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Report: Pentagon Has 3-Day Plan to Knock Out Iran's Military


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qualifications, as i understand them, are personal. one cannot use one's father's accomplishments on a resumé or job appication

President Bush does what he believes is right and is not swayed by public opinion of him. That is a rock, my friends. Agree or disagree, I can respect a man like that.

That is not the kind of man I can respect - a closed-minded hard-head! :)

i like a person who is willing to learn, even, as Jesus said, from a seven year old child.

President Bush is not a good speaker because he comes across as a closed-minded hard-head telling us idiots listening to him whatever. why does he want us to believe we are idiots? - he is not thinking about how he comes across - and that is not the only thing he is not thinking about that he should be thinking about! Anyway I'm glad it is not my job to govern these United State - but come to think of it would i do worse!? (;-)

The type of person who insanely desires to be president - is that a type i can respect? i wonder. somebody has to do it, though. could we imagine a new way to choose a president? one that does not allow campaining and running for office? perhaps some way to draft a president?

i'm wandering off topic....


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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The legacy...

"Attacking Iraq was a wise event compared to what GWB did with Iran" - CNN Dec 2010

Good prognostication, Stan. [That is, if we're even HERE in 2010!]

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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qualifications, as i understand them, are personal. one cannot use one's father's accomplishments on a resumé or job application

This is incorrect. Often times I see family business like Hernandez Plumbing or Johnson's Bakery and under the name of the business it will say something like 'Since 1932'. Well I know the plumber or baker now running the business hasn't been doing it since 1932 BUT THEIR FAMILY HAS! Part of their qualifications comes from the family they belong to. Often times during a job interview one will be asked what their father did for a living, at least I have been asked that more than once. I have also been asked why I chose this career. A lot of things go into a person's qualifications and this President's qualifications are in the same category as his father's and F.D. Roosevelt's were. Of course both of them were war-time Presidents too.

he comes across as a closed-minded hard-head telling us idiots listening to him whatever.

That is one perspective but not necessarily fact. People that are open-minded are often characterized as being wishy-washy and those that are principled are often characterized as being hard-headed. However such characterization are often not fare. I certainly cannot make a judgment on someone I only know from news reports. I would have to know someone personally before I could pronounce such a judgment on their character.

The type of person who insanely desires to be president - is that a type i can respect?

This certainly does not describe President Bush. I will never forget election night 2000. President Bush was sitting with some family members where they had been watching the returns. He had been declared the winner and Gore had called him conceding. Then the numbers started to change and Gore had called back. Then Gore had been declared the winner. The reporter made a snide remark like "I guess this things are all over for you" and then followed that remark with a question. President Bush answered the question and before the reporter could ask another Bush stopped him and said he wanted to respond to his remark. Bush quite elequantly stated that if he didn't win, life would not be over for him. He clearly stated that his self-image does not depend on winning elections. He stated that if he was meant to be President things would fall his way but if he is to go another direction in life than things would fall the other way. I was so impressed with a man that had peace with himself and where he was at. I think that moment is when George W Bush really won my respect. President Bush is no respecter of persons and that is really something that has shown through. He is a down to earth guy that prefers meatloaf to caviar and clears brush on his Texas ranch for vacation. He is not worried about his earthly legacy. He is much more concerned about what is recorded in heaven's books about him. I fully expect to be seeing him in Eternity.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I just hope we can survive the next 16 months until we get someone competent in the oval office. :(

Do you see anyone among the candidates that looks capable? Dream on!!!


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Do you see anyone among the candidates that looks capable? Dream on!!!


LOL..... I hear you but I do think on the Republican side Huckerby would do a competent job. I don't agree with his politics but he presents as honest, and capable. I think Romney is capable but perhaps a bit "shifty". There's something about McCain that seems a bit "unhinged" but he would be competent.

Clinton, Obama, Edwards I feel would all be competent too!

This current president has been notable in the challenges he has had to lead effectively and to maintain credibility!


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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