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Violence in the Media


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This is a cartoon, but it is not meant to be funny. It is supposed to make us think.



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That's about the size of it

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Leunig strikes again.

Right in the centre of the bullseye, as usual.




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Violence on television is a major influence on our youth. Especially harmful are violent cartoons. But it is only part of the problem. Another major component is fatherless homes resulting in the lack of positive male role models.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I agree with you on that. But I think that the news is just as bad.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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The news in America is nothing compared to what is broadcast in Mexico. I don't know how graphic other countries get. But there is a solution to that. Just get your news from another source.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The trouble is the American journal lists and the tv industries make the news stories into show business which I think is a shame. The sensationalize as much as they can. Why do they have to have so many people to report during the news hour such as two main reporter(usually a man and a woman) then a weather reporter, sport reporter, and a traffic reporter, so on and on. In Europe, only one guy reports the whole thing. Who pays for all the staff in the tv stations? It comes down to you and I, the consumers! And, they get paid very well.


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Well, Mexico sensationalizes as much as America. I do watch DW News on SafeTV and that is broadcast from Germany and Spain and it is not nearly as sensationalized. However they sensationalize the news to increase their ratings and thus charge their advertisers more. We are not paying for the news staff, the advertisers are. The advertisers get their money from the consumer, that much is true, but they would be spending the same on advertising regardless how the news was broadcast.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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" the news stories [are made] into show business"

That doesn't tell ALL the pressures that affect the news media. This comment is over simplified.

Think what YOU would be putting out...put yourself into the managing editor/TV Producer of a TV station. What news stories would you lead with? Does sensationalize news cause more people to listen to you? If you are a producer and that's your reasoning, you know better...and you know that the public is likely to discredit you over the long haul. So, you look for GOOD stories, solid stories that build credibility. You want people to rely on you as a news source. And you want to occasionally put stories out there that are human interest stuff. You want the real news, [not just sensationalized stuff] and you want to be accurate, and you want good commentary.[There's nothing like a good ol' fashioned opinion that forms opinion.] And that commentary has to be based upon some solid facts...And it's better to not look partisan, because the other side ain't gonna give you thier juicy stories....

So, you see, your oversimplified comment that all news is sensationalized, is a bit overthe top....

And we still haven't looked at pressures from the owners of the stations, the various public officials, the various public factions, public interests, ect.

Don't get me wrong...I suspect that there is a lot of sensationalizm out there....But my primary education has taught me to filter a lot of the sensationalizm out of the news. Didn't high school do that for you?


Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Neil, you definitely covered most of the issues facing the news media. Should you disagree, and if you wish to search, it is relatively easy enough to find another venue which will provide opposing views. Or, tune it out!

At times it smells, but it sells … it appears someone wants to hear and see this stuff.

The people who allow a mic shoved into their faces may perhaps, at times, just be in shock and can't say no, but I suspect there are many who somehow appreciate their opportunity for 15 minutes of fame.

A couple of years ago, in our area a horrible crime was committed against a young girl, resulting in her death.

Short version, she had been removed from the care of her mother for good reasons. She was placed into a foster home. Sadly, the little girl was assaulted and murdered.

The news papers and TV news had a lot to say about this and now almost two years later are still printing articles almost every day. The reason? Election time!

Last Friday the person who is running against the Judge who ordered the child removed from her mother came to my door. And, who was with her? None other the natural mother of the little girl! Mother was extremely talkative and anxious to promote her story. It seems that the mother has been through treatment. However, she insist that she would have went to treatment had they left her daughter in her care. At this time she and her family are blaming the judge for removing the child. It is a big campaign issue. A big news story in our area. So sad!


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I really don't care what other countries broadcast on the news. What i'm getting at is that in the usa we want to have it both ways. People claim that there's to many violent TV shows that are influencing out youth to do violent things. Which is correct, but the news does just as much influencing. As far as I'm concerned the news has much more influence than TV shows because that is real not make believe. Just my opinion.



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Not the same at all. Violent TV fictional programs glamorize violance to the point they make it look like it is a virture of masculinity. The news shows violence in another light completely. Quite to the contrary, the news shows violence as a criminal act that needs to be punished.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The news papers and TV news had a lot to say about this and now almost two years later are still printing articles almost every day. The reason? Election time!

Of course...things like this happen...something slides thru goveremntal cracks or bureaucracy cracks and then murphey's law happens...In this case, a little girl died from this crack...

It is not the norm and people get upset over it. And rightly so...Usually, someone is overworked and isn't paying attention to something and has been letting other things slide thru [usually without a problem] and managment is too cheap to get another person or doesn't realize that another person is needed, or isn't paying attention to THEIR job and making sure that a quality product is being produced at all levels...

And now the public is upset and wants to correct the problem, ie put money in a place that needed thier already...

Our country has become so cost conscious but it has come with the price of lost quality of the end product. And when the death of someone comes about, then J Q Public becomes interested in shoring up the end product and is willing to spend money on THAT ONE AREA...

What a bunch of cheap B******* we are!

The other area of disgrace is JQ Public nose being in places where it doesn't belong...Terry Shivo comes to mind. That should have NEVER come before the public...That should have been left between family members...And the news people should have never carried the story....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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They have falsely accused, or rather associated, those who eat pizza with watching violence.

Actually, I thought it was about the beer, not the pizza...




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Yes I understand and agree with you. But it still influence's for more violence. That's what I mean.



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If I were raising young children today I would not have a television. Or if I had one, it would not be turned on except to watch specials and then only with the whole family watching together, so lessons can be drawn from the program which will help the children's growth.

I realize this is a utopian idea. I couldn't pull it off 30 years ago when my kids were small, because my then husband was an inveterate TV watcher himself. But fortunately one of my children (along with his wife) has decided this, and they are raising two of the most well-adjusted, happy, studious children I've ever seen. They deprive themselves of some of the sports programs my son would love to see, just because they need to spend that time with their children. They are extremely active; the children are on swim teams, ride their bikes, study the piano and violin, and play in an orchestra, all after school hours. This is regular, daily fare.

On weekends they have other active sports. They have regular evening worship with both children, and then each parent spends individual time with each child for songs and prayers together. They're in bed at a regular time each night, and so rise early each morning without being nagged.

The children did not know what happened on 9/11/01. Perhaps they've learned about it by this time, but for many years afterward it was not mentioned in their home. They never watched TV news, so didn't have to filter out any of the sensationalism. And the children are not "hothouse plants" in any sense of the word.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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They have falsely accused, or rather associated, those who eat pizza with watching violence.

You won't to worry about being falsely accused ... your pizza delivery seems to be working very hard but not making the delivery. rollingsmile

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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We have a television. All we watch are PBS, Sky Angel channels and Adventist channels off the FTA dish. Television has been a positive influence on my children. The very name Jesus was among the first they spoke. Last night as I was watching 3ABN Today, a singer was singing a hymn and my little girl, Shania, come running accross the living room, jumped up on the couch and said, "Daddy, I love Jesus." She then folded her hands and started to say a prayer the perhaps only Jesus understood.

Now a big reason for that is becuase of taking our kids to church, reading to them and having family worship. But I cannot exclude the positive influence Christian television and videos have had on them. TV can be bad - very bad. It can also be good - very good.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Post deleted by Naomi

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Last night as I was watching 3ABN Today, a singer was singing a hymn and my little girl, Shania, come running accross the living room, jumped up on the couch and said, "Daddy, I love Jesus." She than folded her hands and started to say a prayer the perhaps only Jesus understood.

Shane, That is such a sweet story and speaks well of you and your wife's influence. Thank you for sharing.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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