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My Cousin's Hubby


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Please keep my cousin Rosemarie's husband Jimmy in prayers. Seems last night he took a spell of being dizzy, throwing up, breaking out in a sweat and having his BP go quite high. My cousin called 911 and had him taken to the local ER and later this am he was admitted to the hospital for a battery of tests. Rosemarie said they were able to rule out a heart attack but thinks he either had a stroke or something go awry with his inner ear :duno

Also, along with Jimmy, please keep their 28 year old daughter Robin in your prayers. She just found out she is pregnant and will be due sometime in August. Robin's husband is Zoli, whom I've ask you to pray for a several months ago. Please keep this whole family in your prayers!



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Thanks for your prayers! Jimmy was released from the hospital today! Here is the note from my cousin:

Hello family, Jimmy is home after being in the hospital since Thanksgiving evening.

After they did the process of elimination through various testing (MRI, scans, blood work, etc) the neurologist said this afternoon it was caused by his inner ear. It has a name but is too difficult to spell and even pronounce! He explained in detail about particles and protein falling down in the inner ear & when that happens, you get dizziness, & other symptoms that Jimmy experienced. But neither us or Robin could grasp all the details as he explained it.

Bottom line is there is nothing medicine can do to prevent it from happening again. The Dr. said it could (or could not) ever happen again. I asked him if it was stress related from Jimmy working long hours and he said stress plays a factor in most everything we do but in this particular case, no, stress did not cause it or Jimmy working long hours. It just happened he said.

We are very thankful all his tests came out negative and want to thank you for your concern and prayers while he was in the hospital.

Now we can get back to our routine. So full speed ahead!

Thanks again for your loving concern.

Love, Rose, Jim and family

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Thank you for giving us an update. Let us pray that this was a "one time thing" and he/everyone will not have to face this again.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Amen to that Naomi! I felt so bad for his girls. This was their first experience of "oh no, something is wrong with Dad" and neither of them dealt well with it at all. I spoke to their mother who tried to tell them as tactfully as possible that both of them (my cousin and her hubby) were getting older and more episodes of "decline" would be following and they needed to prepared.

No one likes to think of their parent will die. I know for me personally my fathers death still affects me very strongly.

My personal hope is that Jesus will return soon.

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