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Shirley Cutler


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My auntie Shirley died on the weekend. <img src="/adventist/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

I remember her best for her talent as a storyteller. She had a rich store of animated tales of growing up on the farm and getting into all sorts of mischief.

She was a tomboy as a child, climbing up on the roof of the house. One time she caught a weasel and tied it up with a string for a leash. She would tell us about the horse who was so smart he would open the gate by himself and grab any kid by the pants who tried to ride him and pull him off. Then there was the funeral for the crow...

There was the story of little Johnny who had the hole in the crotch of his pants and when he did the jumping jack for the game "Johnny do this" nobody could copy his move, for the hole became a key player in the game. She entertained us for hours with her stories

There was always laughter when Aunt Shirley was around, although she did have her share of tragedy in her life. Her husband committed suicide (she never remarried) and I believe that she had one child who had died.

She was adventurous, being a world traveller. She was fiercely independent. Once she set out for a jaunt around the town by herself to find out what Mothers day was all about (not having any brood of her own). Life was an adventure to her

My aunt suffered with allergies to dairy and soy and some airborne substances. Things would bother her skin. Toward the end of her life she developed osteoporosis from years of prednisone use, and then she reacted to the drugs she used to control her allergies and had to discontinue them. Her body then turned on itself, causing her much painful torment. It was a great relief to the family when her suffering was finally over and she could rest.

I will always remember that ever present twinkle in her eyes, which were big and brown like a doe's.

I would always come away from a visit with her saying, "What a riot."

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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