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Kelly Youngberg

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It's less formal than some of the others I've seen. For some that might equate to "less spiritual" but not for me, so I enjoy it here. It's more relaxed and I feel that people here are being themselves more than putting on a good face for imagined onlookers.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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"...You and I are in it smile.gif "

smile.gif grin-laugh-grinning-laughing LOL... smile.gif

I just love that answer of quick wit, Nan. thumbsup

by the way...

Didn't the topic thread "Why I like ClubAdventist" cover this matter of analysis adequately enought, or didn't it?


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There were some great responses in that thread, but none of them touched on this aspect.

There's a whole sea of Adventist online forums and groups, and I'm interested to know how people perceive this one compared to others.

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...could be another aspect from another view of another facet... however, I sense much the same in answers might come as with other thread. It seems not polite to come into this forum and critisize it without offering 'constructive' suggestions for improvement. I am not in the mood for that now,... so I'll just for the moment like to get a curiosity question answered....

On my MSN groups I am sign up for four SDA groups, on my Yahoo groups I am member of 34 SDA groups, on the Internet I fly through Stan's, Ted's, Eugene's, Richard's, Daryl's,Bonnie's, Ed's places for lurking reads.

Question is... besides the people sites of SDA's, are there other Internet inter-active Forums you know about which I don't know about?

(man-o-man...did that ever sound like I don't have a life or even read our church books. Well... believe me, I am really careful now with Internet usage and am doing revision in private life for more 3D interaction and book reading.)


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My question (What makes Club Adventist different from other SDA online communities?) need not be construed as an invitation to criticize CA (or even other SDA online communities).

I'm thinking more along the lines of "What makes CA distinctive from other online SDA communities?"

Or maybe we're just like all the other ones out there.

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I spend time here because I enjoy it, find it supportive and humorous and uplifting - not that all necessarily apply all the time.

My time is limited and I choose not to trawl round looking for a lot of other sites, I am a member of a couple of SDA chat groups.

So - I cannot really say I know what makes it different, I just know I find it good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

CA is real, with real people, real issues and real answers.

CA isn't condemnation, robot mentality and no room for grace here. CA is Christianity in Action!

No More Limits, With God All Things Are Possible
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  • 1 month later...

There's no pressure to be smart, or funny, or pius, just a comfortable place to be yourself. I don't even want to join other groups, in my limited amount of time I have for surfing.

There is enough variety of subjects and posters that usually I can't enjoy all of it any one time. I feel just as welcome to reply as any others, thanks to Stan and his cohorts.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm thinking more along the lines of "What makes CA distinctive from other online SDA communities?"

Or maybe we're just like all the other ones out there.

This forum has the advantage of letting you get a glimpse of what a person looks like. I always appreciate a visual image of people with whom I am chatting. It disappoints me that more people don't make use of this feature.

I can't think of any other forum where a skeleton gave such wise words.


He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all. -- Coleridge

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With all respect to Turmeric, do you also use forums other than Adventist ones? A balanced diet is not just a good idea for your stomach... wink.gif

Truth is important

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Bravus is kindly concerned I'd miss the NewTheology group fellowships and become thereby a more balanced SDA... sweet wink.gif

Have a look through www.theologyreview and log-on to all of Eurogals postings.

That should help you to understand that I, and the other 23 SDA's who showed up there on that inter-denominational site, did our part to be witnesses for our true personal SDA genuine Christian convictions.


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Heh, coolness! I definitely wasn't having any sort of jibe at you, and it's very cool that you're dialoguing with other believers. I actually had in mind some dialogue with unbelievers too - not evangelism, just chatting about common interests and stuff - as part of what I think of as a balanced diet, but of course everyone's needs, faith, mission and approach to life are different. Enjoy what you do and who you talk to, and I'll enjoy talking to you here!

Truth is important

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Five years ago I use to do a lot of chatting online with non-believers. Real secular types. Lots of intellectual exchange. Lots of stories they told that in many cases had no foundation of truth to them. I got wise really quick about the limitations of cyberspace when sharing one with another. There are just too many elements missing to make a correct appraisal of who is behind the posted messages. The deceptions were just too great to make friendships and long term chatting.

I choose to stay within the parameters of theology groups. There are rules of a fashion that sort of curtails much lyings that happen in interchange. I rejoice when coming into contact with those who are seriously loving Jesus and studying their bible to apply God's principles to their everyday life. My real life has enough on contact with secular people and not enough with genuine Christians. That's one of the main reasons I hang out in SDA forums looking for like-minded ones.


