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What Unusual Activities Have You Done Or Want To?


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Here is my list of things I have done that most people don't get/make the chance to do...

  • Deliver a baby (2 times - the high lasts for days)
  • Save someone's life with CPR/AED (4 times, so far!)
  • Attend an significant surgical operation
  • Attend an autopsy
  • Lead the building of a set for a school play
  • Participate in the building computer software that has changed millions of peoples lives

So, now, what else do I really want to do?

  • Enjoy the rest of my life together with my wife
  • See my children as happy adults
  • Make some long-lasting worth-while contribution to the future


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A few things I have done:

  • Milk 50 cows by myself
  • Work on a Maranatha project (2 so far)
  • Respond to a practicing alcoholic seeking to stop drinking (numerous times)
  • Help a small business owner reorganize his business
  • Tutor a student in English or Spanish
  • Lead a person to make a decision for Christ
  • Preach an evangelistic cruasade

A few things I would like to do:

  • Lead a group of voluteer missionaries in Mexico
  • Organize a couples' retreat
  • Be involved with a drama to be aired on Adventist television
  • Teach construction trades at a high school or vocational level
  • Learn to ski

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Organized 23 evangelistic campaigns done by teens. (Have preached at 7 campaigns. I am not an evangelist by trade but really enjoy preaching but most of all organizing trips for teens to participate.)

Seen surgeries first hand in an oversease hospital.

Gave anesthetic injections to dental patients so dentists could pull teeth...around the age of 10. (oversease of course)

Rode zip lines in Costa Rica...some of which were over 400 feet above the ground and more than 1/2 mile long. (sitting in a harnes that looked like what rock climbers use.)

Lived in 6 different countries....been to an additional 7 countries.

I'll probably think of more things. I had a great childhood and have been priviledged to do all kinds of things that seem "normal" to me but most americans would probably think some of them were unsual. :) But since they seem normal to me..I have to think twice about what to post.

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I want to go on a mission trip. it would get me out of the house, I would get to travel all over the world, meet people, and help people. Like work with ADRA that would be cool.

I also want to go on a ride along with a police officer.

Live in another country for more than a few weeks.

Watch someone get surgery live and videotape it.

Seen someone have a kid (preferably my future wife)

right now my life is pretty boring. There is a magazine on the shelf, Mens Journal. I get depressed every time I read it, it has stories of people traveling to all corners of the earth.

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Here are a few things I have done followed by a few I look forward to doing....

I once carried the official Summer Olympics Torch

I once was held and accused of being a SPY for the Irish Republican Army by the Royal Armed Forces for Great Britan.

I was a Pastor serving in Ireland and that was when I got accused of being a SPY.!!!

I've hand milked a cow.

I had my jaw broken (by a doctor)

I once saved my brother from drowning.

Worked with Maranatha building a church overseas.

Was in a special singing group called Maranatha at MBA and we traveled around praising God.

Traveled to Switzerland and found long lost relatives at my Grandfathers home town. He had not been in contact with them for 60 years.

Received an official piece of the Popes' garment given to me by my sincere relatives of Switzerland. ( Being an good SDA I graciously received it.) They thought is was a great honor for them to bestow it on me and felt it would protect me. So ... To this day I figure I must be one of the few SDAs who have received and accepted this "honor".

Well ... I have talked enough about what I've done.

What I look forward to is being a Pastors Spouse. My wife graduates in May with her MDIV. We may be going to a southern state. I will keep you updated. Those of you opposed to Women Pastors ... you can just over look what I say about that.

I have a life long dream of going to Machu Pechu. Not sure I spelled it right but those of you that would appreciate it know what I mean.

I look forward to joining a church where I don't have to be a church board member . I have promised myself and my wife never again to be on a Church Board. That will be heaven.

I look forward to the day when I become a grandfather.

I mostly look forward to seeing Jesus in the clouds to take me home.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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You all have such great things that you have done and things you would like to do. Therefore the few activities I would have listed shall remain unlisted. They are too self centered.

But I really would like to live long enough to experience Jesus' return first hand.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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I will add one more. I don't mean to hog this topic but I was impressed to mention this one.

I was happy with my medical profession but then the pastor of my church who I worked with very closely ... had a crisis.

His wife had a drug addiction problem. The conference brethern in their WISDOM ... thought that a nonhired spouse of the pastor should be above reproach. And so they decided to kick the Pastor out of his job. I pleaded with the Conference President. But he was determined because of a minority Conservative members that made a stink. So ... instead of lovingly supporting this Pastor's spouse ... They kicked them out and then they both left the church.

I was very angry with the SDA church. I also was determined that this kind of sin was just what we needed to HELP others for and not kick them out because of. SO ... I quit my job and got trained to be a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor.

I had never in all of my life tasted even a drop of alcohol . I had never taken any illegal drugs. But there I was working as a Drug Counselor. I was determined. I did not want another spouse to be so ill treated.

At that time ... I had no idea that in a few years ... I would become a Pastor's Spouse. NO IDEA. But I am no longer a Drug Counselor ... I am a Pastor's Spouse. I guess with all the concern I had for the Pastor's Spouse that it was my destiny.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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