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Will Religious Org. Be Required To Force Employees To Receive Vaccine


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Just now, bonnie said:

I commented to you two days ago. You have exercised your right and expressed your concern. So again you understand nothing except to  stand at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Seen and noted .

So, now I have to comment back when you say so? Oh, I did not know that! Sorry, I commented now and that's all that needs to be said. I truly understand and again, I will be praying for you.

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1 minute ago, stinsonmarri said:

How do you know that Bonnie, are you a doctor and have been there to test them? It is sad and just remember YAHWEH hears you say things that you do not know to be true. Prayers are needed!

Because I have listened to a variety of reports.  Reports from both the right and left.

Again what is sad about saying they are not tested or vaccinated for covid I have no idea.

Then get off the street corner and do it. You have no idea who prays quietly about a number of things. 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Just now, bonnie said:

Because I have listened to a variety of reports.  Reports from both the right and left.

Again what is sad about saying they are not tested or vaccinated for covid I have no idea.

Then get off the street corner and do it. You have no idea who prays quietly about a number of things. 

Can you send those reports that said that the Haitian People was tested and they all (based on what you said now), had COVID! Prayer is needed!

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1 minute ago, stinsonmarri said:

So, now I have to comment back when you say so? Oh, I did not know that! Sorry, I commented now and that's all that needs to be said. I truly understand and again, I will be praying for you.

It seems impossible to stop your childish behavior.  You know that isn't what I said. So have at it, keep it up. 

Have a good day. 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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Just now, bonnie said:

It seems impossible to stop your childish behavior.  You know that isn't what I said. So have at it, keep it up. 

Have a good day. 

I know, you talked and say things unkindly. However when you asked to supply the information you start calling out unkind names. I wonder why? Now, who is really acting childish? Don't you think it would have been nice to say something kind instead of spreading things not true. Commenting is not standing on a street corner, what it is that you need to understand, is for us to discuss things. This forum is to discuss thing of the world as people who see crisis and spiritually address the issues with YAHSHUA always in mind. Praying for you! Bye, Bye!

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On 9/12/2021 at 11:50 PM, GHansen said:

Why then, are you presenting information regarding, for example, "heart inflammation"? in a higher than expected number of cases? The large majority of hospital admissions are, allegedly, among the unvaccinated. Some  of these cases, taxpayers are paying the tab for these people. Do you think it's a good thing when my choices lighten your pocketbook? Wouldn't you prefer to choose where your money is spent i.e., the right to choose?  

AZT was the first AIDS treatment ~1990. It was basically worthless. It took about 9 years [1981-1990] to develop a more or less worthless treatment It took another ~5 years for an effective treatment to be developed--protease inhibitors.

Covid vaccines were developed in about ~1 year. ~15 years for an effective AIDS treatment, about 1 year for a Covid treatment. 


That is because cutting all of the government red tape. Boy are you great!

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Most people understand that there is considerable covid risk at the border with the Haitian illegals. But for the very few that don't under stand the filthy conditions, the thousands of people crammed together will present a very real very high risk. Read the below.

Again most would understand that is an estimate but not unreasonable. The spread has to be rapid. If they are not a very real threat could someone tell me why there is a need for a mandate? 

The thousands that were evacuated from Afghanistan, before the push for the artificial deadline was covid taken into account and precautions that could be taken?  Or were they all jammed on planes to spread covid to the far corners? I doubt those trying to flee for their lives stopped for a covid vaccine.  Where have they been placed? Did Biden make any prior provisions for the mess he was making?

Maybe if Biden dealt with covid in a rational manner the vaccine would not have to be mandated.


Haiti is a Level 4 for Covid. 18%-20% of illegal immigrants coming into US have COVID-19 ...

  1. Over 20 percent of illegal immigrant unaccompanied minors and 18 percent of family units who recently crossed the U.S.-Mexico border have tested positive for COVID-19 prior to being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody over the last several weeks, according to a Department of Homeland Security document prepared for President Joe Biden and reviewed by NBC News Saturday.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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Not sure how you became involved again but am fairly certain this is no longer an issue. I am assuming this was sarcastic "Boy are you great"

  On 9/12/2021 at 10:50 PM, GHansen said:

Why then, are you presenting information regarding, for example, "heart inflammation"? in a higher than expected number of cases? The large majority of hospital admissions are, allegedly, among the unvaccinated. Some  of these cases, taxpayers are paying the tab for these people. Do you think it's a good thing when my choices lighten your pocketbook? Wouldn't you prefer to choose where your money is spent i.e., the right to choose?  

