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AToday article on Andover Pastor leaving church


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Pastor Leaves Andover SDA Church Over LGBTQ Inclusivity

I found this quote from the pastor very interesting. He said:
“…I would like to continue in ministry that openly accepts people who need to know that they are filled with the Holy Spirit. To belong to a community of love and grace, a safe harbor, that accepts all people to experience God’s love..."
What is interesting is that he assumes the queer community is filled with the Holy Spirit, yet they need a safe harbor that accepts all people. How does that work with those people being marginalized. I don't think I am filled with the Holy Spirit, I rather think of that as something that real saints like the apostle Paul were. Someone that even in prison does not act like he is marginlzed. Filled with the Holy Spirit makes me think of someone that really feels that God is for us who can be against us.

So I don't know this Pastor but having recently looked at some stuff from Richard Rohr and his teachings of the Universal Christ I think this is a Pastor that is very much involved with that Progressive Christian idea.


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