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From one national leader to another....

Neil D

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Shocking words today from the president of Venezuela, who called President Bush "the devil."

The White House is not responding, but many are now taking a closer look at Hugo Chavez and his agenda.

Eyewitness News reporter NJ Burkett is at the U.N. with more.

Hugo Chavez says the president of the United States is a dictator who acts like he owns the world.

U.S. poilicy has been attacked at the United Nations General Assembly, as it often is. But not quite like this.

President Bush's motorcade was en route to Kennedy Airport when Chavez took the world's stage at the U.N.

"Yesterday the devil came right here," Chavez said, in reference to Bush's speech Tuesday.

Amid scattered laughter and applause, the leftest president of Venezuela mocked George W. Bush and insisted that American policies are the greatest threat to world peace.

"What type of democracy do you impose with marines and bombs?" Chavez said.

"[Chavez] is entitled to his views," new Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said. "The president of Venezuela, Chavez, has been making those statements for the last couple of years."

Diplomacy at the United Nations is not always diplomatic, where former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev banged his shoe, where Fidel Castro would speak for hours at a time, and where Yasser Arafat addressed the General Assembly with a pistol on his hip.

Chavez's comments are not unlike what Castro has said over the years. The difference, experts say, is that Venezuela is OPEC's third-largest oil producer. They say Chavez has not only aligned himself with Cuba, but also Iran and Syria.

There will be ramifications from this....Chavez will loose any chance of his country being in the UN Security counsel....I am interested in knowing what will happen to Bush.....another country to align itself with the "Axis of Evil"??? That would be embarrassing...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Calling our President names is no big deal as far as I am concerned. If one reads his speech they will find he is simple without credability. He insulted the US for our style of democracy but he first tried to gain power through a coup. After being elected President he replaced the constitution, got rid of nearly 200 judges and prohibitted the National Assembly from holding any meetings. The Carter Center was unable to validate Chavez's re-eclect due to lack of transparency. He has fired 60 of the armed forces generals (due to fear of a coup). He has passed a law banning any criticism of his government.

The reason the US does not extradite the accused terrorist to Venezuela is because Chavez's government practices torture.

So when he calls other heads of state names laughter is an appropriate response. He really is the pot calling the kettle black.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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WASHINGTON — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's insult-laden diatribe against President Bush brought an angry response Thursday from three of Bush's harshest Democratic critics.

Despite tepid relations with Bush, two House Democratic leaders and a long-serving senator took exception to remarks by Chavez, who twice has called the U.S. president "the devil" while delivering remarks in New York City this week.

"Don't come to the United States and think, because we have problems with our president, that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our chief of state," New York Rep. Charles Rangel said in remarks delivered on Capitol Hill.

"It should be clear to all heads of government that criticism of Bush administration policies, either domestic or foreign, does not entitle them to attack the president personally. George Bush is the president of the United States and represents the entire country. Any demeaning public attack against him is viewed by Republicans and Democrats, and all Americans, as an attack on all of us," said Rangel.

source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,215037,00.html

Interesting...Democrates defending Bush.....Never let any republican, liberal or conservative ever say that democrates are not patriotic. As Patrick Henery is alleged to have said, "I may not agree with what you said. But I will defend your right to say it. " Now, THAT's being American.

And Mr. Chavez, go suck an egg. :neener:

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Here's the full text of Chavez' speech. Read it and see whether you think he has a point: http://williamgibsonboard.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/880007756/m/9591070862

And just one tiny point: the UN building is not US territory, even though it's within US soil, just as US embassies in other countries are US territory, even though they're on foreign soil. Hence Chavez didn't 'come to the US and criticize the president'.

Truth is important

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I think Charles Rangel was refering to Chavez's visit to Harlem because the UN building isn't in Rangel's congressional district. After ranting at the UN, Chavez took his show on the road.

I think the Democrats are criticising Chavez because since Chavez's rhetoric sounds so close to their own, they feel the need to distance themselves from him. With the midterm elections so close, that is not a bad idea.

Anyone that knows the recent history of Venezuela cannot take Chavez seriously when he starts lecturing about democracy, bombs and guns. Some may disagree with our forgien policy but we have an elected President that went to war after getting authorization from an elected Congress. President Bush has not replaced our Constitution, fired judges, generals or banned Congress from meeting and freedom of speech is alive and well in America.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The reason the US does not extradite the accused terrorist to Venezuela is because Chavez's government practices torture.

Shane this is hillarious. So the US now also feels that it has the monopoly on torture!!... "You can't torture him we like doing that and we like ignoring the Geneva Convention and we fly people around the world to secret torture camps and we have do what we like with prisoners of war in Guantamo Bay even though we haven't charged the with anything and denighed their rights to a far trial!!"


This man is entitled to his opinion, not everyone will agree with the US or President Bush for that matter. I could agree with him to be honest, I have major issues with this man. Will you find as much dirty laundry as you can on me to discredit my opinion? Will you see me as anti american just because I think that your president is a wolly? Just to let you know I also think that my prime minister has been spineless in his dealing, easily let by a puppet president.

People have the right to a different opinion, so does the president of Venezuala. The US have been waging war on the world and the innocents have been paying the consequences, I have a problem with that, obviously I am not the only one! Watch as the US declares war against venezula (I Just cannot spell it!!LoL) and seizes its all. I could be wrong, but hey I could be right!

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