AZT was the first AIDS treatment ~1990. It was basically worthless. It took about 9 years [1981-1990] to develop a more or less worthless treatment It took another ~5 years for an effective treatment to be developed--protease inhibitors.

Covid vaccines were developed in about ~1 year. ~15 years for an effective AIDS treatment, about 1 year for a Covid treatment. 



Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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If we don't learn how to co-exist with this virus as we have so many what happens with the next one. And there surely will be a next one. 

Whether man made as this appears to be or not. How many time can this country be shut down and citizens isolated before we no longer have a country we recognize

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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On 9/16/2021 at 11:38 PM, GHansen said:

Of course you know insurers work with qualified medical professionals. They have algorithms, based on experience, to determine treatment options and best practices. This knowledge allows people on the other side of the world to pose a set of questions and based on answers, determine the best course of treatment for a patient e.g. take 2 aspirin, call back in the morning, go to an ER right away, call an ambulance.

Obese people are just as ill as the anorexic. Except in rare cases, obesity is caused by too much food and not enough exercise, complicated by body image issues. Obese people are already denied certain kinds of insurance. Non smokers get better insurance rates. I'm sorry about your husband; however, it sounds like many of his problems are related to lifestyle issues. Orthodox medical professionals are a big part of the problem with healthcare in the USA, them, aligned with Big Ag and the pharmaceutical industry are responsible, more or less, for the "lack of sophistication" that contributes to obesity, tobacco use, poor diet, etc.

Hey GHansen, I had overweight issues due to my endocrine problem. As a little girl until puberty I was skinny. When I reached puberty at twelve, I had numerous issues. I finally pass out in school with a extremely high fever. I was hospitalized, I had cyst a lot of them.  Some were removed at fourteen, still continue and then learn I had an Endocrine disease. They had to remove by Thyroid. This was the problem with my weight. It was not overeating I used to walk miles, I was an excellent swimmer and taught it as well. My weight would go up and down. I had only one child and recently had my female organs removed full of tumors. I also, due to the Endocrine disease, had Diabetes. Now, I didn't eat the right type of food that I should. I have to admit that. But now, with the help of prayer I am vegan. My AC1 was a 10, now it is 6.4! What a blessing, I am more health in my old age than when I was young. Now, I blame no one but my self because Adventist was at one time the leader in Temperance and Health! I just wanted you to know all obese is not overeating there are health issues that are hereditary!


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How Smart Are The Vaxxed? True????????



 “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.” That’s the FDA demeaning the 28% of adults holding out, who definitely don’t want to get vaxxed. They trust a familiar drug over the jab. By the stubbornness of that number, the anti-vaxxers won’t be changing their minds anytime soon.

If there’s one thing the FDA hates more than a stubborn resistor, it’s a faithful drug taker. Beware those who seek salvation in Ivermectin. The words poison, lethal, seizures, and hospitalization, sprinkle the FDA’s alert. A poison pill, we’re led to think.

“Ivermectin, a deworming medicine, is the latest quack cure for covid-19.” This was the headline to a story in the staid Economist. We read that crazies are emptying the shelves of veterinary stores, and taking the cure in doses meant for quadrupeds.  

In such a manner do vaxxers poke fun at dissenters.  

But could it be possible the dissenters know a thing or two their tormentors don’t know? What if—to speculate--there’s more idiocy on the orthodox divide? 

