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William G. Johnson on Adventists and Muslims


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Adventists and Muslims: Five Convictions

How to build on what we have in common

By William G. Johnsson

Three years ago General Conference president Jan Paulsen asked me to work on developing interfaith relations with leaders of the world’s religions. With Adventists numbering some 17 million in more than 200 countries, it makes sense—indeed, our mission demands—that we make efforts to understand people of other faiths, so that we may share with them our values and hope in the return of Jesus.

During these three years I have focused on making contacts with leaders of Islam. Slowly, steadily, several convictions have taken deep root in my psyche.

Building Blocks

First, the Lord is preparing the Muslim world for His second coming.

Several months ago I received a message totally outside my previous frame of reference: a spiritual leader of many thousands of Muslims in several countries, a sheikh, stated that God had given him a vision about Adventists. He had made contact with lay Adventists; now he was asking to meet with leaders from the General Conference. What to make of such a request?

After consultation with Pastor Paulsen and others it was decided that a few of us from headquarters should follow up, with a view to entering into serious discussions if they should seem warranted. In preparation for this meeting, I made an advance trip to get acquainted with the sheikh. The nine hours I spent with him, spread over two days, were, to say the least, memorable.

For our initial time together the sheikh invited me to his home. From the first moments we established an easy, friendly relationship. Muslims quickly size up a person. If they find that he or she is honest and genuine, the respond in kind.

With just the two of us sitting together in his sitting room, almost immediately he put a question to me point-blank:

“Do you believe in the second coming of Jesus?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“When do you think Jesus will come?”


“Yes, but how soon?”

“Soon. We Adventists do not try to set a date for the Second Coming, but we think it will be soon.”

“Do you think Jesus will come during this century?”

“I don’t know. Jesus may come much sooner than many people, Adventists included, expect.”

“I believe that Jesus will come during this century,” he said. “In the holy writings I find a series of signs that indicate when He is to come, and almost all the signs have been fulfilled already.”

Then for a couple hours we sat and talked about the return of Jesus. Here was someone who not only believes in the Second Coming, but believes with a passion. The sheikh views the world today to be in a terrible mess and getting worse; only the return of Jesus can make matters right.

The following day the sheikh and I met to consider what topic should form the basis for the discussions with the larger group. Almost immediately we settled on the Second Coming. We decided to ask each side to prepare short papers on the general topic of Jesus’ return, on the signs of the Second Coming, and on the antichrist. Then came the moment I had been waiting for. “Sir,” I asked, “is it true that you received a vision about Seventh-day Adventists?”

“Not one, but three,” he replied. “All three had the same message: Seventh-day Adventists are the true People of the Book [a term from the Koran, designating followers of Allah who are not Muslims]. Adventists already are God’s people, so do not try to convert them. Instead, work with them.”

Several weeks later the larger meeting convened. Once again the sheikh opened his home for our initial time together. The hospitality and friendliness were unsurpassed as we partook of a lavish banquet. When we turned to the papers that had been prepared, the level of interest was intense, the Muslims hanging on every word from their Adventist guests. The eagerness and sense of expectancy were palpable through that evening and again the following day.

Several months have passed since we met with the Muslims. I am still processing the event, trying to figure out what it means, what the Lord may have in mind for His church. It was an extraordinary happening. The eagerness to learn more, the fervent belief that Jesus is coming again soon—I could only wish to find such a spirit among my Adventist brothers and sisters.

Yes, there are major differences in understanding concerning the return of Jesus. But the basic, essential fact remains: large numbers of Muslims are looking for Jesus to come—and soon.

What We Have in Common

I turn now to a second conviction: Seventh-day Adventists are uniquely positioned to bring the gospel to Muslims.

Adventists have the following advantages over other Christians in taking the good news to Muslims:

The place of the Scriptures. We base our practices and beliefs on the Bible and the Bible alone. This devotion and loyalty to the revealed Word impresses Muslims, who look to the Koran as God’s revelation.

