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letter to an ExWitch

rudywoofs (Pam)

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This morning I got an email from Mike Jones (VOP), who has been working to bring former SDA's back into church. He had an email from a former witch who has apparently just recently turned back to God and Jesus. Here is his email (name deleted):

To: mjones

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 7:43 PM

Subject: like more info please

I was also a witch. I have now given my life to Jesus. However i am falling fast. I know God and Jesus are real however, the devil has not how should i say? happy with my choosing. i have been attacked in spirit and people have also seen and herd me be attacked in body. did any of you have this? i feel like there is no protection. though praying works and fast it comes back fast. i would like to talk to you about your exp. with turning to god from witchcraft. thank you JXXXXXX

Mike asked me to write a response to this fellow (yes, there ARE male witches) The following is what I wrote this morning. In writing this, it occurred to me that, while I can stand fairly strong for others, I'm not good at defending myself - from the devil OR from bullying people. I thank those in particular here in THIS forum for being MY friends and not giving up on me.

The other thing that hit me is the stupid arguing and sniping here in the forum that has been going on lately. I would be embarrassed to refer this exwitch to the forum as it now stands, because there is still an undercurrent of backbiting and false platitudes emanating from the background in a number of areas here, with little or no moderating. He doesn't need to be subjected to that. IMHO

Anyway, here is the response I gave Mike to send:


How long were you a witch? What path did you take? (Wiccan, neoDruidism, hedgewitch, LHP, etc) The type of witchcraft and Magick that you participated in makes a difference in some cases. Which goddess/god did you follow? Some are more powerful than others.

The devil will not give you up easily. At every turn you will most likely find him there, sometimes obvious, but more often not. Have you kept any of your things you used in Magick? If you have, my advice is to THROW THEM AWAY. Some Christian exwitches have kept some of their things as "props" to show people when giving talks about witchcraft.. That's not a good idea. Throw away the books, the cauldron, the anthame, the candles, the runes, everything. If they reappear (as they did to me), gather them up and throw them away or, better yet, burn them. If you celebrated the sabbats, then at certain times of the year you WILL remember the old ways (yes, I know. Imbolc is approaching).....keep in mind that you are now on a NEW way...a BETTER way. You are hand in hand with God Himself.

Listen to me. It was most likely not the devil himself who attacked you.....more likely, it was one or more of his minions. I call them "critters"... What gives them strength is your fear. Remember the Bible says, Perfect Love casts out fear. The stronger your fear of them, the stronger hold they can have on you. Get around people who care about you and love you. One more thing, why did you go into witchcraft in the first place? That can have a real bearing on how you react to situations. Was it because of anger, loneliness, loss of a sense of power or control?

It's almost been three years since I was baptized, and I STILL get attacked....I (and you) might hear voices or feel something on your skin that isn't there, or see things that ARE there that shouldn't be. Call on JESUS, and SAY IT OUTLOUD!!!!! The devil and his minions can NOT stay where the name of Jesus is spoken.

My best solution, if you can call it that, (aside from prayer) is to have other, very strong Christians, as your friends. Do not associate with anyone who still walks the path of Magick, particularly the LHP. At some point in the future, you will be strong enough to witness to your old pagan friends. But for now, keep clear of them....It will be hard, because most likely your best friends are also pagan, and probably witches. I have found very few witches who are interested in forcing someone to stay in witchcraft/Magick, but there are some who like to "play" with former witches by bullying them into using Magick again, such as casting a protective circle around yourself.....instead of casting it yourself, ASK FOR GOD'S PROTECTIVE CIRCLE. Where do you think the idea of hedges of protection came from that Satan uses? He stole it from God...just as he has stolen everything else that was holy and good and turned it in to evil and wickedness.

Don't try to combine Magick and Christianity. It doesn't work, despite the affirmations of those who try that. They call themselves Christian witches. **snort** There are no such things as Christian witches. Light cannot exist with Darkness. Don't let anyone fool you in THAT area.

It sounds like you are getting very discouraged. Tell Jesus about it. And tell those critters to go away and leave you alone! I know it is hard to give up some things in witchcraft. The Magick gives you power and control, but remember it is FALSE power - it is coming from Satan. It gives you a rush of power and it IS hard to let go.

Really, I think the most important things are: PRAYING, READ THE BIBLE, STAY AWAY FROM PAGAN INFLUENCES, AND SURROUND YOURSELF WITH STRONG CHRISTIAN FRIENDS. Yes, the devil and his critters will keep up the battle for you... Remember they have a LOT of experience, but Jesus can trump them EVERY time, even though it doesn't seem like it at the time -- like when you call out for help and it doesn't seem like God or ANYONE is listening or answering. But They are. Patience, JXXXXXX. God is not a "miracle in a bottle".....things are done in HIS time, not ours. That's why it's so important to have good friends, people who you can talk to and who understand you need support. Don't expect them all to understand Magick and witchcraft. Most people keep their heads in the sand about that. They do that because they are frightened.

It is a hard path to walk, going from the Dark Side to the Light. I still stumble repeated on my path to the cross. And I stumble a lot. You have chosen God, just as I have. The devil isn't happy about it. But luckily, God picks us up, brushes us off, and keeps walking with us, giving us strength and courage.

Just remember, you CAN make it because you have GOD on your side!!!!!!!

Addendum: it is extremely difficult for me to write about magick and witchcraft right now. As JXXXXXX is being attacked, so am I.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Pam ... I read each and every word and was very impressed. I think it was beautiful. You can speak and witness so well because of the path you have been on. Praise God for you and your help to others.

Pam ... we all stumble and have to pick up ourselves and do it all over again. You are not alone. And yes ... it is easier to teach than to do. You may need to read your own testimony to this person a time or two to keep yourself on the right path.

Consider the attack of the Devil on your right now as a badge of honor. Why is he working SO hard on you? Duh ... you are valuable. Your witness as a Christian as seen in this letter is HUGE in the War. Satan can NOT allow your witness. I would expect even more attacks from him after what you have done with this letter.

Like you say .... when in need ... GO to you FRIENDS who can support you. And know that those who help you are just as blessed as you are ... because it is more blessed to give than to receive.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Being bored today, and looking around for things to do, I saw this thread.....

I have to say, Pam, you done good...so far...and it is impressive...

Stay close to Jesus, lot's of prayer, and my wishes go well with you....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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When you see an ad like that slip through report it to Stan immediately. It is very difficult to control what Google advertises sometimes. I have reported a couple and Stan has had them deleted immediately.

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Guest truthseeker007

Hey i got some problems too, but don t get confused. It is really easy to get safe. Just realize who God is and who the devil is and trust in Jesus, knowing that if you call his name, you will be safe. It worked for me, the only reason that the devil has some power, is because God allows it.

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