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My Cousin


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Don't know if you recall back in November I had you to pray for my cousin JR regarding a cataract surgery situation. That went well and he was waiting to have the other eye operated on when it was discovered that he had a blockage in his heart and this coming Tuesday will undergo a double bypass! :sad

I'm not sure of what brought this heart thing about but please keep JR and his wife Peggy and rest of his family in prayer.



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On top of everything else my cousin has going on, it seems he was involved in some kind of accident and got his big toe cut off! My aunt is hard of hearing and wasn't exactly sure how it happened but he was taken to the sister hospital of the one he was to have his bypass surgery. Also, his cardio doc came by to check him over as well.

Please keep my poor cousin in your prayers. I can't begin to imagine what he is going thru, bless his heart!

Also, I was given the sad news that my last "great" aunt has passed away at age 97. She died peacefully in her sleep. Please keep me in your prayers as I travel to her funeral. I don't much care to drive in bad weather but I must go. Aunt Lottie was always there for our family and it's the least I can do in her honor. She even ventured out to our wedding in an ice storm! She was SUCH a trooper!



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Hi Puddles,

Shall remember your cousin in prayer and certainly pray for safe passage as you travel to your Aunt's memorial service.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Thanks Naomi!

A very quick update. Hubby and I made a safe trip to my aunts funeral. While it was a somber occasion, it was good visiting with family. She had a total of 104 descendants! That's just kids/grandkids/great grandkids and I think even some great greats as well! It's not even counting her nieces and nephews! scared

However, the wonderful news is regarding my cousin JR.

He underwent a heart cath and it was determined he did NOT need a bypass NOR any stents! :E I was SOOO very thankful! Praise the Lord!!!

Now, he can have his food tended to. Found out that the problem with his toe/foot was he had a nasty encounter with a stump grinder! Years ago, he'd already had a nasty accident with a lawnmower and lost the 3 toes in the middle, now he's lost his big toe! Oh just talking about this gives me the willies! crazy Anyways, please pray that he can be treated so he can get home and then set about getting his other cataract removed.

Thank you SOOO much for your prayers on his behalf! I spoke to him today and shared that I'd put him out here for prayer (as well as my local church and some other friends/family) and he said that he was so very appreciative and thankful that folks were praying for him and to please tell all that God still answers our prayers.

And pray for me, my family woes have just about worn me out. stars

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Thanks for the update. ANd, I shall pray for you ... family concerns can be draining.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Wow- great news, Puddles! Glad to hear that the other surgery was not needed!

But no more toe news, okay? It gives me the eebie jeebies as well!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Although if there are no toes left, there's no more news to come, I guess!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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