Lifestyle. Our abstinence from pork and alcohol comes as a welcome surprise to Muslims, who are not used to associating Christians with these practices. This means that Adventists and Muslims can enjoy table fellowship without apprehension—an important factor in establishing basic relationships. Beyond these practices, the Adventist emphasis on simplicity and modesty resonates with sincere Muslims, whose religion is a 24/7 matter.

Concern with the last days. The ideas of the last judgment, the second coming of Jesus, and the resurrection play a prominent role in Islamic thought. For serious Muslims all of life is lived with a view to one’s standing in the final judgment. Their teachings differ from ours in important respects, but the key ideas in common present an opportunity for Adventists to present instruction that will enlighten their understanding.

The Sabbath. The Koran mentions the Sabbath, and in a positive light; it makes no mention of the first day of the week as a day of worship. Our observance of the Sabbath, enshrined in our very name, sets us apart as a people obedient to divine revelation.

Cosmic conflict. Muslims understand events on this earth against the backdrop of a cosmic struggle between good and evil, in which Iblis—Satan—and evil beings play a major role. This broad framework has obvious parallels—along with significant differences—with the Adventist understanding of the great controversy betweenChrist and Satan.

Creation. Both Muslims and Adventists believe in the doctrine of creation and reject the theory of evolution.

Health. Muslims have a keen interest in health and healthful living. Adventists and Muslims enter into easy partnerships to improve the quality of life. In the Middle East, Adventists operated a series of hospitals and clinics in Muslim countries, while Loma Linda University and Medical Center has an ongoing relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan .

Relation to Israel . The fact that as a church Adventists refuse to be identified with any geopolitical lobby is a huge plus in the Muslim world. We are not part of a pro-Israel lobby: we believe in justice for all peoples, Israelis and Palestinians alike.

A reform movement. We understand our message to be not a new one but a return to the teachings of the Bible. We are completing the partially realized reformation begun by Luther, Calvin, and the other stalwarts of yesteryear. Muslims also consider themselves to be part of a work of reformation.

These nine features uniquely position Adventists to establish relations with Muslims at all levels and to advance our divinely appointed mission of taking the gospel to the whole world. But we are not well known in the Islamic world; indeed, we are hardly known at all. When Muslims hear of Christians, they immediately think of pork-eating, alcohol-imbibing, loose-living men and women who side with Israel .

A major task with which we must grapple is to educate Muslims as to who we are and what we stand for. When that is done, attitudes change from disbelief to amazement, to appreciation, to warm acceptance.

In meeting Muslim leaders, I emphasize from the outset that I prefer to be known as an Adventist rather than as a Christian. For Muslims the name “Christian” carries such negative associations—associations that do not belong with Seventh-day Adventists—that I would rather avoid the term. And “Adventist” captures well the driving pulse of who we are—our hope in Jesus’ return and sense of divine calling to tell it to the world.


John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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The Role of Prophecy

The third conviction arises directly out of the second conviction: prophecy can be a valuable approach to arouse the interest of Muslims.

This has been the case with the sheikh and his colleagues. While the first contact with the Muslims came about through a spontaneous act of kindness by an Adventist lay member, the subsequent interest developed as that individual shared Bible prophecies, first in the home of the Muslims he had helped, and later—at the sheikh’s invitation—in the mosque.

In the mosque the first night, the Adventist stressed the importance of prophecy for all the world, including Islam. He explained why we Seventh-day Adventists have an understanding that the rest of the world does not. As he shared prophecies of the Bible that first night, the Muslims responded without reservation. In subsequent presentations he followed the conventional path, starting with Daniel 2 and eventually working through that book and into Revelation.

Prophecy is important in Muslim conversations because it brings credibility to the Bible. Although the Koran points to the Bible, mainstream Islam holds that it is corrupted and largely ignores it.

Beware Prejudice

A fourth conviction concerns changes that need to be made among Adventists: while the Lord has entrusted us with a message and lifestyle that have great appeal to Muslims, we ourselves must undergo significant renewal in our attitudes and spiritual lives if the Lord is to use us as He intends.