Vaxxers, for a start, may not know that the scientists who discovered Ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1975. It’s on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, in case they aren’t aware of it. And could it be that the vaxxed are too busy mocking Neanderthals for taking animal cures to read up that Ivermectin shares the podium with penicillin and aspirin for having the “greatest beneficial impact on the health and well-being of humanity.” And you can nudge the know-it-alls by telling them that the drug is FDA approved—for humans as well as horses. The CDC recommends it for almost all parasite-ridden refugees from the Third World.
And claiming that there’s no evidence of the drug being effective against Covid? Denial so blatant and panicked must come from the shallowest instinct. As if it’s not enough to be compliant, vaxxers must be complicit. What bugs medics and politicians, technocrats, and journals of impeccable authority so much that they lie about, and even commit blood libel against, a drug on the market for fifty-odd years? It has to be something that could hurt really badly. Is there anything that panics them more than the prospect of losing money and power?
The fact is that what is possibly the biggest trial in medical annals has produced results to which no Covid vaccine could hold a candle. Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state in India, home to 240 million people. It’s also been averaging fewer than 4 deaths daily. No. It’s not vaccines that did it. It can’t be if just 10% of the people are fully vaxxed. The secret is the drug. Authorities began dispensing ivermectin liberally while encouraging people to take it early on and even as a prophylactic. Other states followed suit. Delhi, Karnataka, and Uttarakhand have used Ivermectin widely and basically have eradicated Covid. 
But if dirty chaotic India cannot be trusted to prove a drug, then there’s clean orderly Japan's support for Ivermectin. Two questions beg to be addressed. One, what do the powers that be have to gain from closeting the Indian experiment and Japan’s approval? And two, why make the infantile excuse that taking Ivermectin in the wrong dosage could be fatal? Dosing up on aspirin could be fatal. Billions of lives are at stake. How It can be and it is when the stakes are counted not in lives but in dollars by the trillion. Then any behavior is possible. Killing is possible. Before the vaccine rollout, death by Covid was preventable. The powers that be just need to lay off Ivermectin’s case. Today devastating comparisons between Ivermectin treatments and vaccine results could be made. They’d make life unbearable for the Ivermectin deniers. Heads could roll, governments fall, reputations flounder. But a cheap remedy isn’t worth a hill of beans to eyeballs flashing dollar signs.'Narratives, when held together by lies, come apart at the slip of a President’s tongue. Biden announcing his vaccine mandate is a case in point. “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers,” Biden swore. The un-vaxxed might as well be Tutsis and Biden the Hutu chief speaking code words for genocide. Unvaxxed. Cockroaches. Not a very big difference. “I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated,” the President said. “I understand the anxiety about getting a ‘breakthrough’ case. But as the science makes clear, if you’re fully vaccinated, you’re highly protected from severe illness, even if you get COVID-19.”Try spotting his two lies and one inconsistency.Lie # 1. “You’re highly protected....” Fact check: In the UK, out of 2,381 deaths in the latest period, 69.7% were doubly vaccinated and 25.2% weren’t at all. In the over-50s group, 73% were doubly vaccinated while 22.5% weren’t at all. Adjusting for the over-50s vaccinated and unvaccinated, that works out to a vaccine effectiveness against death of 68.1%: a far cry from the claims being made.
So Mr. Biden’s highly protected aren’t. Lie # 2. “As the science makes clear....”Fact check: CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky gave her stamp of approval to the recommendation that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices gave to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, even though ACIP ignored evidence from six studies. They described not only lower effectiveness but bodily harm. “Given the ramifications this recommendation is already having on the vaccine mandate, the evidence presented does not appear to meet the highest level of standards for scientific integrity and conduct.” So Biden’s clear science is of the muddy type. Then his inconsistency: Biden makes no sense. On the one hand, he claims that the vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious illness and death. On the other hand, he argues that a vaccine mandate is needed to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. If his first claim were true, his second claim must be false. Believe a politician’s promise? Vaxxers, you are not a moo cow. Seriously, y'all. Since when did anyone take politicians at their word? Here’s the big problem. When it comes to vax or not to vax that’s clearly what vaxxers do. Consider a study by Morning Consult, an American pollster.  It found that between March 22nd and August 30, 2021, American adults holding out dropped from 37% to 28%. French skeptics fell more precipitously: 49% to 14%. In China (because of government by stick more than by carrot?), only 10% were still holding out. In Russia though (because of government by the corrupt for the corrupt?), 45% of adults persist in looking through narrowed eyes at getting vaxxed. How or why did vaxxers go out of their little frightened minds? They bought into an oversold pandemic. Take a recent Guardian article that begins with the Great Plague of Marseille in 1720, which killed more than half the population, and then sneakily slides from there into modern-day France: “President Macron is walking an equally tricky tightrope…” Equally? Meaning Covid is deadly like the plague, enough to pose a 50 % risk of dying. Under 1% would be nearer the mark.So, to the bottom line. Let the buyer beware. Harmed by a vaccine? You’re precluded from claiming damages. Parties are protected. The pharmas are not responsible. The experts are not. Your government is not. But you must act responsibly and get vaxxed, for Godsake! 

