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Dr. Shane

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Obama Visit Shows All Eyes Are Still on New Hampshire

Obama, who won a landslide Senate victory in 2004 and currently is the chamber’s only African-American member, is considering a presidential bid for 2008 and says he will decide soon. And his appearance raised the tally to at least 58 visits to New Hampshire by 13 official, exploring and thinking-about-it Democratic presidential candidates since June 2005.

In the words of Roy Orbison

Sweet dream baby, How long must I dream, Dream baby got me dreaming sweet dreams the whole day through, Dream baby got me dreaming sweet dreams night time too

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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He may be neat and perhaps even the best thing since sliced bread but if he runs for President in 2008 that would mean he would not even have one term of experience as a senator. His first term isn't up until 2010. That would mean almost everyone else competing for the nomination would have more experience than him.

Further more he is a black Democrat. The first black President will more likely come from the Republican party. There are still a lot of racial sterotypes that are against him. Black Republicans seem to be able to get past those sterotypes easier while picking up significant votes from tradionally Democrat voters.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I have read a good portion of a book he wrote. He seems like a neat person!

Yeah a neat person who doesn't have the slightest idea based on personal experience of what it means to be anything but rich and privilaged. He's had a few of what he admits to have been rather unwise business dealings with rich folk in the past. He's too far to the left for my liking, although he is trying to recreate himself as a middle-of-the-roader. Mrs. Clinton is doing the same thing-- trying to make us forget her true positions because she knows the nation still generally tends to be conservative.

I think both these candidates will be good for Republicans, especially if the Republican's candidate is the Senator from Arizona. .

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I think GW Bush's stunningly incompetent presidency has assured that Obama may have a greater chance than he would have otherwise.

Certainly on Iraq I don't a president could have handled this worse! The longer Bush is in office the more the country will warm to someone who seems to be intelligent, articulate, competant and an "outsider"

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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This is the same stunningly incompetent President that in getting re-elected recieved more votes than any previous president?

Well, if Obama's plan is to run against the retiring President his chances of failure increase even more.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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J.C. Watts would have a much better chance becuase he has more experience in Congress, is a former professional football star and is a black Republican which would be able to draw a lot of votes from traditionally Democrat voters as well as the core Republican voters.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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To counter the negetive aspect of Obama experience, I am posting this article....

'Inexperienced' Obama should run in '08

By Bill Dwyer

As Forest Park heads into an election period that promises to have more smoke and sparks than any campaign in recent memory, forgive me while I indulge one last opportunity to say something I believe crucial to the eventual healing of our national politics.

Barack Obama can be elected president and should run in 2008.

Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign literature read, "A chance to believe again," foreshadowing his best selling book, "The Audacity of Hope." Well, I'm one who's quite ready to believe again, willing to hope again. I just need a reason, and Obama would give me one.

I don't believe Barack Obama is some infallible savior who walks on water and will save us from ourselves-merely a highly intelligent, caring and capable man willing to factor in the best interests of all citizens. He is a man whose genuine and demonstrable religious faith informs his public behavior, rather than simply cloaking personal failures. A man who has already shown the humility needed to offer a sincere and specific apology, rather than wallow in petulance and stumbling dissembling in the face of endless and tragic mistakes.

There's been much comment about Obama's purported lack of experience, to which I say, nonsense. The demonstrable fact is that Barack Obama's qualifications tower over George W. Bush's, then and now. The problem in dealing with the bar Bush has set as president isn't getting over it-it's avoiding tripping over it.

Strange, but I recall little or no concern regarding George W. Bush's paucity of experience expressed by Republicans back in 1998 when the just re-elected Texas governor and recovering alcoholic announced his White House bid. But then Republicans routinely use well crafted but hollow political arguments as weapons of opportunity, to be quickly discarded when they're no longer convenient. Heard anything about term limits lately? Unfunded mandates? States rights versus federal power?

Bush, a 'C' undergraduate student, failed miserably in the business world, costing his daddy's investors more than $2 million. He ran for Congress in 1978, lost, and went on a two month self pity/drinking binge. After being basically handed a stake in the Texas Rangers baseball team, he became an affable figurehead who glad-handed with fans but was kept clear of anything important.

In "The Lords of the Realm," author John Heylar asks a high Texas Rangers baseball team front office official about Bush's role in the organization. "'Does he (George W. Bush) know that he doesn't really run this team?'" he asks. 'No, no, and don't you dare tell him,' the official replied."

Sufficiently sober, and wealthy after selling his stake in the Rangers for millions, Bush sought political office again with a resume so meager that it listed the fact that he was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978. He was elected governor of Texas in 1995, a state that has the weakest form of governorship in the country, the plural executive system, which denies its governor direct authority over officials in his cabinet and allows no veto power over a Legislature that meets in session for four months every two years.

Based on that experience, Bush was elected President of the United States-despite receiving fewer votes than the other guy.

Obama, meanwhile, graduated with honors from college, earned a Harvard law degree and edited the "Harvard Law Review," had a career as a civil rights lawyer and constitutional law professor, dedicated himself to public interest work and community organizing, served eight years as a state senator, and will have been a U.S. Senator for four years in 2008. He's also written two books, most likely two more than Bush has read in the past six years, despite the PR spins we've heard.

By the time Obama ascends to the presidency, he'll have a total of twice the elected public service Bush had, and 1.5 times that of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. That's inexperienced?

As he considers whether to run in 2008, I suggest Obama study the model of Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill, who ignored conventional wisdom back in 1991 and ran a widely perceived "hopeless" campaign against the first President Bush.

While there are things in this article that don't seem to ring as accurate as I think they should be, yet there is a couple of themes that seems to ring out...That of hope and of Obama's percieved hype....IOWs, he's as surprised about his standing as everyone else...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Hard to deny there is Bush-hate out there after reading an article like that. However Obama won't be running against Bush.

Fact is that it is very hard for senators to get elected to the presidency and governors tend to have a much easier time. The last senator that won the office was JFK in 1960 and that was a close and questionable election. Since then the governors that have won have been Carter, Reagon, Clinton and GW Bush. Nixion, LBJ and Bush the elder were all VPs.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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This is the same stunningly incompetent President that in getting re-elected recieved more votes than any previous president?

Those votes were thanks to Diebold.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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JC watts.....are you nuts? (meant in a friendly way) not mentally ill or psychotic etc.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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