Muslims in the West suffer widespread prejudice. Adventists inevitably are affected by the prevailing sentiments and an all-pervasive media. The result is that pastors and members in general feel no burden to work for Muslims; furthermore, Adventist congregations are not ready to welcome Muslims into their midst. Indeed, some Adventists have prepared books and DVDs that paint Islam in strongly negative strokes.

Among the negative stereotypes and myths about Muslims to which our people are subject are the following:

Islam is a violent religion, and most Muslims are therefore prone to violence. Islam has a violent element, just as can be found in other faiths. This element, however, represents only a small percentage of Muslims. The Gallup organization conducted a massive worldwide survey of Muslims, interviewing some 30,000 people. The results showed that 93 percent of Muslims reject violence.

“Allah” is the name of a pagan deity. This myth is quickly disproved by a study of etymology. “Allah” is simply the Arabic term for God, was so used by Arab Christians before Muhammad, and is still so used. Because Islam arose among Arabs and the Koran is written in Arabic, inevitably the name “Allah” was adopted to designate God.

Because of their high birthrates, Muslims soon will outnumber Christians, becoming the majority religion in several countries of Europe . A DVD circulating widely has scared some Adventists, who have accepted its ideas uncritically. In effect, the DVD portrays a nonviolent takeover of the West by Muslims whose large families before long overwhelm the culture. Despite the graphic presentation, the argument is flawed. It cherry-picks the data; it makes unwarranted assumptions; it ignores evidence that runs counter to its thesis.

Ready for Renewal

The final conviction is perhaps the most surprising of all: taking seriously the mission to Islam has the potential to renew and reform the Adventist Church .

I am still haunted by the sheikh’s passion concerning the Second Coming and his sense of its imminence. I wonder: Is God sending a wake-up call to His Adventist people?

Adventist outreach to Muslims will come about only when we humble ourselves, allowing the Lord to soften our hearts and break down prejudices. The Lord must put within us a deep love for Muslims and a burning desire to see them join us on the road to the kingdom. He must make our churches warm, open, and accepting of Muslims. Only He can do that. Such changes will mean an Adventist Church revived and reformed.

My experience with Muslims is short, but already I have witnessed the transforming power of love. The encounter with the sheikh that has progressed at such a surprising pace was rooted in a generous act by an Adventist who transparently reflects love and goodwill. I have observed that Muslims quickly size up a person, and if they find that he or she is honest and genuine, they respond in kind.

In recent months I have become acquainted with an Adventist businesswoman who bears a burden for work with Muslims. This was not always the case; in fact, she grew up disliking Muslims, but the Lord changed her heart. She confided to me that previously she wore expensive jewelry, but as she began to be involved with Muslims, with their emphasis on modesty, she felt she must remove the jewelry, eventually disposing of it.

Here, perhaps, is a parable of what could happen on a large scale as Adventists reach out to Muslims.

William G. Johnsson is assistant to the General Conference president for interfaith relations.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Another aspect (alluded to above) where we have an advantage over other Christian Religions is our views of Religious Liberty and freedom of conscience. The freedom to worship according to the dictates of conscience. Too many Christian churches have turned salvation into "Say the magic words about Jesus and be saved." and have a spirit that unless the person becomes a traditional Christian, especially of their persuasion they would be too quick to write them off as demonomic.

While we love our faith, we also respect non-Adventists. While we want to share our faith, we also encourage Baptists to be the best Baptists they can be, Methodists to be the best Methodists they can be. We were on very good terms with Rabbi Abrahan Joshua Heshel. We would be able to encourage even if they don't end up saying the politically correct terms about Jesus or actually join us.

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On the other hand, central to our understanding of God,the Creator,the Messiah,the Judge,is Jesus.Jesus claimed to be equal with God,His Only Son,Divine. Are we prepared to lead the Muslim over that bridge? Will the Muslim accept John 3:16 or the NT testimony of who Jesus was?

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doug, very good questions! I have had a few well educated Muslims as friends over the years and the questions you present are what I was faced with too. I asked them if Mohammad believed that Jesus was a true prophet and they said yes. I then asked them if a true prophet would lie and they said no. I then presented them with the problem of what Jesus said who He was, and if Jesus was not the Son of God, then He would have been lying. I did not push the issue, but it did cause some consternation for a while.

