Yes you have judged...... Here we go again, I did say that thing you say, YAHSHUA states to love you enemies because great is your reward in Heaven. According to what you and others  have said is the opposite.  I don't believe you can find anywhere that someone has disagreed with that

I judge but you haven’t, there is a double standard here. What have I said that is the opposite. Please tell me? Here is what I said and I will repeat it again! But you can judge me saying: “me and others have said is the opposite.” You want to make me out a villain because I stated truthfully, and I was not lying the things I said Trump have done.

Yes, I agree I do believe you hate Trump. Like so many you are obsessed with what he has done or you believe he has done. It is almost constant.  I do not believe it is character only that you hate. That is something you have to deal with. That is an opinion. That is not my problem.

Boy, if that’s not judging I do not know what is! So, you can read my mind? You, are wrong I do not have an obsession with Trump. To be honest, you really do because you do not want to accept the truth! He lies that’s has been proven, he cheated on his wives that has been proven. He have had sex a lot with playboy bunnies and Porno queens and that’s what became a problem over his head! He is dishonest about his taxes. He has lost millions of dollar and his casinos. He took his own brother’s money from his children. His niece is suing him now. He was the one who told his followers a lie that the election was stolen. They believed him, but all the court wouldn’t. His own attorney general refuse to accept that lie and they departed. He wanted his Vice President not to accept the votes and he wouldn’t do it and the crowd wanted to hang him. Finally,the worst thing he did was call up the Secretary of the State and threaten him and his attorney if they wouldn’t give him the votes he needed they would be in criminal trouble.  Now, there is a criminal investigation going on here in Georgia against him. So, I am making this all up? All of this was shown on national TV!

What I really do have a problem with is your obsession with skin color/racism Most topics you are involved in on the forum have led to a history lesson in race . As important as that seems to be to you it might be hard for you to understand that most of us simply don't care. Even mentioning that I was privileged to work with women in Haiti was a racist statement to you. So far from it, I have more respect and admiration for those I work with in Haiti than anyone in the US that constantly whines about poverty or race.  The group I work with are absolutely remarkable human beings.

The history lesson is the truth. Maybe you do not like it and don’t want to believe it that’s fine. That’s a good thing you did for the Hattian People and it is not hard for me to understand. Those people just like my ancestors were shipped from Afrika. They too were chattel slaves and Joyce Reed on MSBN is Hattian. She speaks a lot about her homeland. And I love all of the Islanders most are nice people. It just that some Jamaicans and Barbados who are hard to get along with. But the ones who are not Adventist are great and wonderful. The Adventist from the other Island are wonderful and they are greatly loved.

There is a lot more important issues in this world than the color of someone's skin.

We differ on this point and I have explained why and I have moved on. The Asians are attack as well. The language they have is from Afrika! It is called Afroasiatic and why is that? The Asians people speak today a type of Hieroglyphics and they came from the Canaanites and the Bible in Gen Chapter 10 said they spread abroad.

 Chapter 14-on April 29, 2010  Where Do The Chinese Come From?

Answer: Surely these shall come from afar; Look! Those from the north and the west, and these from the land of Sinim.” (ISAIAH 49:12)

Bible: GENESIS 11:9; ACTS 17:26; JOHN 3:16

All people today came out of Babel (GENESIS 10:32), including the Chinese people. The Chinese came from the line of Noah’s son Ham and grandson Canaan. Some of these descendants were called Canaanites. One group of Canaanites was called the Sinites (GENESIS 10:15–17). Like the Sinai Peninsula, the names in the area reflect the names of Sineus or the Sinites, such as Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments (EXODUS 34:29) when leaving Egypt.

The Chinese are descendants of these original Sinites and most call themselves “Han,” from Ham, one of Noah’s three sons. China in ancient times was called the land of the Sinites. This name is still used and the Bible even calls this distant land the land of Sinim (ISAIAH 49:12). Not all people in China are Sinites though. There are several people groups that made it to China. One group, the Maio people, have their ancestry through Noah’s son Japheth and his son Gomer. But let’s remember that all people in the world are descendants of Adam—which is why all people are sinners in need of salvation through Christ. Welcome to Kids Answers!

Out of which of Noah’s three sons did the Chinese race come from?

