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Prayer of Thanksgiving

David Koot

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I am thankful to God for His protection on a trip I had to take on Tuesday. A few weeks back, I discovered a wonderful sailboat which I had always wanted, being given away. I gladly took title to it, but found out it needed a lot of work, and I had to repair a hole in the hull below the waterline. I had to do the repair from outside, and couldn't get to it from inside the boat. Not good. That also ran up quite a tab on my credit card. On Monday, the boat was launched, and on Tuesday I headed up the Bay. As we crossed the Golden Gate, a strong wind whipped up, with steep seas on the beam. I had to turn into the seas, but at full throttle. The boat was crashing through the waves, pounding. I was deeply concerned that the patch wouldn;t hold. thank God it held! The trip went fine after that, until crossing San Pablo Bay. Breaking seas from astern, and the boat surfed down the waves. Then, the channel turned, and we had to take the breaking seas on the port beam. A steep wave tipped the boat quite a bit, then another one in quick succession tipped it even more. Everything went flying, and I feared we would capsize. I thank God that we made it!

Then, I faced the problem of having to sell the boat I have been living on, in order to pay off the credit card repairs on this one. Put it on Craigslist, and several came to look, but no bites. Then, today, someone came, they liked it, and bought it on the spot! I thank God that now I will be able to pay off my credit card! God is so good! I praise the Lord--"eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm is over the restless wave."

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That is beautiful David. Glad God was with you and your trip was exciting, but safe. And, your boat sold quickly.

God is Good ... All The time.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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