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Please pray for my brother in law's nephew's wife Michele. She was just diagnosed with leukemia. She has a 10 year old and a 3 year old plus she works full time at a VA medical center as a counselor.

Overall, she is rather upbeat about things. Here is an email I received from my SIL forwarded from Michele:

The most recent test results report that I have Chronic Leukocytic Leukemia. I am in 5% of those diagnosed under age 45. 95% are usually diagnosed over the age of 50. I do tend to be a rare one. I know that God had His hand in getting a diagnosis so early. Many are not diagnosed until they are having real severe symptoms.

I am OK. I have a peace about it all. That can only be God doing that for me. I have to say that I have seen God's hand through it all. Last summer I had some problems that they tried me on birth control pills. I threw up so much they considered me as failing that treatment. If I had not failed treatment, I would not have had the procedure that caused them to do routine labs finding the high white count.

I also believe that God prepared our son for this as his principal just went through the same diagnosis and treatments and is doing really well. Not that I think God gave him or me this diagnosis, but I do believe he uses every circumstance for growth and learning.

I am trusting Him. I believe that I can be a witness to his peace and care through this all. I am not asking "why" as I feel that he has had his hand in this the whole way. How can I ask "why" when I know He's been there the whole time? I've already witnessed to a bunch of people in the last few days and weeks as to how God has worked through it all. That is enough for me to say I'd go through it again a thousand to be able to witness about God's wonderful power . [color:#CC0000]Don't worry about me cause I am trusting God!

I get to walk with my father in the Relay for Life in the Survivor's walk. I am always so emotional and proud of him when he does that. I am humbled to be able to walk among the world's strongest in battle.

I am humbled and thankful for all of the prayers, concern, compassion and outpouring of love that we have already had and will have as we face this together.

I have to see an oncologist next Thursday, 2/1 at 3pm. Dr Cuevas is his name. The only test I am a little scared about possibly having is a bone marrow biopsy. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. I know that Satan will try his best to attack because he knows I am giving God all the glory. Pray for a hedge of protection from the evil one because he isn't getting ANY glory in this! God is good, all the time!!!!!!!!!

When I get to feeling better they will have to peel me from the ceiling. Watch out world!!!!!!

Love and prayers,

Dave and Michele

"All things are possible with God!"

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Father in heaven, please bless and comfort Michele and her family. Please lift the children up so that the fears that they have will be allayed and they will know that Jesus is their comfort in their mother's illness. Thank you for Michele's positive attitude and that she wishes to give glory to you! I pray that she will have extra courage and comfort to continue to be a loving parent for her children. May your purposes and glory be made manifest in this situation. Oh Great Physician, please guide the hearts, hands and minds of the medical staff with your holy angels, so that Michele will have comfort, relief and healing. Thank you that many illnesses are treatable and recovery is possible. Father, thank you for considering our prayer and may the Holy Spirit translate this humble plea into the most beautiful language of heaven, and may we claim the Blood of Christ in this matter. In the Name of our Precious Jesus, thank you! Amen!

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