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Pray for my Birth Dad


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He call me todya and he is very discourgaged. His gout has flared up once again. He doesn't know what else to do. These flare up happen every 2 months like clock work. He takes the meds the drs gave him that are to prevent gout but they aren't working. He has stoped eating and drinking the thing the Dr have said are causes. I are worried for my father and would like you to pray for him. He was hoping for a early retirement but didn't get it. He may be able to retire by March 2007. Which I hope he can. Once he retires he says he going to move out here to be near me. I wish he lived closer for I could go and just comfort him right now and help him.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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