And thanks John317 for your post. I really enjoyed it.

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On the other hand, central to our understanding of God, the Creator, the Messiah, the Judge, is Jesus. Jesus claimed to be equal with God, His Only Son, Divine. Are we prepared to lead the Muslim over that bridge? Will the Muslim accept John 3:16 or the NT testimony of who Jesus was?


What do you mean by Son?? Do you mean that God and Mary had a clear sexual act and created a son called Jesus?? I think not! Because the Arabic word normally used for Son CLEARLY has those implications, it's very difficult for Muslims to use that terminology... even for ones who have clearly been Christians for years! But if we don't fight on that semantic area, if we start with the things we have in common, and lead them gently to a fuller understanding - they're very open!!!

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Originally Posted By: doug yowell
On the other hand, central to our understanding of God, the Creator, the Messiah, the Judge, is Jesus. Jesus claimed to be equal with God, His Only Son, Divine. Are we prepared to lead the Muslim over that bridge? Will the Muslim accept John 3:16 or the NT testimony of who Jesus was?


What do you mean by Son?? Do you mean that God and Mary had a clear sexual act and created a son called Jesus?? I think not! Because the Arabic word normally used for Son CLEARLY has those implications, it's very difficult for Muslims to use that terminology... even for ones who have clearly been Christians for years! But if we don't fight on that semantic area, if we start with the things we have in common, and lead them gently to a fuller understanding - they're very open!!!

That would be good. Would they have a problem grasping the concept of a virgin birth?
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What do you mean by Son?? Do you mean that God and Mary had a clear sexual act and created a son called Jesus?? I think not! Because the Arabic word normally used for Son CLEARLY has those implications, it's very difficult for Muslims to use that terminology... even for ones who have clearly been Christians for years! But if we don't fight on that semantic area, if we start with the things we have in common, and lead them gently to a fuller understanding - they're very open!!!

Instead of "Son" could one say "Child."? They must have a concept of family members I would think that would be similar to how we conceive (pardon the pun) of "son." For us, as well, "son" normally conveys the implication of a sexual act. Indeed, there's only been one exception to this rule, right?

(I'm not trying to argue here, just understand your point better.)

Christ exalted the character of God, attributing to him the praise, and giving to him the credit, of the whole purpose of his own mission on earth,--to set men right through the revelation of God.

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Muslims already believe in the virgin birth and they already believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus.

BTW click here for the link to the OP article.


in Christ,


I looked in the OP and couldn't find any allusion to the virgin birth,Bob. Did I miss something? WGJ doesn't seem to include it as a commonality.I also don't entirely buy the argument that Muslims are somehow discriminated against in the West and that Islam is really a religion that does not believe in violence. WGJ's comment to the effect that all religions have a violent element to them is disingenious. I have known several people who have lived in Islamic countries or cultures (like the Phillipines) and they would laugh anyone who postulated that idea to them out of town. Anyone who believes in the rule of Sharia(??) law cannot,by definition, be said to reject violence.Still,the real question is how can we reach those, in that culture, for Christ?
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As for Islam and the Virgin Mary - too many sources to list all of them for that old and established fact.

Try this simple one:


And here is another easy one for the second coming. Though there are many more -


And now - on with some related items

CT today report on survey of almost 1000 muslims coming to Christ



“As with Paul and Cornelius in Acts, visions and dreams played a role in the conversion of many. More than one in four respondents, 27 percent, noted dreams and visions before their decision for Christ, 40 percent at the time of conversion, and 45 percent afterward.”

“Between 1991 and 2007, about 750 Muslims who have decided to follow Christ filled out an extensive questionnaire on that basic question. The respondents—from 30 countries and 50 ethnic groups—represent every major region of the Muslim world. (Copies of the questionnaire are available from dudley@fuller.edu.) The participants ranked the relative importance of different influences and whether they occurred before, at the time of, or after their decision to follow Christ. While the survey, prepared at Fuller Theological Seminary's School of Intercultural Studies, does not claim scientific precision, it provides a glimpse into some of the key means the Spirit of God is using to open Muslim hearts to the gospel.”

