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Prayer Answered!!!

David Koot

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Okay, here is what happened. For four years, a family faithfully supported our ministry. They moved away, and then were no longer able to do so. They were chipping in a good-sized chunk of the ministry budget, $400.00 a month. Their last check came in the mail. I didn't know what we would do. I wondered if I would need to cut back to part time in the ministry, and get a part-time secular job to meet the budget. I put it in God's hands.

At the beginning of the next month, one Sabbath a visitor was passing through. We had lunch together, and he was interested in our ministry. We continued to talk, and the issue of finances came up. I told him about our hole in the budget, and what had happened. Later, he told me that as he sat there, God impressed him to step up to the plate, and cover that missing $400.00 each month. Next Sabbath he came with a donation for that amount. Was I ever praising God!

Then, he left town. Sure enough, a month later, a check arrived in the mail once again, for $400.00. Again, I was thanking the Lord! But then, he called me several weeks later. He had to go overseas, and would be gone for several months. He said he would send the donation for November, but then we would be on our own, since he would be overseas. He wished me well. I felt crushed. A real letdown. Back to square one.

Earlier this week, however, we had a very pleasant surprise. He emailed me on Monday, saying that the ship's surgeon was getting off at the next port on Wednesday, and asking for our mailing address. He entitled his email, "I know the Lord answers prayers." Tonight, he emailed me again, letting me know that he had sent with the surgeon, a check to cover the next several months, until he returns.

I am absolutely rejoicing. I am praising God. God is faithful! He has promised to supply the needs of His work, so that His workers can break the bread of life to the starving multitude. Once again, He has not let us down! To God be the glory!


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I just want to add my answered prayer too, in hopes that it will strengthen others also.

As many of you know, I moved to N. Carolina in April believing that I was impressed to move out of congested S. California. Before the move I prayed that if that were to happen, the Lord would have to:

1) Change my wife's mind. Since her youth in Pensylvania, it was her dream to live in Calif and did move there at her first opportunity. She had always been adamantly against moving out of Calif in the past.

2) Sell my medical practice.

3) Find me a job and the place to go. I prayed that whichever place offers a job would be the place to go to.

4) Sell our house.

I sent out a number of resumes to places adverstising a need for an internist or family practitioner, even submitted my name to placement agencies.

My wife did change her mind. My practice did sell. In spite of my 3 board certifications only one place offered me a job. I did move in April, and as of this date our house has not sold, and my wife remains in S. Calif to sell it.

Friends and relatives began to question the wisdom of the move. That I should not have left, that it was never the Lord's will for us to move, that I should come back, etc. etc. My wife was having a hard time coping with being alone and all the things happening there (burglary and many little but irritating things). I began to wonder if the move was truly divinely inspired or just my own foolish impressions. So I prayed. I said, "Lord, I did not hear a direct instruction from you to move, but I did read what I believe to be divinely inspired counsel to move away from heavily populated areas. I need reassurance that you are behind this move. Please, send someone even to just look at the house. They don't have to buy it. I just need someone to go and look at it."

During the 6 mos that the house was in the hands of one agency, a total of 8 people came to see the house. We changed realtors in the first week of Oct. and no one had come to see the house.

I was on my way to prayer meeting the day after the above prayer when I received a call from my wife. During the conversation, she casually mentioned that someone was coming to see the house the next day. The people did not buy the house, and they only stayed 5 minutes, but that was all the reassurance I needed.


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That is fabulous Gerry. Maybe the Lord has something in mind for your wife and that is why it's taking longer to sell the house?

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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HI David,

This is encouraging and I am glad for you.

May God continue to bless you and the ministry.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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Hi Gerry,

it's good to hear that someone who can help, lives only 5 minutes from your wife. Your house will eventually sell but I guess you need us to pray for that right?

We will.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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