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Are the Bidens a Crime Family?

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Are the Bidens a Crime Family?
As the evidence mounts, the question answers itself.
July 3, 2023, 11:06 PM
There is so much evidence of President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, engaging in influence-peddling and bribery that only the media and Biden’s other apologists can ignore it. Predictably, among them are Attorney General Merrick Garland, the FBI, and the IRS.

Since I wrote about this topic two weeks ago, there have been several major developments, including the publication of threatening text messages allegedly from Hunter to a Chinese businessman to elicit a bribe, testimony by IRS whistleblowers on political interference with the prosecution of Hunter, and more information from Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee. (READ MORE: Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, and the Congressional Democratic Mob)

The biggest bombshell of evidence comes from two IRS whistleblowers. One of them, Gary Shapley, was the head of a criminal investigation unit looking into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. (The other whistleblower was unidentified.)


Shapley told the House Committee on Ways and Means that he had obtained WhatsApp messages from Hunter to Henry Zhao, a Chinese businessman connected to the Chinese energy firm CEFC. One of the messages, sent on June 30, 2017, said, according to Shapley:

I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.

Hunter was staying at his father’s guest house in Delaware when this message was sent. Joe Biden was the former vice president at the time.

Joe Biden has, of course, denied that he was there when the message was allegedly sent. One of Hunter’s lawyers, Abbe Lowell, claimed that the screenshots of the message were faked but didn’t deny the words.

About 10 days after the message was sent, one of Hunter’s business accounts reportedly received two payments totaling $5.1 million from one of Henry Zhao’s companies. The $5 million came from “CEFC Infrastructure Investment,” wired to Hudson West III, a Hunter company. Another $100,000 was paid to Owasco PC, a firm controlled by Hunter Biden.

Another email, obtained by the IRS (and given to the FBI), said, “Ten held by H for the big guy.” It is evidence that Joe Biden was personally involved in the scheme.

er), and Garland have denied there was any political interference.

Shapley also testified that he wanted to bring tax evasion charges against Hunter but that Weiss told him, in an October 7, 2022, meeting, that he — Weiss — was “not the deciding official on whether charges are filed.” Weiss, according to Shapley, told him that the Biden-appointed U.S. attorney for D.C., Matthew Graves, wouldn’t allow those charges to be brought.


In her Friday Wall Street Journal column, Kim Strassel reported:

Mr. Shapley documented this exchange in an email he sent to his supervisor — who was also at the meeting and who verified Mr. Shapley’s account of it in the email. Mr. Shapley says he later found out that Mr. Weiss had been blocked from pursuing charges in California by another Biden appointee, Martin Estrada. The New York Times this week confirmed the California episode — although it buried that confirmation deep in a story about these “competing accounts.”

According to Shapley, Weiss asked for special counsel authority to bring the charges and told Shapley that someone higher up in the Justice Department told him to “follow the process.”

In his testimony, Shapley said that his whistleblowing caused retaliation against him and his unit. He said he was denied an expected promotion and that his investigative unit was disbanded. Such retaliation for whistleblowing is illegal.

Weiss has denied any DOJ (not IRS) retaliation against Shapley. He also denied that he had been limited in what charges he could bring. But in a weasel-worded letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on June 30, Weiss — who had previously insisted that he wasn’t limited in bringing charges — admitted that he was “geographically” limited. This supports Shapley’s allegation that Weiss refused to bring charges against Hunter for political reasons.

The second whistleblower (“WB2”), who also testified before the Ways and Means Committee, told the committee that Hunter Biden engaged in an elaborate scheme to evade paying taxes. He said that in furtherance of the scheme, Hunter’s more than $600,000 — paid to him by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, for which he “worked” as a board member — was paid to a Chinese company run by a Hunter pal and then “loaned” back to Hunter.

WB2 said there were other such payments that were loaned back to Hunter. Some were included in the recent plea deal, on which Hunter skated, and others that could have been charged criminally were not prosecuted before the statute of limitations expired.

In an interview with Fox News, Comer said that his committee was investigating specific instances in which policy decisions were made in order to receive the money from China.

Comer also said that nine Biden family members had been “creating policy for money” and received more than $20 million from foreign sources. When asked if the president was compromised, Comer said, “Absolutely.”

Nine Bidens? If true, the Bidens are a crime family.

Comer is evidently correct about that. According to a statement made to the FBI by Rob Walker, one of President Biden’s close associates, Joe — when he was vice president — met several times with executives of a Chinese energy company.

Let’s not forget Hunter’s complaint that he had to pay 50 percent of his salary to his father.

So we have specific allegations by Shapley and WB2, denials from Weiss and Garland, and a non-denial denial from Hunter’s lawyer.

Why would Shapely — or WB2 — lie? Shapley’s IRS career is over. He’ll be lucky to retire with a pension. He has no motive to lie. WB2 had no more reason to lie.

Nine Bidens? If true, the Bidens are a crime family.

On the other hand, Weiss and Garland have every motive to protect both Hunter and Joe. Their careers — and saving their good names, to the extent that is even possible — are perfectly clear motivations.

It is long past time for Garland to recuse himself from the investigation of the Bidens and appoint a special counsel to investigate and possibly prosecute them. There is far more evidence of criminal conduct than there was when Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate Trump.

Garland won’t appoint a special counsel, however, because facts and evidence matter far less to him than the politics of the matter.


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