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Posted   On 11/10/2020 at 8:04 PM, bonnie said:
So 52 days later you come back and say this REally? I am really baffled why drag this up 52 days later and tell me to give it a rest. I thought I had.   
 Now, all of you please give it a rest enough is enough! BREATEH, GET SOME REST because Biden will be the next President of the United States. Have a good life, if you can.
That is just to funny. I have not been addressing you in anyway. Yes,I have a very good life. Like anyone have had bumps in the road,but overall I have been blessed.
And this....Bonnie have you ever told a lie, I have and I have ask for forgiveness. Anyone without sin cast the first stone!
With the stones you have cast can I assume you are without sin?
What gets me with you Trump lovers, that you take up for a man that lies continually and does not have empathy at all. Here he is lying that that the election was stolen from him. Republican Governors and Secretaries proved that the voting was above board. He fired the young man overlooking corruption because he stated that the election was done correctly, just, and fair. Here on the 6th he wants violence to erupt outside while congress do their ceremonial duties. Then a congressman is trying to sue Pence to disavow accepting the votes. This is a evil madman and if you want to accept his madness go ahead! All knows that he want to stay in office because New York State is going to get him.
First explain to me what a Trump lover is if you  will. Does voting for someone give you that label? I didn't vote for the man because of empathy or lack of it. You can assume, something we all do , but you claim knowledge and facts you don't have.
Whether he is right or wrong I believe he does believe the election was stolen. Many people do.   You stating otherwise doesn't make it so. And no, I do not know New York will get him. Nor do you, I am certain they will try, maybe succeed
If you feel that Biden has lied, fine! Guess what he is still the President elect. The majority in the six states has spoken and none of you can change it.
No, I don't feel he has, I know by his record he has. In college and on the campaign trail first time he ran. He had to drop out because of dishonesty.  I haven't denied that he probably is the president elect nor have I tried in anyway to change it.
You people are sore losers, you have problem with racism just like Trump. He brought out what you thought you had hidden in your heart! What's in the dark will come to the light and it has. You can balk, scream call Biden whatever, will not change that he won.
You throw words and accusations around like you are somehow empowered to be judge and jury. I am not naive to the shortcomings of Trump. Your careless and bitter accusations as fact  against those on the forum that disagree with you make you less believable concerning Trump
 How many of you going to Washington to stand up for  your leader? Photodue is always talking about somebody's electrons he have use his proton, neutron, atom and so much more that he has become a robot! He has put down the Liberty Magazine and other things because it does not praise Trump! Who cares!
I am clueless why I would even consider going to Washington
Well apparently you do care or you would not be accusing Photodude of something. Perhaps he did say that he has put down Liberty magazine and others because it doesn't praise Trump, but I have not seen it. Could you show me so I know where you are getting your facts
You need to get over it and pray! It is so tiring that you say the same thing over and over and we tell you the same thing over and over. It is done and this is YAHWEH'S plan.
I was over this conversation with you 52 days ago. If it is so tiring you have an odd way of showing it.

Now, all of you please give it a rest enough is enough! BREATEH, GET SOME REST because Biden will be the next President of the United States. Have a good life, if you can.

I was over this conversation with you 52 days ago. If it is so tiring you have an odd way of showing it.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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