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Democrats Should Understand

Dr. Shane

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It's not the first time a gay congressman has been involved with a underage page.

Gerry Studds is remembered chiefly for his role in the 1983 Congressional page sex scandal, when he and Representative Dan Crane were censured by the House of Representatives for separate sexual relationships with a minor – in Studds's case, a 1973 relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page. The relationship was consensual, but violated age of consent laws and presented ethical concerns relating to working relationships with subordinates.

During the course of the House Ethics Committee's investigation, Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, "apparently was not news to many of his constituents." Studds stated in an address to the House, "It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected public official and gay."

As the House read their censure of him, Studds turned his back and ignored them. Later, at a press conference with the former page standing beside him, the two stated that what had happened between them was nobody's business but their own.

Studds was re-elected five more terms after the censure. He fought for many issues, including environmental and maritime issues, gay marriage, AIDS funding, and civil rights, particularly for homosexuals.

However I am disappointed the Republican leadership didn't do something about this before. Of course, I have been disappointed in Republican leadership since Gingrich left Congress.

If Democrats don't win controll of both houses this fall I will be completely surprised. From the way I see it, I have the choice between bad and worse. Republicans are doing a bad job and the Democrats are promising to do even worse. All I can hope for is that the Democrats do lose this cycle and as a result all the Democrat extreamists lose their positions of power within the party. Then maybe in 2008 we can get some moderate Democrats to win. But I know that is only a pipe dream. It seems our choices are limitted to incompetant Republicans or extreame-left Democrats.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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in Kalee-forn-eaaaaaAAAHHH we know Da Govenatorrrahh weel win da eleKshunns.

I am a democrat disguised in a Republicans persona Voter!

In a conservative" Heee Hawww-Love that Bush" country republican milk white affluent german SDA or Luthern from the Dakotas town like mine, u have no choice cause one year at the big county Festival they had only one political booth and I just moved here so I had to register to vote.

Its soo nasty they wont let in a DemocratiC booth in the big festival.

Sooo I am a republican. I get all the tired political Republican trash heap in my PO Box very week.

This year Angelides is running and I KANT stand him.

I hate it when the democratic process lets these bozos in. Just like for the presidency in 2000 and the 4.

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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We can ammend the Constitution and have Dubya be prsesident for four more years!

hand them enough rope....

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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I got an email from the Christian Alliance for Progress. They are NOT the right wing radicals that Dobson, Robertson, et al, are but they do have some valid points. And they are much more open to stem cell research, and economic justice and the enviorment. While I don't agree with all they said, there is much more to agree with....Here is what I got in my email...

GOP Leadership Protected Predator

After wagging their finger all year in America's face about the alleged dangers presented to society from gays who wish to marry, it has now become clear whom American families ought to fear. News reports have revealed that the GOP House leadership, including Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Whip John Boehner have known for months that fellow Republican Mark Foley had been sending explicit messages to boys who worked as Congressional pages, yet they did nothing about it. ABC News has reported that Congressional pages were being warned about Foley as early as five years ago. Yet Foley was not reported to authorities by the people in the know, nor was he even quietly pressured to leave his seat and "spend more time with his family." Instead he was set to stand for an easy re-election to his seventh Congressional term in just four weeks. Late this weekend, as the scrutiny intensified, Hastert sought to deflect criticism of his failure to act by asking Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez for a full investigation. But the public should not be fooled--Hastert just days ago was denying he knew anything about the matter but had to revise his tune when the Republican in charge of Congress' Page Board revealed to reporters that he had told Hastert about Foley's actions many months ago. Thus Hastert asking for an investigation now about the cover-up of sexual abuse of minors is really just a fig leaf, because there was going to be one anyway , but asking for one makes him look like he was doing something other than sitting on his hands and covering things up, which is the reality, and has the added benefit of using the power of the government to find out who leaked the matter, which has become a favorite GOP media intimindation tactic.

A Remembrance of Scandals Past

We went down this road just a couple of years ago with the scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, in which the establishment tried to cover-up for its aberrant underlings. Once again, it is the hard right wing conservatives, this time in government and not the church, who have been preaching family values, but when it comes down to it are willing to forsake the interests of the children in their care simply so that they can retain their power and influence. This kind of behavior, which is at variance from the ethics of the rank and file in the Catholic Church or the Republican Party, stems from an attitude of arrogance on the part of the leadership that sees other people as "the problem" while seeing themselves as the indispensable solution without which the social order would collapse. They cannot tell on their own colleagues because then "the other side" would score an ideological, or in this case, political victory. These same people continuously rail at "postmodernism" and the philosophy of "moral relativism" in their opponents, even as the law and morality are subordinated to political gain in their own lives.