Below are comments from The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. He writes regarding Gen. 9:24:

Descendants of Ham included the Egyptians and Sumerians, who founded the first two great empires of antiquity, as well as other great nations such as the Phoenicians, Hittites, and Canaanites. The modern African tribes and the Mongol tribes (including today the Chinese and Japanese), as well as the American Indians and the South Sea Islanders, are probably dominantly Hamitic in origin.

Regarding Gen. 10:16-18 Morris writes:

The Biblical mention of a people in the Far East named “Sinim” (Isaiah 49:12), together with references in ancient secular histories to people in the Far East called “Sinae,” at least suggests the possibility that some of Sin’s descendants migrated eastward, while others went south into the land of Canaan. It is significant that the Chinese people have always been identified by the prefix “Sino-” (e.g., Sino-Japanese War; Sinology, the study of Chinese history). The name “Sin” is frequently encountered in Chinese names in the form “Siang” or its equivalent.

The evidence is tenuous but, of all the names in the Table of Nations, it does seem that two sons of Canaan, Heth (Hittites = Khittae = Cathay) and Sin (Sinites = Sinim = China), are the most likely to have become ancestors of the Oriental peoples. Since it seems reasonable that divine inspiration would include in such a table information concerning the ancestry of all the major streams of human development, it is reasonable to conclude that the Mongoloid peoples (and therefore also the American Indians) have come mostly from the Hamitic line. Bible.org

Ham.  Also, Kham.  Literal meanings are hot, burnt, or dark (father of the Mongoloid and Negroid races - Hamites).  He was the progenitor of: (1) Canaan "down low" (sons were Zidon1, Heth, Amori, Gergashi, Hivi, Arkee, Seni, Arodi, Zimodi and Chamothi) - also Canaanites, Cana, Chna, Chanani, Chanana, Canaana, Kana, Kenaanah, Kena'ani, Kena'an, Kn'nw, Kyn'nw, Kinnahu, Kinachi, Kinahan, Kinahan, Kinahan (Mongols, Chinese, Japanese, Asians, Malayasians, AmerIndians2, Eskimos, Polynesians, Pacific Islanders, related groups3);

(2) Cush "black" (sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabta, Raama and Satecha) - also Chus, Kush, Kosh (Nubians, Ethiopians, Sudanese, Ghanaians, Africans4, Bushmen, Pygmies, Australian Aborigines, New Guineans, other related groups);

(3) Mizraim "double straits" (sons were Lud, Anom, Pathros, Chasloth and Chaphtor) - also Misraim, Mitzraim, Mizraite, Mitsrayim (Egyptians, Copts);

(4) Phut "a bow" (sons were Gebul, Hadan, Benah and Adan) - also Putaya, Putiya, Punt, Puta, Put, Libya, Libya (Libyans, Cyrenacians (The Philistines), Tunisians, Berbers, Somalians, North Africans, other related groups).

Tribes in other parts of Africa, Arabia and Asia, aboriginal groups in Australia, native Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Eskimos were birthed from descendants of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim, and Phut.

Looking at history, whichever region is considered, Africa, Europe, Australia, or America, the major migrations have always been from Asia.  In every area of the world where Japhethites have subsequently settled, they have always been preceded by Hamites. This pattern applies in every continent.  In early historic times the circumstance seems always to be true, the earliest fossil remains of man being Mongoloid or Negroid in character and in head shape, whereas those that came last belong to the family of Japheth (Caucasoid).  If you study ancient history and technological achievements, which were in many ways the equal of, or superior of, much that we have today, were founded and carried to a high technological proficiency by Hamitic people, showing an amazing adaptability to the world in which they live. Their achievements were exploited by the Japhetic people, who became great scientific discoverers.  The Hamitic migrations indicate they sought a way of life, not an understanding or a control of nature beyond what was immediately useful.

11. Zidon (or Sidon) and his descendants settled on the Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon, then known as the land of Canaan.  The Sidonians called themselves Kena'ani, or Canaanites.  Interestingly, the Canaanites spoke a *Semitic language, probably adopted from a large migration of Semites who came from land and sea, and introduced their language and a sophisticated maritime technology about 1800 B.C.  Historians suggest the first Canaanites succumbed to racial and linguistic intermixture with the invading Semites, which led to the loss of their own ethnic predominance, as evidenced by modern excavations.  They eventually moved westward and occupied a very narrow coastal strip of the east Mediterranean, building new cities, and establishing significant trade with neighboring nations.  In fact, the Israelite name for "Canaan" came to mean "traders", though some suggest the name Canaan is from the Hebrew name Hurrian, meaning "belonging to the land of red purple."

