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Electing Jesus Christ President in 2008


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Isn't it time that the teachings of Christ, teachings that outline the platform of the Government of God, become the centerpiece of the Christian life?

Thomas Jefferson, a Christian of no small repute convinced of Christ's love and the resurrection, stated:

"All the world would be Christian if they were taught the pure Gospel of Christ!"

Final recognition that God's Government as taught by Jesus contains the solutions to all of mankind's problems ought to be the right of Christians everywhere.

Today the United States, a nation whose motto is "In God We Trust", is indeed a world EMPIRE in the classic sense of the phrase. No nation on earth can challenge the military might of the United States at this time. Force rules. The US now possesses the capability to dictate and enforce its beliefs in the capitalistic economy of materialism, and its special brand of wealth-driven two-party democracy, to all countries around the globe. It has already begun doing so, in fact.

Isn't it time that the killing and oppression done in the name of God and Jesus Christ stopped? Isn't it time that Christians, who hold an overwhelming majority in this country, stand up for God and Jesus Christ as God and Jesus Christ stand up for them on a daily basis?

What better way to begin than with a vigorous presidential campaign - as the Party of the Body of Christ on earth - to bring Jesus home and convince the world of the validity of the teachings of our God that we have all largely ignored since Jesus walked the earth among us?

I hereby symbolically toss His Crown of Thorns into the presidential ring.

I challenge all Christians everywhere to step out of the captivity of their religion, to mobilize a grass-roots movement to spread the Good News of the Platform of the Government of God.

Through us, God promises:

* Food on every table

* Clothing on every back

* An end to war and terrorism, complete and real world peace

* Real Universal Health Care

* A truly safe transportation system

* A clean and healthy environment

* A new heart and a new Spirit for all, regardless of life circumstance or place of origin or any other measure created by mankind to distance itself from God

No political party anywhere in the world can match this platform, none can challenge God's mastery and ability to address the actual issues responsible for the destruction mankind has brought upon itself today.

Christians have "talked the talk" for centuries through oppression and wars with one another, now we talk the talk through a veangful war with Muslims who believe in God...

Can we "walk the walk"?

Can we step out and serve mankind and stand for God at last - as Jesus taught us by Words and example to do? The world can only know God through us, WE are the light to THEM.

All religions have failed. We, you and I, are the Children of God.

A vote for anyone other than Jesus Christ is a wasted vote, to not vote for Jesus Christ is a wasted life.

Let's begin work now, let's democratically turn the Empire over to its Rightful King, so that it, in turn, can be turned back to God.

Our God, through Jesus, said:

"Ye shall not see me, until (the time) come when ye shall say, Blessed (is) he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

Organized religion crucified Him to maintain its power over men and women.

Let us shed our religious differences and, by following His plainly spoken teachings, by stepping out the world and into the Kingdom of God, vote for Christ's return for all of mankind.

The instructions are in the Gospels. He lived His ministry as a guide to us today. He said:

"Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

"Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth."

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

"Let your loins be girded about, and (your) lights burning;"

"And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately."

"Blessed (are) those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them." [KJV-Bible - Luke 12:32-37]

A vote for Jesus Christ is a vote for God!


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you make Christianity sound like socialism. grouphug

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Interesting post... however..

CaseyButler said:

Thomas Jefferson, a Christian of no small repute convinced of Christ's love and the resurrection...


"He [Jefferson] was not only a hater of priestcraft and superstition and bigotry and intolerance, he was thought to be indifferent to religion" (History of United States, Vol. v., p. 323). I may be mistaken, but I believe Jefferson was known in his time to be a *FreeThinker* and would not be characterized as a Christian.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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you make Christianity sound like socialism.

Yeah. That's rare around here. Usually it goes the other way.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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As for Mr. Butler's post, the warning of the Senate Committee on Sunday Mails comes to mind:

"The first effort of the kind would be a dangerous innovation upon the spirit of the Consitution."

Religious despotism STARTS with the lofty ideals presented in Mr. Butler's post. But "the catastrophe of other nations" is a solemn warning against taking the first step down that road.


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"He [Jefferson] was not only a hater of priestcraft and superstition and bigotry and intolerance, he was thought to be indifferent to religion" (History of United States, Vol. v., p. 323). I may be mistaken, but I believe Jefferson was known in his time to be a *FreeThinker* and would not be characterized as a Christian.

Hi Rudywoofs,

You, like many Christians who have been misled regarding Jefferson's spirituality, are perhaps a victim of Atheistic revisionist history.

In fact, Jefferson was indeed a devout follower of Christ.

You may have heard of the "Jefferson Bible", actually titled "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth", "Extracted Textually from the Gospels Greek, Latin, French, and English by THOMAS JEFFERSON". Jefferson used this work to share with all the politics of Jesus Christ throughout his life.

This link will take you to a most marvelous and very prophetic letter written by Thomas Jefferson to John Adams in 1823, confirming his love for God and Jesus and anticipating his own resurrection:


Also note that the Declarlation of Independence, written by Jefferson, is a binding covenant with God for the protection of "American" rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As does the Sabbath commandment, the Declaration of Independence, that founding document on which our Constitution and Bill of Rights are constructed, contains the Seal of God, and is actually referenced in Ezekiel Chapter 17.

It is up to us to ask. What better way than to prove our faith by campaigning for the Government of God, meant to bring peace on earth. Jesus' parable of the "Unjust Judge" is our guide to how His return will be initiated:

See: http://www.eyesalve.org/bookmark/showpassage.htm/02ab120371

Jesus Christ is the consumate, the ultimate politician with the answers for all political issues today.

He said He would not return until we ask Him. In fact, He said only WE, those who claim to believe in Him who are also One with the Father, know when that time will be. Though in reality it has always been time, only today can see that mankind will surely destroy itself without God.

His is the winning platform, our church can begin the campaign today!


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As for Mr. Butler's post, the warning of the Senate Committee on Sunday Mails comes to mind:

"The first effort of the kind would be a dangerous innovation upon the spirit of the Consitution."

Religious despotism STARTS with the lofty ideals presented in Mr. Butler's post. But "the catastrophe of other nations" is a solemn warning against taking the first step down that road.


Religion, believing oneself to be more loved by God than another, is the root of all evil,

I said: Religion has failed. It has brought nothing but violence and selfishness to the earth.

I'm not talking about religion of any kind.

I'm talking about campaigning for Jesus Christ and His political platform for humankind under God.

No Man is better known as completely ethical. He is the very definition of integrity. He is a natural leader that all will hear, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, etc.


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