Another site reports 15,000 Muslims in France convert to Christianity each year –


“Terrific news from France, except for the many who need to go into hiding in fear of the mainstream Muslim acceptance of Islam's death penalty for converts:

<BLOCKQUOTEMuslims are converting to Christianity in their thousands in France but face exclusion from their families and even death threats.

Most Muslims hide their conversion and Protestant ministers do their utmost to protect new converts. It is estimated that every year in the world some six million Muslims convert to Christianity.

The Muezzin call to prayer. But here in France it is no longer reaching all Muslim ears.

Around 15,000 Muslims each year are converting to Christianity - around 10,000 to Catholicism and 5,000 to Protestantism....

Many Muslims in France hide their conversion but the trend is continuing. World wide around six million Muslims a year convert to Christianity.


Al Jazeera – “6 Million African Muslims convert to Christianity each year” (May 6, 2006 report)


Key segment of Interview on video tape –


Same Video here


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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On the other hand, central to our understanding of God,the Creator,the Messiah,the Judge,is Jesus.Jesus claimed to be equal with God,His Only Son,Divine. Are we prepared to lead the Muslim over that bridge? Will the Muslim accept John 3:16 or the NT testimony of who Jesus was?

Yes, this is central to OUR understanding, and yes we do have more light and more knowlege of the truth is indeed an advantage. But remember, we are not saved by our works. We are not saved by being able to give the correct vocabulary about Jesus, we are not saved by saying the magic words about Jesus, we are not saved by being able to give a history lesson about the cross. We are saved by who Jesus is and what he did for us on the cross, whether we understand it or not, whether we have heard about it or not. It is the name / or CHARACTER of Jesus that saves us. Who he is. Responding to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit points us to Jesus and it causes us to become like Jesus, to pray for the same types of things that Jesus prayed for, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to love the world as Jesus has loved it. If my Muslim friend does not understand your above quote, don't worry, Jesus can explain it to them in heaven.

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Instead of "Son" could one say "Child."? They must have a concept of family members I would think that would be similar to how we conceive (pardon the pun) of "son." For us, as well, "son" normally conveys the implication of a sexual act. Indeed, there's only been one exception to this rule, right?

(I'm not trying to argue here, just understand your point better.)

Yes, there IS another word - in fact as I understand, all people (or at least believers) are called children of God with that word. But it's not nearly as common a word or something. Unfortunately, I don't know as much about that...

Personally, I would say that our word "son" doesn't carry nearly as clear an implication (I've heard about this directly from Arabic-speaking Adventists)... We can use it quite loosely in many situations besides sexual progeny.

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Muslims already believe in the virgin birth and they already believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus.

The virgin birth of Jesus is an extremely clear teaching in the Quran, and I think you would be quite hard-put to find any "mainstream" Muslims who do not believe it very strongly.

They also clearly believe that Jesus will return again at the last days. The details within their traditions of course aren't the same as ours (how many other Christians are either??). But it's there.

Actually, the Great Controversy theme is much easier to find and demonstrate from the Quran than from the Bible!!! Well, it's more explicit, at least! I believe Dr Jon Dybdahl has made an in-depth study of this already, and found lots of neat stuff!!! Of course, not all their traditions show this - just like many Christians don't see it in the Bible either...

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I ... don't entirely buy the argument that Muslims are somehow discriminated against in the West and that Islam is really a religion that does not believe in violence. WGJ's comment to the effect that all religions have a violent element to them is disingenious. I have known several people who have lived in Islamic countries or cultures (like the Phillipines) and they would laugh anyone who postulated that idea to them out of town. Anyone who believes in the rule of Sharia(??) law cannot, by definition, be said to reject violence. Still,the real question is how can we reach those, in that culture, for Christ?

Then, by definition, the Israelites had a violent religion too!!!

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Originally Posted By: doug yowell
Anyone who believes in the rule of Sharia(??) law cannot, by definition, be said to reject violence. Still,the real question is how can we reach those, in that culture, for Christ?