The Canaanites were known for their red and purple cloth (a purple dye was extracted from murex snails found near the shores of Palestine, a method now lost).  The Greeks called the land of Canaan "Phoenicia", which meant "purple".  The Phoenicians became a nation of great trade, language, and culture.  Phoenician, Hebrew, and Moabite were a group of west Semitic languages, all dialects from Canaan, as referred to in Isaiah 19:18.  The writing system of the Phoenicians is the source of the writing systems of nearly all of Europe, including Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, and the Roman alphabet.  The Phoenician empire fell under Hellenistic rule after being conquered by Alexander the Great about 332 B.C.  In 64 B.C. the name of Phoenicia disappeared entirely, becoming a part of the Roman province of Syria.  At the beginning of the Christian era, remaining Phoenicians were the first to accept the Christian faith after the Jews.  Zidon's name is still perpetuated in the modern-day city of Sidon (Saidoon is the Phoenician name, Saida in Arabic) in southern Lebanon.

2. Evidence for diverse migrations into the Americas comes from research on living American Indian populations, which includes data from Mitochondrial DNA.  These studies have consistently shown similarities between American Indians and recent populations in Asia, Siberia and northern Scandinavia.  These groups include the Lapps in northern Europe/Scandinavia, the Yukaghir in Siberia, plus Indians and Eskimos/Aleuts throughout Canada and America.  Ancient skeletal remains show a range of physical attributes (round-headed) suggesting separate migrations of different populations from Asia and the South Pacific, representing 95 percent of all modern American Indian populations.  One unique exception are the Sioux Indians, the popular, red-skinned tribe having a long-head shape similar to that of early Italic peoples in Europe.  They are thought to be descendants of Canaanites who intermarried with Indo-Europeans while migrating across Europe, and subsequently sailing to America.  Studies of the native languages of the Americas have shown them to be extremely diverse, representing nearly two hundred distinct families, some consisting of a single isolated language.

3. The vast aggregate of peoples who are generally classified as Mongoloid, who settled the Far East, have been a question as to where they fall into the Table of Nations.  The evidence shows they are Hamitic, even though some have incorrectly reasoned that the Chinese were of Japhetic stock, and the Japanese were either Japhetic or Semitic.  There are two names which provide clues.  Two of Canaan's sons, Heth (Hittites) and Sin (Sinites), are presumed to be the progenitors of Chinese and Mongoloid stock.  The Hittites were known as the Hatti or Chatti.  In Egyptian monuments the Hittite peoples were depicted with prominent noses, full lips, high check-bones, hairless faces, varying skin color from brown to yellowish and reddish, straight black hair and dark brown eyes.

The term Hittite in Cuneiform (the earliest form of writing invented by the Sumerians) appears as Khittae* representing a once powerful nation from the Far East known as the Khitai, and has been preserved through the centuries in the more familiar term, Cathay.  The Cathay were Mongoloids, considered a part of early Chinese stock.  There are links between the known Hittites and Cathay, for example, their modes of dress, their shoes with turned-up toes, their manner of doing their hair in a pigtail, and so forth.  Representations show them to have possessed high cheekbones, and craniologists have observed that they had common characteristics of Mongoloids.

*Khittae has, at times, been incorrectly associated with Kittim or Chittim (Greek Kition, Roman Citium, Jewish Cethimus), son of Javan, son of Japheth.  Interestingly enough, Javan has been incorrectly interpreted to mean Japan.  History distinctly shows Javan to be the ancestor of the Greeks and other related Mediterranean people groups.

Sin (or Seni), a brother of Heth, has many occurrences in variant forms in the Far East.  There is one significant feature concerning the likely mode of origin of Chinese civilization.  The place most closely associated by the Chinese themselves with the origin of their civilization is the capital of Shensi, namely, Siang-fu (Father Sin).  Siang-fu appears in Assyrian records as Sianu.  Today, Siang-fu can be loosely translated, "Peace to the Western Capital of China".  The Chinese have a tradition that their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah), made his appearance on the Mountains of Chin, was surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water, and sacrificed animals to God (corresponding to the Genesis record).  Sin himself was the third generation from Noah, a circumstance which would provide the right time interval for the formation of early Chinese culture.