What You Can Do

Contact Dennis Hastert and John Boehner and tell them that you think that they should resign their positions. People who will not take responsibility for the protection of children do not belong in public life, no matter what their party affiliation, much less if they have made careers dispensing moral bromides as the alleged conscience of the nation. Decent Americans of all political and religious persuasions should find this whole affair repugnant and demand a higher standard of our national leaders.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Christian Alliance for Progress is a partisan organization. They have about as much credibility as the Christian Coalition on the other end of the spectrum. That doesn't mean we ignore what either has to say, but it does mean when we read what they say, we expect them to spin the story to suit their prespective and we look for such spin in their story.

First, the age of consent in DC is 16 so the real issue here is the conflict of interest such an affiar poses between a Congressman and an subordinate.

Second it is not clear what Speaker Dennis Hastert knew. Since Republicans have been labeled anti-gay, any knowledge he had put him in a difficult position.

Third, this commentator tries to lump Catholic biships and Vatican officials together with Congressional, House, Republican leadership and conservative, evangelical groups. Those are three distinct groups and not only is there varying opinions within the groups but also between the groups. This commentator wants to tar and feather them all together.

In my opinion, Foley should have been asked to step down but again, since Republicans have been labeled anti-gay, even that could have not been good for them. I am disappointed in the leadership. I am not so sure if the shoe was on the other foot the Democrats would have handled it much better. The issue I see is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't think it will hurt much if Republicans lose control and we get new leadership in Congress. What hurts is to have the same leadership for decades like Democrats had up until 1994.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Jessie Jackson has added former Chicago democratic congressman Mel Reynolds to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud & lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious; however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.

This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate, then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate.

His new job? Youth counselor.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Now I see they are publishing the Instant Messagener corrispondance that went back and forth.

How do they get that stuff? Is that saved by MSN? Not that I have to worry. The only risque stuff I ever wrote was to my wife - after we were married.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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irst, the age of consent in DC is 16 so the real issue here is the conflict of interest such an affiar poses between a Congressman and an subordinate.

Second it is not clear what Speaker Dennis Hastert knew. Since Republicans have been labeled anti-gay, any knowledge he had put him in a difficult position.

Hooo boy...."the age of consent in DC is 16"....The age to drink in my state is 18. That doesn't make it right....

As for Dennis Hastert, ...he knew better period. And now, he's claiming it's because her recently discoverec that he's an alcoholic, and that it's clouded his judgement, and he's checked himself into a rehab program... Smoke and mirrors! In 30 days, he will work to position himself into another political position....Politically,I suspect that we havent seen the last of him yet.

Third, this commentator tries to lump together with Congressional, House, Republican leadership and conservative, evangelical groups. Those are three distinct groups and not only is there varying opinions within the groups but also between the groups. This commentator wants to tar and feather them all together.

Are you denying the common denominator between them all??? The 'Catholic biships and Vatican officials' have been avoiding a very real problem among thier pastor and even gone so far as to cover up the problem. And now, we have a Republican leadership doing the very same thing. Doesn't matter what beliefs they hold, but rather if what they are doing is right...I suspect that the Christian Alliance for Progress would go after any democrates or group of democrates who did the same thing. I applaud them for thier stance. It's much more in line with reason and common sense than the Christian Coalition.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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"If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control."

-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Values Matter.

Our values are our bedrock ideals about what is good or bad, what is right or wrong, what is moral or immoral. Our values are at the center of Reclaiming Christianity in America.

Diverse Perspectives. One Source.

People in this movement hold diverse views about religion and the Christian life. But our differences are not what define us. Rather it is what we have in common: We find the inspiration for our shared values in the life of Jesus, in the spiritual path he modeled for us.

How We Seek to Follow the Jesus of the Gospels - Seven Values We Share:

Compassion and Care for "The Least of These"

We follow Jesus' call to compassion and his command to "love your neighbor as you love yourself."

Responsibility and Obligation

We heed the call to take up our cross - to transform our lives, but also to do more: to move beyond the "personal" and to take responsibility in our communities and country.

Justice for All

We stand against powerful systems of human injustice in our world as Jesus stood against them in his.

Equality and Inclusiveness

Like Jesus did among women, tax collectors, Samaritans and others, we reject hurtful exclusionary distinctions between "us" and "them."

Faithful Stewardship

We follow Jesus' call for responsible stewardship - caring protection for the environment and sharing of our worldly treasure.

Right Use of Power

We turn away from fear; we use the power of God that flows through us to protect the innocent and build justice in the world, not to coerce others to our will or force others to accept our vision.

Spiritual Foundation

We turn to God as our spiritual foundation.

What Grows from Living These Values?

The Creation of Shalom, A Hard-Earned Peace.

Living these values requires hard work. But it is in living values out that the kingdom of God is established. The result is called Shalom, the well-being and wholeness of all. This is what the word "Peace" means.