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(could be another aspect from another view of another facet... however, I sense much the same in answers might come as with other thread. It seems not polite to come into this forum and critisize it without offering 'constructive' suggestions for improvement. I am not in the mood for that now,... so I'll just for the moment like to get a curiosity question answered....)

Seems to me that this forum is very senistive to any thing which does not conform to the strict offical SDA way of looking at things,

There is no sense of humour, I put up a post about Sanitarium foods in Australisa, using a bit of humour which even the Sanitarium workers themselves joke about, This was deleted,

Yet post about real desention in the church on restructing is ok, Now if ever there was a topic to defect the church away from it's purpose to look outwards and look inwards this waould have to be one.

A church that is so busy navel gazing will not be out there winning souls.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

There is no sense of humour, I put up a post about Sanitarium foods in Australisa, using a bit of humour which even the Sanitarium workers themselves joke about, This was deleted,

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

Narroc I am sorry you find this forum to be humorless. I really do not find it so, and I dont think I saw your contribution about Sanitarium. I could quote jokes about names etc related to the SHF as well. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Keep contributing please, we are a fairly down to earth group most of the time.

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Narroc, You noticed something about ClubA policy that is ignored by me and not held in conscious recognition. Perhaps you're wishing for a free-for-all Forum in its operational policy. There probably are such Forums on the Net operating on total free-speech without restrictions. I have yet to find them.

The leadership of this ClubAdventist Forum has a certain amount of experience over his 4 year operating this Forum to know what works and doesn't work to achieve his goal in creating a Forum meeting the standards of his expected aims. There are certain considerations that the ClubA administrators are taking into account that allows more lea-way in interaction opposed to other extreme tightlaced right-winged Forums. The latter of which only tender to a small elite type of reader. There are reasons why ClubA is structured as it is for reaching types of people with various levels of personal commitment to SDA message or Church. Ask any of the administators for reasons "why" in a private PM and you'll get proper answers.

Ask any of the administration directly in email what he wants accomplished in this cyber group. You have been a long time with ClubA and know the ropes by your readings over the years. I am surprised you got annoyed at your post rejection in the 'down-under' section. They sure do have a keen sense of humor in Aussieland sector. I have seen it and can vouch of it. What is posted as unappropriate was removed to keep up the bond of fellowship in the general non-offensive humor, is my surmisal.

I appreciate anyone speaking up about what bothers them online in a Forum. I am on equal footing as you, what with me just being a common member without much influence to change things. What I do like is the willingness of each moderator to be kind enough to take the time to answer a PM. Especially when we members have annoying feelings about policy or certain people posting what we feel is disturbing the whole of good community vibes.

Nice to see you speaking up, Narroc..


(yes, the Turmeric-one who gladly ..."conforms to the strict offical SDA way of looking at things" as you, Narroc so aptly stated in your post)

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I looked in the deleted post area, and did not see anything from you. I see no record of something deleted. When did this happen?

Things are deleted if there are a lot of sexual innuendoes, profanity or vicious ongoing personal attacks on other members, that kind of thing.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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I just searched through the admin log going back as far as May last year and could not find any of your post deleted, The only reference that I did see, was twice i had checked to make sure you could post in the down under section...

I am sorry you have had this experience



If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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smile.gif Now see there, Narroc,

Club Adventist is different from other SDA online communities in that it keeps deleted-by-administration posts in a special folder for reference for a time to back check on.

If your post isn't there in the folder it might be a technical problem you had with posting from your browser.


P.s on geeky techies : My signature doesn't take when the check is in the box in the reply mask. Would someone please check on that?

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Funny that you couldn't find it, All I said was calling Weetbix, Weevilbriks, and Marmite, mousemite,

I wouldn't call that a personal attack, a sexual innuendo,a


Even some of the Sanny workers themselves chuck off at their own products.

However as I have said before this forum by deleting this shows the lack of humour I was talking about.

Funny though you are quite willing to allow a post about the

destructive restructing rebels in the North Americian division, I'm sure the devil will be only too pleased to see the church wasting time, navel gazing instead of getting on with the job, Souls are won by members showing love and compassion to outsiders NOT how the church is structered.

I think the problem with the church is in 'Rev 3 v 15-17.

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