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Anti-War Movement Takes Control Of Democrat Party

Dr. Shane

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Yep. And any other Democrats who are too wimpy and scared of being seen as 'soft on defense' to call a spade a spade on Iraq.

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  • 1 month later...

Poll: Lieberman Leads Lamont in Conn.

Lieberman, a three-term Democrat running as an independent after losing the party nomination in a primary, is favored by 49 percent to 39 percent over Lamont in the three-way race. Republican Alan Schlesinger trails with 5 percent.

The race has tightened slightly since an Aug. 17 poll that showed Lieberman leading 53 percent to 41 percent.

"Ned Lamont has lost momentum," said poll director Douglas Schwartz said. "He's gained only two points in six weeks. He's going to have to do something different in the next six weeks or ... Lieberman stays in for another six years."

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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CONNECTICUT - Sen. Joseph Lieberman, running as an independent, has a 53 percent to 33 percent lead on Democratic anti-war challenger Ned Lamont. Lieberman, a three-term Democratic incumbent, lost the party primary in August after Lamont attacked his support for the Iraq war.


Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poll: Lieberman's Lead Growing in Conn.

HAMDEN, Conn. (AP) -- Sen. Joe Lieberman has built a 17-point lead over Democratic challenger Ned Lamont, according to the first Quinnipiac University poll since the two faced off in a debate this week.

Lieberman, running as an independent after losing the Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Lamont, leads the Greenwich businessman 52 percent to 35 percent among Connecticut likely voters in the poll released Friday. Republican Alan Schlesinger trailed with 6 percent, and 7 percent were undecided.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Be interesting to see how it goes in the election: certainly Lieberman has a big lead, and the main scenario that would threaten that - the votes on the right being split between him and Schlessinger to such an extent that Lamont got ahead - seems less and less likely with the on-going scandals for Republicans. Despite my opposition to the war, I'd still rather see Lieberman elected than the Republican, so it's not a terrible outcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Way things are going now Lieberman may well be the casting vote in the Senate for the next couple of years.

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After rejecting him, the Democrats now will rely on him to give them a majority in the Senate. Funny how things work, isn't it?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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...or maybe not: it's looking as though they'll have a majority, assuming Virginia goes their way... or is that majority including the two left-aligned independents? Should be interesting times ahead, anyway.

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Lieberman is now the most powerful man in the senate. He can control both parties. Both parties will take him seriously. He only have to side with one party and the other party will lose. That's the great thing of being an independent.


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There's actually one other (much lower-profile) independent, Bernie Sanders, who is in the same position.

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  • 3 months later...

Preview of Friday's 'Time' Magazine: Lieberman and Hagel Speak Out

Lieberman calls jumping to the Republican side, and tilting the Senate, "a remote possibility," which means there's at least a chance of that. Time seems to push Lieberman in this direction, as the article concludes: "Lieberman's GOP flirtation has its risks--and a time limit....The longer he waits to capitalize on his moment, the greater the danger that he'll be tagged as one of those politicians for whom having power is more important than using it."

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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bwink I just meant that I personally already have Lieberman tagged that way. It seems to me he cares more for building and hanging on to power than for any notion of serving his constituents and the country. More so than other politicians, even, I mean.

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I tend to doubt he will move to the Republican party because he is so liberal. Historically there have been many liberals that were for a strong defense. LBJ was very liberal is the one that got us deep into Vietnaum. JFK was another pro-defense liberal. Harry Trueman another and of course FDR is the grand-daddy of American liberals and was big time pro-defense.

It has only been since the pot-smoking, Vietnam-war protesting, 1960s generation has come of age that the Democrat party has become anti-war. If Lieberman were to become Republican I would suspect be because he felt snubbed by the Democrats or he wants more power. However rather than not serving his constituents, by gaining more power he would be doing exactly that.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Only if he used that power to enact their will. Seen any Connecticut polls on support for bringing the troops home lately?

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That goes back to the age-old debate of whether an elected official in a republic is to vote the way he believes to be in the best interest of his constituents or as the majority of his constituents would vote if they were elected themselves.

The first class of representatives is the thinking one that the voters trust to do what he believes is right. Character is of the utmost importance when voting for this type of politician. President Bush and Senator Lieberman are fine examples of this. They are both men of character that don't let polls tell them how to vote.

The second class of representatives acts like a mirror of public opinion. Character is not an issue with them because they will vote whichever way the wind of public opinion is blowing. There certainly can be some well-thought arguments in favor of this class of politician. However the rights of minorities certainly has no safe guard and difficult decisions like cutting spending or raising taxes are not likely to ever be done to the extent that the general public has to sacrifice.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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So basically you're saying that the principled thing to do in a democracy is to vote for someone who will do as he thinks is right, not do as we think is right? I'm not sure I can agree.

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It has only been since the pot-smoking, Vietnam-war protesting, 1960s generation has come of age that the Democrat party has become anti-war

(a) Viet Nam was a HUGE BLUNDER - as is widely acknowledged

(B) most of the people who grew up in the USA in the 1960's

generation are now hard-working parents of teenagers who STILL don't trust government - because they know that governments and presidents tell lies and make mistakes. The Gulf of Tonkin incident WAS A LIE! Have you read Robert MacNamara's book?

Most of the 1960's generation are NOT anti-war, they are anti-stupidity and government dishonesty - which is why they don't drink GWB's kool-aid


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President Bush and Senator Lieberman are fine examples of this. They are both men of character that don't let polls tell them how to vote.

Have you been following the Libby trial? The White House is so deep into selective memory as a defense it is absurd.

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