These are the values of the Christian Alliance for Progress which are NOT on the 'Adventist Revelation radar'. IOWS, they are not out to force you to live by a common creed nor are they willing to enforce a Sunday sacredness upon the common people. It is much different than the Christian Coalition.

Thank you for visiting the Christian Coalition of America's website. You have come to the home of the largest and most active conservative grassroots political organization in America. The Christian Coalition of America offers people of faith the vehicle to be actively involved in shaping their government - from the County Courthouse to the halls of Congress.

Today, Americans are bombarded with countless political messages from across the ideological spectrum. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate truth from fiction and right from wrong. The Christian Coalition of America is committed to representing the pro-family agenda and educating America on the critical issues facing our society. Whether it is the fight to end Partial Birth Abortion or efforts to improve education or lower the family's tax burden, the Christian Coalition stands ready and able to work for you.

Our hallmark work lies in voter education. Prior to the November election the Christian Coalition of America distributed a record 70 million voter guides throughout all 50 states. These non-partisan guides gave voters a clear understanding of where various candidates stood on the issues important to them. With this knowledge, millions of voters went to polls ready to make their voices heard.

Our efforts, however, do not stop with voter guides. We actively lobby Congress and the White House on numerous issues, hold grassroots training schools around the country, host events all around the country and in Washington that draw thousands of pro-family supporters from around the nation and organize community activists regarding issues facing their local government.

If you are interested in having a positive pro-family impact on your government, the Christian Coalition of America is your organization.

Please take some time to investigate the numerous resources this web site offers. Your involvement is paramount to our efforts. After deciding how you want to be involved, please contact us by letter, phone or email so we can send you the information you need to be successful.

In politics, every voice counts.

The Christian Coalition was founded in 1989 as a means towards helping to give Christians a voice in their government again. We represent a growing group of over 2 million people of faith all across America.

Our Mission

Represent the pro-family point of view before local councils, school boards, state legislatures and Congress

Speak out in the public arena and in the media

Train leaders for effective social and political action

Inform pro-family voters about timely issues and legislation

Protest anti-Christianity bigotry and defend the rights of people of faith

What We Believe

Christian Coalition of America is a political organization, made up of pro-family Americans who care deeply about becoming active citizens for the purpose of guaranteeing that government acts in ways that strengthen, rather than threaten, families. As such, we work together with Christians of all denominations, as well as with other Americans who agree with our mission and with our ideals.

Today, Christians need to play an active role in government again like never before. If we are going to be able to change policy and influence decisions - from the school boards to Washington, DC - it is imperative that people of faith become committed to doing what Ronald Reagan called "the hard work of freedom". We are driven by the belief that people of faith have a right and a responsibility to be involved in the world around them. That involvement includes community, social and political action. Effective citizen activism begins with knowledge - and the Christian Coalition's ability to break down the complexities of politics and convey those issues clearly is what makes us different. Since its inception, the Christian Coalition has worked to provide critical education and information to the pro-family community in order to challenge and equip individuals and churches to make a difference at all levels of government.

To that end, we continuously work to identify, educate and mobilize Christians for effective political action! Such action will preserve, protect and defend the Judeo-Christian values that made this the greatest country in history.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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My point is simple. There are left-wing idealouges and right-wing idealouges. On one hand we have Rush Limbaugh and on the other hand we have Micheal Moore. On one hand we have the Christian Coalition and on the other hand we have the Christian Alliance for Progress. These are not trustworthy sources for unbias news. They are political commentary that SPIN.

One might ask why this is coming out now. It has been known since 2003. I have no problem with it coming out before an election. That's fine. It is estimated that revealing Bush's DWI just before the 2000 election cost him a 3-5 point victory. Revealing stuff like this just before an election is a good tactic. But???? My question is. Why now in 2006? Why wasn't this revealed just before the 2004 election? The same sources that revealed it now were sitting on it then.

We know one thing. The Republican leadership told Foley to step down once they realized how serious it was. Democrat Speaker Tip O'Neill didn't do that when he dealt with a simular scandel in the early '80s. This isn't about party politics. If we make it about that and compare how the Democrats have dealt with sex scandels as compared to Republicans, it doesn't make either party look good.

As the3 title of the thread says, "Democrats should understand."

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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My point is simple. There are left-wing idealouges and right-wing idealouges. On one hand we have Rush Limbaugh and on the other hand we have Micheal Moore. On one hand we have the Christian Coalition and on the other hand we have the Christian Alliance for Progress. These are not trustworthy sources for unbias news. They are political commentary that SPIN.

Such sweeping commentary on commentary is so bias, it's a wonder that one is able to make sense of it... Over simplification can lead to missing vital points/factors in arriving at good judgement...

For example...The concept of Idealogue

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary defines the word as "One given to fanciful ideas or theories; a theorist; a spectator."