Then, by definition, the Israelites had a violent religion too!!!

While I disagree with you in your assertion above, Esther, I'm wondering what it would have to do with ministering to Muslims, even if it were true?

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Originally Posted By: Esther
Then, by definition, the Israelites had a violent religion too...

While I disagree with you in your assertion above, Esther, I'm wondering what it would have to do with ministering to Muslims, even if it were true?

Because there are so many misconceptions of what Muslims are all about, and in ministry to them, many Christians use a method of debate, attack, etc that creates more walls than bridges... I have a good number of friends (not acquaintances) who are Muslims from a very wide spectrum of countries and also a very wide socioeconomic spectrum, and I'm dismayed at what people think is the norm in Islamic cultures... And those who believe those misconceptions are so afraid of Muslims that they either completely stay away from them, or if they meet them, their attitude doesn't help bring them any closer to the good news of God's Kingdom!!!

Does that make sense??

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Originally Posted By: Esther
Then, by definition, the Israelites had a violent religion too...

Because there are so many misconceptions of what Muslims are all about....

Does that make sense??

Yes it makes sense, but I still don't see what it has to do with Israelites.

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Originally Posted By: BobRyan
Muslims already believe in the virgin birth and they already believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus.

The virgin birth of Jesus is an extremely clear teaching in the Quran, and I think you would be quite hard-put to find any "mainstream" Muslims who do not believe it very strongly.

They also clearly believe that Jesus will return again at the last days. The details within their traditions of course aren't the same as ours (how many other Christians are either??). But it's there.

Actually, the Great Controversy theme is much easier to find and demonstrate from the Quran than from the Bible!!! Well, it's more explicit, at least! I believe Dr Jon Dybdahl has made an in-depth study of this already, and found lots of neat stuff!!! Of course, not all their traditions show this - just like many Christians don't see it in the Bible either...

So, Esther, why don't you become a Muslim?

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Yes it makes sense, but I still don't see what it has to do with Israelites.

What was point the original poster I was replying to making???

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So, Esther, why don't you become a Muslim?

I hope that was said with a smile! :)

I could say many similar things about other denominations in Christianity, even Catholics... but I doubt you'd ask me why I didn't become one...

My main point is that Muslims are much more similar to us than many would have us believe! Theologically, we're much closer to them than we are to Jews... And I think that having that kind of understanding makes it much easier to reach out to them and bring them into the deeper understandings we have!

I think that for me, living among other religions (Shinto, Buddhist, Muslim, etc) and other forms of Christianity has only made me realize how much I really appreciate our deep understanding of God - and want to share it in a way that they can easily be receptive to it. I have to start where they are - not make assumptions... So it takes time to learn just where they are and what they believe... Not so that I can also believe that, but so that it's much easier to see where they are susceptible to further light!

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My main point is that Muslims are much more similar to us than many would have us believe! Theologically, we're much closer to them than we are to Jews... And I think that having that kind of understanding makes it much easier to reach out to them and bring them into the deeper understandings we have!

Christians ARE spiritual Jews. How can we be closer to Muslims than to Jews spiritually?

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Originally Posted By: Esther

My main point is that Muslims are much more similar to us than many would have us believe! Theologically, we're much closer to them than we are to Jews... And I think that having that kind of understanding makes it much easier to reach out to them and bring them into the deeper understandings we have!

Christians ARE spiritual Jews. How can we be closer to Muslims than to Jews spiritually?

Kinda wondering that myself...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Originally Posted By: doug yowell
I ... don't entirely buy the argument that Muslims are somehow discriminated against in the West and that Islam is really a religion that does not believe in violence. WGJ's comment to the effect that all religions have a violent element to them is disingenious. I have known several people who have lived in Islamic countries or cultures (like the Phillipines) and they would laugh anyone who postulated that idea to them out of town. Anyone who believes in the rule of Sharia(??) law cannot, by definition, be said to reject violence. Still,the real question is how can we reach those, in that culture, for Christ?

Then, by definition, the Israelites had a violent religion too!!!

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