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:05 AM, bonnie said:

I have been busy working. But the Site above you provided is: American Military News LLC is a private media company owned by Kellen Giuda, a political Tea Party member. Fact check shows that his news is lease bias. However I read the article and it did not say anything about Haitians as you indicated but illegal immigrants. This was written AUGUST 09, 2021 by LIZ GEORGE before the news about the Haitians was reported. That is why I urge you to be truthful in all you say and do according to the Bible!

Blessings, praying for you!

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54 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

I have been busy working. But the Site above you provided is: American Military News LLC is a private media company owned by Kellen Giuda, a political Tea Party member. Fact check shows that his news is lease bias.

Oh my, will wonders never cease. You are concerned over news bias. And so what if he is a Tea Party Member?  If he had been a liberal dem it would have been worth noting


54 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:


However I read the article and it did not say anything about Haitians as you indicated but illegal immigrants. This was written AUGUST 09, 2021 by LIZ GEORGE before the news about the Haitians was reported. That is why I urge you to be truthful in all you say and do according to the Bible!

Blessings, praying for you!

You really are searching, that is obvious.  The statement that is causing you such angst  over my "untruthfulness" was 5 days ago.  I doubt if you will make any attempt to understand but I will try as long as you implied  I was being untruthful. 

At the time I posted this I hope you are not going to be untruthful and say Haiti was not level 4.  No Haitians were not specifically mentioned when the article was written, but not to tax  anyone's common sense, not to big a leap to understand when  I posted the article on the 22 of sept that was true.  I did not say on Aug 9th Haiti is level 4 for covid. I said on sept 22 that Haiti IS!! level 4 for covid. 

I do have a lot of sympathy for those that have so little in their lives that they "search daily to see where they can find fault"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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In case you don't understand the situation with the Haitians...


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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These same Covid carrying Haitians are being sent thru the US it appears. I really don't believe they are vaccinated,wear masks and social distance do you


  1. Thousands of Haitian migrants vanish via White House’s math

    The Biden administration had to resort to fuzzy math on Thursday in an attempt to claim progress in dealing with the Haitian migrant crisis in Del Rio, Texas. During her daily news briefing, White …

  2. Many Haitian migrants in Texas border town of Del Rio ...

    Del Rio, Texas — Many Haitian migrants camped in a small Texas border town are being released in the United States, two U.S. officials said, undercutting the Biden administration's public ...

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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22 hours ago, bonnie said:

Oh my, will wonders never cease. You are concerned over news bias. And so what if he is a Tea Party Member?  If he had been a liberal dem it would have been worth noting


22 hours ago, bonnie said:

Bonnie it so sad that you do not see you have a serious hate problem. Did you take time to read it Bonnie? No, you didn't!

Travel Advisory: Haiti - Level 4 (Do Not Travel)

Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and COVID-19.

These Haitians did not come from Haiti they already left their country. Why don't you read? That is why I sent back about the News Military but they did not say that the Haitians had COVID! 

This comes from the New Post:

Many Haitians left their home country following a devastating earthquake in 2010 that killed 220,000 people to take jobs in Brazil, Chile, Peru and other South American countries. 

But as the jobs dried up, Haitian migrants began the trek north to the US, enticed by President Biden’s more lenient immigration policies. 

Thousands of them arrived in Del Rio, Texas, earlier this month and began camping out under the International Bridge.

You come and say things that are not true at all. This is a problem with you. I hate to say this but it is true. Just tell the truth. I know that you have this disgust for Democrats, Biden and me. I never hated Republicans, I just never understood of all the people you all are obsessed with Trump. I don't hate him but just knew how he was since I was a teenager. He was always suing someone or cheating and messing around. That what I talked about and that was not against the Republican Party! I have discuss problems with both parties. So, I just want you to read things before you sending out. That's all. 

Praying for You!

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57 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:


Bonnie it so sad that you do not see you have a serious hate problem. Did you take time to read it Bonnie? No, you didn't!

Travel Advisory: Haiti - Level 4 (Do Not Travel)

Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and COVID-19.

