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Why Do Media Ignore Biden Family’s Corruption?

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Why Do Media Ignore Biden Family’s Corruption?

It’s a curious thing: Obvious, credible signs about a prominent political family emerge, but federal authorities at the Justice Department and elsewhere do nothing. Meanwhile, leftist media “watchdogs,” in a classic case of gaslighting, pretend that nothing has happened.

So it is with Joe Biden and his errant son, Hunter.

A new book (“Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win“) by investigative researcher and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer makes a powerful case that the Biden family has profited handsomely from its cozy ties to China’s ruling Communist regime.

The book claims that, all in all, the Bidens raked in close to $31 million from deals in China with individuals having close ties to the Chinese government.

“In sum, each deal the Bidens secured in China was via a businessman with deep ties at the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. And in each case there appears to be little discernible business or professional service that was rendered in return for the money,” Schweizer notes.

Of particular interest is businessman Che Feng, dubbed “The Super Chairman,” by Hunter Biden. The younger Biden managed the Biden family interests while Joe remained active in politics.

As Breitbart describes him, “Che, the son of a PLA soldier, has been described in Western media as ‘a shadowy and discreet investor,’ whose father-in-law was the governor of the People’s Bank of China,” and whose business partner was the vice minister of State Security, a man by the name of Ma Jian.

Che, among the earliest of “contacts” for Hunter Biden and his partners, was key to the Bidens gaining access to the big-money deals with other influential Chinese “businessmen,” all of whom answer to Xi Jinping’s increasingly totalitarian communist regime. Indeed, Che was in effect the linchpin of the Biden network’s Chinese partners.

Eventually, partnering with a man named Henry Zhao, recommended by Che, Hunter Biden was able to forge an investment entity called Bohai Harvest RST. Though partly owned by the Bidens and their partners, Bohai received money from Chinese-government backed financial companies.

That troubling financial arrangement, Schweizer notes, “involved two financiers with ties to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, (and) a billion-dollar private equity deal.”


The problem with such “arrangements” is obvious.

“The hazard of a Chinese businessman with close ties to the top ranks of Beijing’s spy agency conducting financial transactions with the son of the U.S. vice president cannot be overstated,” Schweizer writes in his book, as quoted by Breitbart.com. “How this did not set off national security or ethics alarm bells in Washington is a wonder in itself.”

It should be noted, Schweizer, known for meticulous financial research, isn’t just out to get the Bidens. Indeed, the Bidens are merely one part of this whole sordid story. But the examples above only scratch the surface of Biden involvement.

And there were others, many others.

In fact, Schweizer’s book goes into detail about how other members of the Washington and Silicon Valley elite — ranging from family members of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Dianne Feinstein to former President George W. Bush and multiple high-tech executives — have used their positions of power and influence to extract favorable deals from China that have helped build their own family fortunes.

The question begs asking: Can anyone so financially beholden to an overtly hostile foreign power be trusted to make decisions on the American people’s behalf? Or to run our economy and businesses? Of course not.

Equally troubling is that the left-biased American media, with a few notable exceptions, have essentially thrown a blanket over these revelations. Nothing to see here, move along.

We focus on the example of the Bidens because, along with the Clinton Family Foundation’s questionable financial practices, they are among the most glaring examples of this corruption. And, oh yes, Joe Biden now occupies the most powerful political office on Earth.

Yet, despite convincing evidence of the Bidens collecting millions of dollars in fees and payments from questionable sources tied to authoritarian governments in China, Russia and Ukraine, the mainstream media have done little to advance the narrative.

Nor have any of the so-called ethics watchdogs, congressional oversight groups or even the Justice Department had much to say about what looks to any honest, unbiased observer a lot like influence-peddling and, in some instances, even worse.

Accepting money and doing political favors on behalf of a potentially hostile foreign nation isn’t just wrong; it’s a felony. Worse, it’s a betrayal of the American people’s trust. If the big media truly care about repairing their low standing with average Americans, they might start by doing something they’ve failed to do so far: Their jobs.

— Written by the I&I Editorial Board

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