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My Co-Workers Father


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Please keep my co-worker/friend Beth's father (Mr. Mitchell) in your prayers. He is an elderly gentleman that has problems with reoccurring blood clots in his legs. He can't have blood thinners, they are too hard on his system. He also is a diabetic and from what Beth shared today, he is back in the hospital, even had a mild heart attack while IN the hospital and each time they try to do some sort of cardiac test on him that requires him to fast, his blood sugar drops too low. Beth shared a few months back that she has been expecting "the call" for years that he has passed away but yet he hangs in there and today she said she expected him to make a full recovery.

That is what scares me. What we expect is not always what we end up with. Please pray that God's will be done in Mr. Mitchell's life. And please pray for his family, especially his daughter (my friend) Beth that on that day when she does get "the call", that she can accept it.

I remember when we were waiting to hear about my dad and a small voice said to me "your time for good reports has come to an end" and while I was very deeply saddened, I was glad for the families around me in that waiting room that were still getting "good news" on their loved ones. I was nearly in tears this afternoon while I was talking to Beth. I really despise death and all the pain associated with it and don't wish it on anyone.

Thanks for your prayers.

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Thank you all for your prayers.

Apparently, I was confused as to the type of bypass Mr. Mitchell was to have. I thought he needed a heart bypass. Found out today that it was his leg that had to have the bypass.

Beth said that he already lost 1 leg to diabetes and the surgeons took an artery from the stump and placed it in the other leg from his knee to just above his ankle.

He was in quite a bit of pain but that was to be expected. When I ask what would be done about his heart (afterall he DID suffer a heart attack since he entered the hospital over a week ago), she wasn't sure. The major concern was his "good" leg since the circulation was practically non-existent and he was THIS close to having to have it amputated!

She was grateful for the prayer support. She has an older brother but he doesn't seem to take the interest in his parents like Beth does. Sometimes I get the feeling that Beth feels like she is all alone in taking care of her folks.

Again, thanks for all your prayers!

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Father in heaven, please bless and comfort Beth and Mr. Mitchell. Please lift Beth up so that the apparent burden of isolation she feels will dissipate and she will find courage in the ministry of her friends. I pray that she will have extra courage and comfort when the time comes for her beloved father to lay down his hand and his head. May your purposes and glory be made manifest in this situation. Oh Great Physician, please guide the hearts, hands and minds of the medical staff with your holy angels, so that Mr. Mitchell may find comfort and relief. If healing is not your will, then please fill Beth and Mr. Mitchell with the utmost grace and courage and peace. Father, thank you for considering our prayer and may the Holy Spirit translate this humble plea into the most beautiful language of heaven, and may we claim the Blood of Christ in this matter. In the Name of our Precious Jesus, thank you! Amen!

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Good news!

Spoke to Beth today and she said her father has improved to the point that he even put on his prosthestic leg and with help, walked around his hospital room! This apparently is something that he has not done in some time. PTL!

She went on to say that the leg that received the bypass is also doing well and for the first time in quite a while, feels warm to the touch.

He is still facing the situation with his heart so, please continue to lift him up in prayer.

Thanks so much for your prayers

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It's always good to hear good news! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 1 month later...

We got the sad news this morning about Beth's father dying.

He had been in the hospital for 7 weeks (when I first started this thread) and finally was able to go home and seemed to be doing well.

Yesterday, I received a work-related email from Beth, who ended the email saying her daddy was in the MICU and she was about to cry.

Please keep the Mitchell family in your prayers! Thanks!

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