These Haitians did not come from Haiti they already left their country. Why don't you read? That is why I sent back about the News Military but they did not say that the Haitians had COVID! 

This is getting downright pathetic. No I don't have  hate problem, I have a stinsonmarri problem. And yes, you again know nothing of what you are talking about, I did read it. How dim shall we pretend to be. I would have assumed any place that has a crowded gathering together of 15,000  people from these specific countries would have a little covid problem. If not then it is time for Biden to shut his mouth about a vaccine mandate

57 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:


You come and say things that are not true at all. This is a problem with you. I hate to say this but it is true.

Nope,you don't hate to say things like that at all, you just stand a little taller in your self righteous condemnation for those sinners that are turning their back on the commandments and don't agree with you.

I confess I don't have the divine knowledge you must have, but to claim 15,000  Haitians crowed together without medical care or vaccinations don't have or are not carrying the virus is playing willfully ignorant. Nor did I say as you accused that all the Haitians had covid.  They are being dispersed thru the US without proper vetting 


Just tell the truth. I know that you have this disgust for Democrats, Biden and me. I never hated Republicans, I just never understood of all the people you all are obsessed with Trump.

I rarely bring up Trump, sorry lady, you with your hatred is the one that chews on Trump and in your pious love and forgivness cant let it go.

I am going to try once more to see if I can get thru your Trump fog. A vote for Trump does not mean an obsession with the man to  reasonable intelligent people. You are right tho some people were so relieved to actually witness a president that carried thru on carried thru on his promises they overlooked anything else. I voted for the man because he was not Clinton at first,not because I thought he was as pure as the driven snow . But as more and more comes out he sure looks a lot cleaner than the Clinton mess.

He certainly is no worse than Biden and his rotten son. And yes,for those willing to come out from under their rock, Biden's involvement is tougher to deny.

Your right tho, I have no respect for our current president. What he did in Afghanistan  was deliberate and unforgivable. I respect the fact you have a right to accuse and say whatever you like for the most part I do not respect the twisting and exaggerating  what someone else says.


I don't hate him but just knew how he was since I was a teenager. He was always suing someone or cheating and messing around. That what I talked about and that was not against the Republican Party! I have discuss problems with both parties. So, I just want you to read things before you sending out. That's all. 

Quite frankly what you want is not of a concern to me. I do not believe that you know Trump personally.  Neither you or I know the specifics, probably not great but when you accept dishonest and wrong behavior from one side you look foolish while praising dishonest Biden . I don't like liars Period. I don't care what side.  Just a short time ago, Biden told another senseless whopper, a pattern with him. He is president now, whatever wrong you want to lay at Trump's feet is irrelevant. It is Biden that has made the mess at the border,it is Biden that turned his back on americans and left them to the tender mercies of the Taliban

57 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

Praying for You!

To me With your continued nitpicking, continuing arguments, and accusations you make a mockery of that claim

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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To me With your continued nitpicking, continuing arguments, and accusations you make a mockery of that claim


Before you make a major issue out of the above.

When I have concerns for someone or have someone on my prayer list I do not nit pick at that person, coming back days after no contact and starting again, exaggerating what has been said and implying very strongly the other party is lying.  It rarely is  appreciated to pick and accuse, and then start the self righteous pious claims of praying for someone.  Do I hate you, NO. But as I said, I find your claim a complete mockery as you do this frequently, you just can never let the situation die

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

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[Allow me to state a rule for this forum:  If you post to the effect that members of a racial group, to include people from a specific country, should be shot, your post will be removed--Gregory Matthews.]

[NOTE:  On a personal note, I welcome GHansen to this forum.  He posts quite a bit that is worthy of consideration, regardless of whether or not I agree with it.  I hope that he continues to post here--Gregory Matthews.]. 

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13 hours ago, bonnie said:

This is getting downright pathetic. No I don't have  hate problem, I have a stinsonmarri problem.

That's on you and not me. It was you that talked about the Haitians having COVID. It was you who gave the news articles. One that did not mention Hattians' having COVID coming from South America. Then you provided one about Haiti, the country and COVID, but these Hattians had left Haiti since the 2010 earthquake, living and working in some of the countries of South America.

