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My brother


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Please pray for my brother John. He called me this morning asking me to pray for his job and I wanted to ask you to join me. There have been all kinds of things going on where he works and he's so tired of all the little mind games his boss keeps pulling on him. He ask me to pray that God's will be done in regards for his job.

I would ask that you please pray for his boss as well that he realize what he is doing is not befitting to any kind of supervisor let alone a CEO (which is what his actual title is).


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I'll pray too for your brother's situation. I've been through something similar and it is not fun. I just praise God that His providence along with our even-tempered but pull no punches assessement of the situation to the right people ended up with the offender being removed from the position. that often is not the case.

My prayer's and sympathies are with him.


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I spoke to John last night and he'd had a relatively good day Friday (thankfully) but was still agonizing over this coming week. He really feels the boss would like nothing more than to use him as an "example" to others so they will "walk the straight and narrow" in this fellows presence (or as I call it FEAR) and was planning on working up a letter of resignation if it came down to that.

I guess where I've been blessed with such a wonderful boss (yes we have our differences and have some doosey disagreements over the years) that I can't imagine working for someone I could not respect. From what John says about this fellow, you could prolly count on 1 hand the number of staff that "respect" this man and the rest prolly fall in the category of "major dislike/distrust". And the ones that DO respect this fellow do so because he has gone out of his way to be nice. Shame he can't share that with all his staff huh?

What also kinda scares me is what kind of family life does he have. Can you imagine someone that most folks fear because of repercussions of losing their jobs if this man "feels like it" going hom after a "bad day"? Oh my...SOOOO Sad!!! What makes me feel for his family is I have a online friend whose hubby COULD be this guy (don't worry it's not but boy are there similarities!). My prayers are so for this man's family.

Thanks for your prayers and I would ask that you especially lift my brother and this situation up this whole week.


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Latest update on brother John.

He met with his boss yesterday and things went well (PTL!) While there is still a meeting today with the "managing partners" that my brother has reservations about how he will be discussed, he has finally come to the conclusion that no matter what he does, it will never be good enough to please this man. He has even talked of seeking employment elsewhere which I cannot deny would tickle me to pieces.

Thanks so much for your prayers and please say a little prayer for him today. Several of these "managing partners" know how hard my brother works for them and I can't see them demanding his resignation like he expected the boss would.

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