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Please keep my cousin "JR" in your prayers. Tomorrow he is to undergo cataract surgery. Simply enough with todays technology right? Well, not quite. I personally had never heard of this (perhaps some of you have) but my cousin has THREE cataracts on his eye! I know how annoying 1 can be (well, thru my mother and grandmother and other family members that is) but I can't begin to imagine having 3 cataracts on 1 eye...YIKES! scared

He has to drive up to the hospital today as well. JR is in his upper 60's and is in fairly good health. I know this for certain, he loves God, loves to sing about God and loves to tell others about God and how good he has been to JR. I suspect before my cousin leaves the hospital Tuesday afternoon, there will be several hospital staff that have had the blessing of encountering my cousin. :tu



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Father iN Heaven we do agree for a clear direction for those physicians and staff who will be doing this surgery; may this*cousin* rise up and call You blessed BECAUSE of Your Faithfulness; we recognise Your authority over principalities powers and spiritual wickedness in high places; bring down every high and usurping thing that exalts itself above and positions itself against The Name.Amein

Sincerely CJ*mrs.rabbi*



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Thank you so much for your prayer for my cousin. I spoke to my aunt and she had been in contact with JR post-op. Everything went very well and the doctor told JR that his cataract was "HUGE". He will go back within a week or so and have the other eye operated on. Please continue to pray that the eye he had operated on today continues to do well and that the other eye goes as well.

Thanks again for your prayers!


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Hello Puddles,

Thank you for the update on your cousin. I shall continue to keep him in prayer.

I am surprised that they are going to do the other eye so soon. When I had mine they said the earliest possible time would be 4-6 weeks. My second one didn't go as well as the first, I hope this isn't the same with him

Cataracts began growing at birth and even people in their teen years have to have them removed. We should all have our eyes checked on a regular basis ... and wear sun glasses!

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I called JR tonight and he explained about his cataracts.

Apparently my aunt was a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit confused about the "triple" part. He got a good chuckle over that. However, his cataracts are different because they grew on the backside of the lens in both eyes. And as I stated earlier the doctor called this one "huge".

JR said the surgery was scheduled to take 30 minutes and ended up taking 90 minutes. I couldn't imagine having to lie still for 90 minutes. And, he had 3 stitches put in his eye as well!

And Naomi, you are right! He goes back for a check up next week and then the next week he goes to get the stitches out. He doesn't know when the doctor plans to operate on the other eye. He did say he had something akin to floaters but he didn't know if it was a "proper" floater or tiny little pieces of the cataract that were left behind. :duno

When I told him I'd put him out for prayer and he said to pass along his thanks for your prayers.

Again, just keep this wonderful cousin of mine in your prayers! :tu

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My nervous costume gets all quivering and shaking when I read of ones suffering with cataracts and having to have them operated off. Anything to do with treatments on the eyes makes me awfully squimish. The very thought it might come my way in future years worries me off and on. If ever I needed such an OP they'd would have to give me a double dose of valium and morphine to calm me down before he starts cutting into my eyeball. YIKERS!

Last month my optrician gave me a full bill of health for my eyes.

I was really relieved to know that after the annual checkup.

Naomi, did you find out what causes cataracts and if we can avoid getting them?

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