13 hours ago, bonnie said:

Quite frankly what you want is not of a concern to me. I do not believe that you know Trump personally.

See this is exactly what I am talking about. You are so full of discord that you don't speak the truth! Show me when I said that I knew Trump personally?  "I don't hate him but just knew how he was since I was a teenager. He was always suing someone or cheating and messing around. That what I talked about and that was not against the Republican Party!" I have never told you or anyone that I knew Trump personally. You are so full of rage and you are acting not spiritually and that is sad. You constantly are saying over and over the same hateful things. Why? In other words you are venting! If you don't like people who are not truthful start with yourself. You, need to pray and ask THE HOLY SPIRIT to show you-YOU! You know, you can hate the sin but not the person. When you can truly realize that no one is self righteous that's a cop out when a person knows they are not what they should be. My question again, to you, do you think that all the things you are saying are up lifting anyone? Do you think that THE MOST HIGH is please? We all get how you feel about Biden. I am not concern about me because it truly rolls of my back like oil. Name calling is just what it is name calling! It doesn't affect me, however it does affect you. When you calm down then you can think about it! Well, I will still pray for you Bonnie! Prayers can change things and I hope it will change you!

Praying for you!

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:12 AM, bonnie said:

Not sure how you became involved again but am fairly certain this is no longer an issue. I am assuming this was sarcastic "Boy are you great"

It wasn't and you cannot read my mind. You just need to ask me!

Praying for you!

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12 hours ago, GHansen said:

[Allow me to state a rule for this forum:  If you post to the effect that members of a racial group, to include people from a specific country, should be shot, your post will be removed--Gregory Matthews.]

Somewhat puzzled by this post. I mentioned that law enforcement is sometimes required to shoot people in order to maintain order in society i.e., keep criminals from running amok in society. Illegal immigrants are criminals, regardless of their ethnicity or nationality. I also suggested that non lethal rounds might be used to deter rather than injure people. In the case before us, apparently, many of these illegal immigrants are either carrying Covid or potentially carrying it. How many deaths/ injuries these people might unleash upon lawful residents of the U.S. is uncertain but it is really not much different that unleashing numerous armed or potentially armed criminals into the country. This has nothing to do with skin color, culture , nationality, etc. it's simply a matter of law and order. Health is also an issue in this instance.

People are  concerned about an open border. The border is open because people are refusing to do what is required to close it. In this case, it would probably require violence of one kind or another to successfully close the border.

California has a few hundred people sitting on prison death rows, people who have been condemned to death. One of the  reasons many of these people have not been executed is due to disputes over the methods of execution. What should have remained a legal matter was turned into a medical one. Same sort of thing is happening at the border. It's nothing short of a foreign invasion. It's not an issue for medical personnel, social workers, etc. It's a matter for law enforcement/ military personnel. Should the Police, National Guard, Correctional Officers be disarmed? If not, why should the Border Patrol?

Right above the chapel at a state prison was a gun tower. It's occupant's job was  to shoot inmates, primarily to prevent injuries to other inmates or correctional personnel. One day, a couple of chapel attendees started fighting, right below the tower. I wanted to get involved, break up the fight. Instead, I stepped away.  The officer stopped the fight immediately by firing non lethal rounds. The southern border problem could be stopped, immediately, in the same way. Social activists, "do-gooders," politicians  and various other busybody types should also step away and let the job be done by security  professionals.

The chaplain at the time had previously  been the range master. He was an expert in the use of firearms in the context of correctional security. He left the security of a civil service chaplaincy to become the pastor of a small church because he believed it was God's will. No problem at all with firearms in the hands of a man like that.

If you want to remove posts advocating the security of national borders, fine with me. I'm not much for politics, anyway. 

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Yes I talked about Haitians,yes Haitians have covid

COVID-19 in Haiti - COVID-19 Very High - Level 4: COVID-19 ...

