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Tell me a story, Uncle Joe


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Tell me a story, Uncle Joe - American Thinker

Tell me a story, Uncle Joe



I know much has already been written about the "State of the Union" speech.  I must admit, I heard only one pair of sentences live, "on accident," as the kids say.  It made me want to hold my hands over my ears and shout "lalalalalala."  Those sentences — Uncle Joe actually said, "One way to stop inflation is by driving down wages and making Americans poorer.  I think I have a better idea to fight inflation: lower your costs, not your wages."

First, explain to me, please, Uncle Joe, how lowering wages would have cut inflation.  Explain to me how, if someone must commute to his job, but can barely pay for gas with the higher price at the pump, and is barely making enough now to deal with the higher grocery prices to feed his family — how would cutting his wages have stopped inflation?  By letting his family starve?  I guess that's one solution.  I mean, homeless people here in California get paid pretty well, after all!

Uncle Joe, please, tell me how you propose we can lower costs to end inflation.  Seems as if your own actions set us on a vicious cycle of escalating those costs!  We no longer have energy independence — remember that from a mere 14 months ago?

Now we buy from Russia, supporting their war against our friends in Ukraine!  We're sending our money to a country we supposedly don't trust or like because you shut down our fossil fuel production.  Nice going!  Didn't anyone 'splain to you that the only way to cut energy costs would be to resume pumping and transport our own oil?  Yet that's not part of your big green agenda.

Tell me, please, what's your plan is to lower costs?  Do you want to slip us all some of those paper fantasy dollars you keep printing, maybe?  Soon, a wheelbarrow full of those will get us all some bread.  Did you know a loaf now costs about what a gallon of gas goes for in California?  Yeah, $5!


You see, Uncle Joe, the price people pay for things they need rises when raw materials and transportation cost more.  It's a fact of commerce, even if you don't understand it because you never participated in making a real living.  It's not a hard concept to grasp, for us uneducated working people and retirees.

Here, this might help you get it: if I buy some onions at the store because I want to cook dinner, those onions, which a few months ago cost $0.49 a pound, now are $0.99.  That's more than 100% higher, because taxes, fertilizer, wages, transportation costs, stuff like that are all costlier.

Image: Joe Biden's State of the Union (edited).  YouTube screen grab.

Same with that piece of that once-cheap chuck roast I'm planning to cook with those onions.  It used to be a good budget-stretcher.  Now it costs what a pretty ribeye steak used to go for.

So, Uncle Joe, are you starting to see it?  Sure, we can grow all those onions, raise those cattle in the USA, but if it costs a fortune to get them to market, that's gonna cause inflation.  This means costs will be higher.  Capisce?

I think, Uncle Joe, you're just chock full of stories.  They're not benign fairy tales — they're malevolent tropes that are dangerous to the psyche and physical well-being of our population.  We see through them.  That is why your ratings have plummeted faster than CNN's.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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