Furthermore, those who came from the Far East to trade were called Sinæ (Sin) by the Scythians.  Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, referred to China as the land of Sinim or Sinæ.  Reference to the Sinim in Isaiah 49:12 notes they came "from afar," specifically not from the north and not from the west.  Arabs called China Sin, Chin, Mahachin, Machin.  The Sinæ were spoken of as a people in the remotest parts of Asia.  For the Sinæ, the most important town was Thinæ, a great trading emporium in western China.  The city Thinæ is now known as Thsin or simply Tin, and it lies in the province of Shensi.  Much of China was ruled by the Sino-Khitan Empire (960-1126 A.D.), which Beijing became the southern capital.  The Sinæ became independent in western China, their princes reigning there for some 650 years before they finally gained dominion over the whole land.

In the third century B.C., the dynasty of Tsin became supreme.  The word Tsin itself came to have the meaning of purebred.  This word was assumed as a title by the Manchu Emperors and is believed to have been changed into the form Tchina.  From there the term was brought into Europe as China, probably from the Ch'in or Qin dynasty (255-206 B.C.).  The Greek word for China is Kina (Latin is Sina).  As well, Chinese, and surrounding languages are part of the Sino-Tibetan language family.  Years ago, American newspapers regularly carried headlines with reference to the conflict between the Chinese and Japanese in which the ancient name reappeared in its original form, the Sino-Japanese war.  Sinology refers to the study of Chinese history.

With respect to the Cathay people of historical reference, it would make sense to suppose that the remnants of the Hittites, after the destruction of their empire, travelled towards the east and settled among the Sinites who were relatives, contributing to their civilization, and thus becoming the ancestors of the Asian people groups.  Still others migrated throughout the region and beyond, making up present-day Mongoloid races in Asia and the Americas.  The evidence strongly suggests that Ham's grandsons, Heth (Hittites/Cathay) and Sin (Sinites/China), are the ancestors of the Mongoloid peoples.

4There are many native African tribes which trace themselves back traditionally to Ham.  The Yoruba, who are black skinned, for example, claim to be descendants of Nimrod, son of Cush, whereas the Libyans, who are much lighter skinned, are traced back to Phut.  The Egyptians were direct descendants of Mizraim.  Ancient Egyptians have been considered the greatest technicians in all human history.  Other African groups trace their roots back to Ham or one of his descendants.  It is therefore suggested that all of Africa, despite the different shades of color of its native populations, was initially settled by various members of this one Hamitic family.

The evidence appears to point consistently in the same direction, supporting that not only Africa with its black races, but the Far East, the Americas, and other Island nations with their colored races were all descendants of Ham.  The Hamitic people were the first to reach the far and distant lands of the world, preparing the way for the future.  Their inventions and discoveries made a significant impact on the world and provided inspiration for the Japhethites. THE TABLE OF NATIONS by Tim Osterholm

Wow, I guess a lot of people are more obsessed than me, right! I do not agreed with brother Osterholm that the Semitic people language was used by the Canaanites and Afrika. The Bible makes it very plain, that Abraham came to Canaan and they were already speaking their language. He knew it because like English today they were the traders and they brought their language to other people. But, again false racism that the Canaanites and a large part of Afrikan that the Semitic people never visited all of sudden speaks a Semitic language. Really! When they can't decipher Elam a son of Shem's language, which should be easy if they have a Semitic language most people language who are related syntax and grammar are related. Yet, they cannot decipher the hundreds of tablets of the Elamites??? Strange? What do I know, I am just this unknowledgeb/e person who shows where she graduate in her profile. But you know, I appeared to be ignorant to some!


PS: Left out some and tried to edit but it didn't so it is here

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Stinsonmarri has posted much that could be discussed.  I will only comment on one statement quoted below.

Hieroglyphics is a form in which a language is written.    It is not and has never been a spoken language.

In modern terms:  I speak the English language.  However, I am writing this post in a modified version of a Latin alphabet.  As it is a modified version of that Latin alphabet, I could say that I am writing  this post with an English alphabet.  


The Asians people speak today a type of Hieroglyphics . . . ..]/quote]


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