I didn't say all Hatians have covid. Or only Haitians have covid. Yes ,I know that particular group had been on the road so to speak for quite some time.
That was a large group from other countries that do not have a medical history and obviously are not taking precautions. Doing so at a time when the president of the US seems determined to punish US citizens for having a distrust in the vaccine. This group of Haitians does have covid no matter how much you might want to make it seem they do not.  It all of the many thousands that have or are trying to cross the border many have covid. I don't care where they picked it up,what country or when. Perhaps you are going to keep on with claiming they did not have it. This group of illegal immigrants of 15,000 has covid in their midst. This group is being dispersed through out the US, without adequate testing.
Trump isn't the issue here, neither is your obsession with him
 I just never understood of all the people you all are obsessed with Trump. I don't hate him but just knew how he was since I was a teenager. He was always suing someone or cheating and messing around. 
Within the last couple of days there  were comments directed to you about this very thing
 I have never told you or anyone that I knew Trump personally. You are so full of rage and you are acting not spiritually and that is sad. 
It seems every statement made to you has to be spelled out to the inth degree.  Let me do that for you on the above statement.
I was not implying you were childhood friends, that you visited back and forth or anything remotely like that. Both of us know for a so called fact only what we have read in a less than honest news media. That statement doesnt have anything to do with rage, it is simply fact. What we know and base our opinion on of Trump is news reports and rumor and gossip. I have opinions on his infidelities, business practices etc. Same as I have opinions on reports concerning Biden,his dishonest son,his involvement with his son's crooked business practices  and what I personally have heard him say in interviews and other public venues. 
You don't like him, I really don't care, just don't blame obsession with Trump on someone else. Biden is the person that we all need to be concerned with as the president of the US

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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 When you can truly realize that no one is self righteous that's a cop out when a person knows they are not what they should be. My question again, to you, do you think that all the things you are saying are up lifting anyone?
I used to think statements like the above were because you truly didnt understand. Over time I have like has been mentioned lately come to the conclusion you certainly do and that is a deliberate act on your part.
Shifts what you know full well what I meant and deflected again your self righteous criticism .
Honest people understand the statement to mean ....
convinced of one's own righteousness

Definition of self-righteous : convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic
 My question again, to you, do you think that all the things you are saying are up lifting anyone? Do you think that THE MOST HIGH is please? 
This is an answer you need to ask and answer privately for yourself.
We all get how you feel about Biden. I am not concern about me because it truly rolls of my back like oil. Name calling is just what it is name calling! It doesn't affect me, however it does affect you.
Yes it does concern/affect you or we wouldn't be having this ridiculous repetitive conversation. Unfortunately I let it concern me because of your accusations and downright untruthfulness. You were just called on same behavior and you pretend as if everyone is wrong except you.
I am perfectly calm concerning you. I have little doubt you will continue along the self righteous path you have taken. Yes, I find your judgements against people you don't even know annoying, but you and thoughts of you certainly do not take up my day
I find the way you use prayer self serving and promoting the piety of stinsonmarri. Can I prove it?, Nope but that is the impression I get when you nit pick and accuse the person you claim to be praying for.  Then oh by the way I am praying for you so you will see the error of your ways and the rightness of mine
Doesn't wash at least for me.
Just so you can move on to the next monumental issue....
Yes, I know the Haitians in question have been "on the road" a long time
Yes,I know many would test positive for covid. Can I prove it nope but again there is that exercise called reason
Are they vaccinated,NO
Does Biden want to inflict a mandate on US citizens, affect their business, and financially ruin those that don't bow the knee to him.
Why mandate some and let others spread the disease"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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1 hour ago, GHansen said:


fore us, apparently, many of these illegal immigrants are either carrying Covid or potentially carrying it. How many deaths/ injuries these people might unleash upon lawful residents of the U.S. is uncertain but it is really not much different that unleashing numerous armed or potentially armed criminals into the country. This has nothing to do with skin color, culture , nationality, etc. it's simply a matter of law and order. Health is also an issue in this instance.

I don't know why, don't profess to but I do not believe  anything that is occurring is accidental. Whoever is making the decisions in the WH has had to have known the consequences for what they were/are allowing to take place. When illegal immigrants from any country are scattered through out the US, contagion and death will follow. But never fear Biden knows just who is at fault

1 hour ago, GHansen said:

People are  concerned about an open border. The border is open because people are refusing to do what is required to close it. In this case, it would probably require violence of one kind or another to successfully close the border.

I wish I didn't but believe that border is open because that is the way Biden and friends want it


1 hour ago, GHansen said:


Social activists, "do-gooders," politicians  and various other busybody types should also step away and let the job be done by security  professionals.

In your dreams. WE are far past those rational types of solutions.




Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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