I doubt that Rush could be called an idealogue...especially since he is putting forth commentary that has an agenda, the republican agenda, currently putting forth excuses for thier mistakes...And Michael Moore is also NOT an idealogue as his films support his view of the world as well...that is, that there are men who talk about the common good, but unless there is money in it, they are hot air. You and I, OTOH, could be called idealogues in that we are spectators with fanciful ideas who bring these ideas to the forfront of discussion.

As for political groups who are not news sources, well I suppose they could be non-news sources...However, they do present an interesting philosophy...one of mastering goverment and the idea of influencing goverment...The Christian Coalition is attempting to master goverment in the name of family values. IOWs, the Christian Coalition is attempting to BE the goverment while hiding behind the fear of a threatened american family who is teaching thier children decency. The Christian Alliance is attempting to maintain that wall of separation between church and state. That is an influential stance. I prefer my groups to influence goverment rather than take it over. Simply stated, I prefer the goverment to be a tool of the people, to make laws derived from the common good for all people...and not for special interests...although they can also influence for the common good.

It is interesting to look up a word and see the transition from it's roots...For example, the word "spin" has been used...

Dictionary.com Unabridged shows, among other definitions, the following...

1. to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers: Pioneer women spun yarn on spinning wheels.

2. to form (the fibers of any material) into thread or yarn: The machine spins nylon thread.

3. (of spiders, silkworms, etc.) to produce (a thread, cobweb, gossamer, silk, etc.) by extruding from the body a long, slender filament of a natural viscous matter that hardens in the air.

4. to cause to turn around rapidly, as on an axis; twirl; whirl: to spin a coin on a table.

5. Informal. to play (phonograph records): a job spinning records on a radio show.

6. Metalworking. to shape (sheet metal) into a hollow, rounded form by pressure from a tool while rotating the metal on a lathe or wheel.

7. to produce, fabricate, or evolve in a manner suggestive of spinning thread: to spin a tale of sailing ships and bygone days.

8. Rocketry. to cause intentionally (a rocket or guided missile) to undergo a roll.

9. to draw out, protract, or prolong (often fol. by out): He spun the project out for over three years.

10. British. to flunk a student in an examination or a term's work.

11. Slang. to cause to have a particular bias; influence in a certain direction: His assignment was to spin the reporters after the president's speech.

It is interesting that new ideas could be concidered as 'spin', when they are used agains traditional thinking. Unfortunately, new ideas have to be caught in open minds, and our minds tend to like the traditional way of things as it is 'tried and true'....Unfortunately, traditional ideas sometimes are not working, no matter how much one polishes the idea with colorful language and words that resenate with traditional values. If traditional ways are not working, then they... do... not... work and must be discarded and new ideas must replace the old, and become the new tradition.

The above is NOT spin...it's a working concept....and it's very traditional...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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When Clinton had a sex-scandal, the Republicans wanted to impeach

When they have one, they cover it up

The issue here is NOT homosexuality. It is sexual harrassment, the age of the target, the Republican coverup, and the hippocrasy of having gay representatives pushing an anti-gay agenda

All I can hope for is that the Democrats do lose this cycle and as a result all the Democrat extreamists lose their positions of power within the party. Then maybe in 2008 we can get some moderate Democrats to win.

I'd be thrilled if the Republican cheats and looters loose control of their party, and we get some intelligent and honest Republicans running the show.

Did you see the report on the Reading Program aspect of No Child Left Behind? I'll start a separate post.


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When Clinton had a sex-scandal, the Republicans wanted to impeach

When they have one, they cover it up

The Congressman was forced to resign. I can repeat that. The Congressman was forced to resign. Resign. Resign. Resign. Resign. Resign. Resign.

Neither Gerry Studds or Bill Clinton were forced to resign. That is striaght-talk, not SPIN.

The reason Republican leadership looked the other way is because Foley is GAY and they were afraid of being labeled gay-bashers. If Foley had been doing this same thing with a underage girl he would have been forced to resign earlier. Homosexuality cannot be seperated from this story. Were Republicans irresponsible? Yes!!! Why? They were trying to be politcally correct.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I doubt that Rush could be called an idealogue...

He is called an idealogue. I didn't make that up. He was labeled an idealogue by others in the media.

And Michael Moore is also NOT an idealogue

I didn't give him the label either - others did.

We can play games with words but when it comes does to it, a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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He is called an idealogue. I didn't make that up. He was labeled an idealogue by others in the media.

In commentary? Don't you call that "spin", Shane?

I didn't give him the label either - others did.

We can play games with words but when it comes does to it, a rose by any other name is still a rose

Sorry, but when one media outlet diviates from accepted definitions, that doesn't make it true...Someone once told me that to do so was concidered bias and political spin...

How do you like your crow cooked, Shane? Medium, rare, or well done? ROFL

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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