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Conservative Democrats?

Dr. Shane

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A right kind of Democrat

Even some centrist Democrats privately fret that the chairmen-in-waiting may be harboring pent-up desires for a robust liberal agenda and partisan investigations that could hurt the party. "There's a desperate need for fresh blood, a general changing of the guard," said one moderate Democrat who asked not to be named.

An influx of new blood from the party's right wing could test party leaders' ability to maintain the remarkable unity they have forged during their years in the minority. Among the party's House challengers, 33 are conservative enough to be endorsed by either the Blue Dogs or the political arm of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council. Nearly all are on the Cook Political Report's latest list of Democrats most likely to win seats now held by Republicans. The party needs to pick up 15 seats to win a majority in the House.

With more conservative Democrats in the House, President Bush could have a new opening to reach across the aisle. But so far, he shows no signs of preparing to do so. One of the few issues he cites as a priority for next year is his plan to overhaul Social Security — a nonstarter among Democrats of all political stripes.

If they won a majority in the House, Democrats would be severely limited in what they could accomplish legislatively without control of the Senate and with Bush in office. Still, even a slim majority would give committee chairmen power to conduct investigations and issue subpoenas — tools they want to use to scrutinize Bush's policy on Iraq and other issues they believe the GOP bypassed.

In line to assume those powers is a cadre of unapologetic liberals of an older generation. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.), first elected to the House in 1955, is poised to return to the Energy and Commerce chairmanship he held before Republicans won the House in 1994. David R. Obey (D-Wis.) would return as Appropriations chairman. Waxman is in line to be chairman of the Government Reform Committee, an important venue for investigations.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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With more conservative Democrats in the House, President Bush could have a new opening to reach across the aisle. But so far, he shows no signs of preparing to do so. One of the few issues he cites as a priority for next year is his plan to overhaul Social Security — a nonstarter among Democrats of all political stripes.

I'm thinking this is an old report: hasn't his Social Security plan already been floated and sunk without a trace?

Truth is important

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The story is from yesterday's LA Times. Actually Bush's Social Security plan was quite simular to Bill Clinton's plan. Moderate and conservative Democrats supported Clinton's plan and would likely support Bush's plan with a little fine tuning. However I fear that even if a number of moderate Democrats get in, they will be forced to toe the line by the radical liberal Democrats in charge of the party. That is what the Democrats did before when they were in power and what Tom Delay did with Republicans.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Over the years I have heard every conceivable debate concerning Social Security. And, participated in my share.

However, as I am drawing closer to the magic age I find that i really don't care if it is defended by conservative democrats, republicans ... liberal democrats or republicans; it doesn't matter ... whoever .... just get it done!!! Plug the holes in the programs that SS interest and principal went to support .. or dump them. Again, I really don't care; My mandidated monies were paid into the program during my entire adult life ... never missed a year/quarter ... now, ... I want my money.

rollingsmile Hows that for a good example of a sincere ABM attitude. (oh, that's "All 'bout Me")

My generation took to the streets in protest ... somehow I think we could drag out our walkers, canes, wheel chairs oxygen tanks, etc and march again. Hey, that could be fun ... think of the media attention ROFL

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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There should be an article for the 'Right Type of Republican'


All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Right Type of Republican

Clearly this is an oxymoron.




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Right Type of Republican

Clearly this is an oxymoron.



All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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In Congress Republicans actually sit on the right side and Democrats actually sit on the left side. So a right Democrat would be one that sits closer to Republicans.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Not long ago someone told me I am a Left Republican ... guess that means if I were in Congress I would be sitting on the right side, closest to the left side. Therefore making me a left-sided Congresswoman seated on the right side.

Now that clears it all up ... go to your left, right left. LOL

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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