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Politics seems to color everything on Adventist Today.


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Politics seems to color everything Adventist Today publishes

By Ron Corson

Once again we see Adventist Today wallowing in their political leftists views.  They really should change the name of the site to Leftist Thoughts for Adventists. The latest article from Jack Hoehn entitled ComeAndReason.com Seems Unreasonable on COVID  The article’s third paragraph reads:



Anti-vaccination Views

That is why his political views now infusing health issues are so distressing. In the past he has come out in support of the twice-impeached past American president’s policies both on his Christian website and in an article published on the Spectrum website February 3, 2020.


That is interesting how the political left has forgotten that it was the Trump Administration that fast tracked the vaccine creation and production.  But now Trump is just that twice-impeached President, even though he was never convicted of any offense by the Senate which is needed to really complete an impeachment of a president. But now to the left Trump is synonymous with Anti-vaccination views. Interestingly Donald Trump had the COVID-19 virus and was also vaccinated. Facts that in the world of insinuation have no place it appears.

The next paragraph is equally as silly:


Now Jennings focuses on masks, vaccines, and what he considers the threat of “mandates.” He calls the most-studied vaccines in the long history of vaccination “experimental injections,” as if this were some sort of isolated lab study instead of a crisis response to a death-dealing pandemic.

Let’s begin with the clearly false statement that the COVID-19 vaccines are the most studied vaccines in history.  It has not even been out for 2 years, we have no studies on the long term effect or even the 5 year effect of the vaccines. It is impossible to believe anyone thinks it is the most studied vaccine in history but you see that is what Dr. Hoehn who was actually at one time a doctor thinks!

Why Hoehn is not equally concerned with mandates is peculiar since even President Biden and his Spokesperson have said that they would never do mandates. Kind of something that anyone with any regards for our Republic should be concerned with.  Of course there is a fear side to a lot of leftists who feel that individual rights have no place when the world is in a pandemic condition even though the case fatality rates is pretty much less than 1% for those below 60 and does not rise to above 4% until the age of 70. So yes it is a death dealing disease just like every other disease in the world. See the chart at https://ourworldindata.org/mortality-risk-covid#interpreting-the-case-fatality-rate

I will not bother to argue support or data against Dr. Hoehn’s position or Dr. Jennings position as that is much more complex a subject and really there is nothing to Dr. Hoehn’s position he simply implies that Dr. Jennings is wrong by appealing to organizations. That, by the way, is not really how science works and that appears to be one of the key points to Dr. Jennings argument, pretending that science is a consensus business instead of a questioning endeavor.

Toward the end Hoehn states:


Only the last three on the list are not dangerous with possible serious side effects, and all have proven to be largely ineffective in preventing death or long-term disability from COVID-19. All have had their proponents, Petri dish or theoretical suggestions, and all have been tested in real life. There are now very few politically unmotivated supporters of any of those drugs. Dr. Jennings denies political motivation, but when you are agreeing mostly with QAnon conspiracists and irrational pillow salesmen, one gets a bit anxious.

Here we see again that Hoehn feels this is all political and indeed it is to him. Dr. Jennings article mentions nothing about QAnon or Michael J. Lindell, who is the inventor and CEO of My Pillow, Inc. famously a supporter of Donald Trump. He is also a well known Christian whose testimony from drug addict to successful business man seems to make him one of the enemies of the political left. We can look at Dr. Jennings article here, something that Hoehn did not link to in his article or really even quote Dr. Jennings. Funny how that works isn’t it, an electronic publication that can’t even link to the article it is criticizing. That is a good indication that you are not dealing with an honest journalistic endeavor.

That is the saddest point in all this. I don’t really care that people have different views on the vaccine or masks. I care a lot more that the Adventist Church is becoming the playground of political progressives who have no interest in even dealing with other views and actively removes those who disagree with them from their pages.  I care most about people who are ignoring government over-reach by the state and Federal government during a claimed emergency. No doubt the next emergency will be climate change which will likely be far more over-reaching than this pandemic but if there is not push back against government mandates now it will be far harder in the future.

Since I wrote this Dr. Jennings wrote a response and said he placed it on Adventist Today's Facebook page. I looked for it and did not find it. The author posted his reply to Dr. Jennings on the Adventist Today article page and at least it links to Dr. Jennings response so it is not completely hidden on AToday.com It is kind of scary to rid the numerous comments on their Facebook page of those praising Dr. Jack Hoehn. To me it shows that they never even looked at Dr. Jennings original article.









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Today I checked the above article and they have changed the addendum. They did not note that it had been changed however. It is like they have absolutely no journalistic abilities. When a website changes things and does not note that changes have been made it is a site that can't be trusted.

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In the revised addendum Jack Hoehn writes a whole paragraph against a reporter and does not even quote what the reporter reported in Tim Jennings article. He seems to think that the political views of the Atlantic is in fact deep science. He wrote: 


In place of experts, he then quoted as authority, Alex Berenson, who the Atlantic Monthly profiled as “The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man” saying, “In this crowded field of wrongness, one voice stands out. The voice of Alex Berenson: the former New York Times reporter, Yale-educated novelist, avid tweeter, online essayist, and all-around pandemic gadfly. Berenson has been serving up COVID-19 hot takes for the past year, blithely predicting that the United States would not reach 500,000 deaths (we’ve surpassed 650,000) and arguing that cloth and surgical masks can’t protect against the coronavirus (yes, they can).”

Here is what the Jennings article quote from Alex Berenson, who I have found to very accurately report the studies. Alex writes: 



Investigative reporter Alex Berenson, in his article, “Gaslighting, a Covid love story: If at first you don’t succeed, lie about what you promised,” exposes that:

“In Israel, 60 percent of the entire population and 80 percent of adults are fully vaccinated. In Britain, almost 90 percent of adults have received at least one dose and 76 percent have received both.

Yet positive tests and serious hospitalizations in Israel have risen 20-fold since early July. Hospitalized patients and patients on ventilators in Britain have risen sevenfold since early June and are far higher than this time last year.”


I think Jack Hoehn has  shown a complete lack of critical thinking and instead focused on ad hominem attacks. Sort of points out part of that subtitle of Alex Berensons document." If at first you don't succeed lie"

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