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For me and my family


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Hello all,

It's been a while, but this is still home.

I wondered if you could pray for me and for my family. Some of you will know that my mum has Alzhiemer's Disease, well she is now in the third and final stage of the disease and has been taken into hospital and will be moved to a permanent care home within the next few weeks.

My sisters and I are all dealing with this in different ways, but all badly and each of us have our individual daily walk which brings it's challenges. We're not too great at communicating how we feel about what is happening to our mum. This is one of the most painful things that I have ever had to experience and I would just like to ask you to pray for me and my sisters and my mum.

Sometimes I get angry with God as my dad died when I was 10 leaving my mum to care for six kids not long after her parents died in quick succession and she soldiered on, only to find that in her own retirement when life should have been great for her to have lost her mind.

So I ask that you will pray for peace for all of us, courage through this storm and comfort from the only One with the answers. Please pray also for Dave (my husband who has been my support through this)I thank God for him.

Thank you for your prayers and for being willing to place us before His throne.

Fifiqueen X

No More Limits, With God All Things Are Possible
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I'll be praying for you. My Mom died of Alzheimer's just about 6 years ago at this time of year. It is hard to go through, and the more you talk about it with your sisters, the easier it all will be. I didn't know she had it until just about 18 months befroe she was gone. She had been living at home, "managing" the house and my Dad, who also had memory loss. It was a shock when I took her to the doc's one day, and he told me what was really going on. Heer friends knew, but no one told me (I was living over 3 hours away).

Just be glad that you have your wonderful husband to help and to lean on. Trust in Jesus, His shoulders are wide...

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Hey Fifiqueen,

It's always great to hear from you .. miss you when you're busy with other aspects of life.

Certainly I will pray for you, your family and your Mum. Having not had to deal with this particular health issue I can only imagine how difficult it is for you and your family.

Love, Peace & Courage

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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HI Fifi

It is ALWAYS a blessing hearing from you.

I know there are a lot of things going on in your life, but it is good to come apart from your world once in a while, and leave your thoughts in the other room, and come and chat here for a break.

Life is not fair, and I want to go home where it is safe, and without pain.

If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Thank you all for you're support. Today I am in Leicester my home town were all of my family have gathered for our yearly Christmas gathering. Mum is out of hospital from 10am-6pm so we will have most of the day with her.

God is good and I know that he is faithful and comfort comes in knowing that he crys with me.

Stan I'll try and visit more often!!


No More Limits, With God All Things Are Possible
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Fifi -

I think of you and David often, especially when his devotional's arrive in my email.

I know the path you are called to walk is a difficult one, but it is one where faith will grow. I will pray for you, your mum, and your sisters.

Do you know how Abba increases our faith? He gives us situations where the only way out is to rely fully on Him. Rest in Him, dear sister, for He loves your mum even more than you do. (I know, that thought just boggles the mind, doesn't it?) He loves her more than you and your sisters all put together, and wants what is best for all of you.

Make as many happy memories of this Christmas as you can, find ways to enjoy one another with as little stress as possible... if every little detail isn't perfect, at least it will be perfectly wonderful to have special memories to hold close in your heart.

I will pray for you and yours as I pray for mine. I am struggling to take my own words to you to heart for me.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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